winchester 1897 heat shield bayonet lug
Let us know what topics you would be interested: 2023 GunMag Warehouse. Best to have licensed gunsmith install as modifications to firearm may be needed.6 ROW 29 HOLE HEAT SHIELD RIVETED TO THE TYPE W BAYONET ATTACHMENT WITH 6 STEEL RIVETS. QW reserves the right to withdraw prior to sale any lot listed in this catalog, in whole or in part, and may do so at any time up to the moment of sale and at its sole and final discretion. REPAIRING YOUR OWN 1897? WWI guns have a thinner wrist and a higher comb. If you reside in an EU member state besides UK, import VAT on this purchase is not recoverable. The muzzle should be roughly even with the front of the bayonet lug. Winchester Model 1897 12gauge Shotgun Trench gun IMHO the model 12 makes a better trench gun. When finished these are an excellent representation of the original factory guns, ready for display or use. Canfield is well-known for his seemingly encyclopedic firearms knowledge, and he is a trustworthy source. Is this true? With All the things that are allowed to the 1911s that make them far from the basic gun of the day. Nor, would I expect, that they really cared that you created the replica trench gun. UNLESS someone complains, I have never had the oppotunity to call anyone anyway. Finally I got an explanation. Furthermore, the auctioneer and QW may, at their sole and final discretion, reject bids issued by any bidder considered not in good credit standing with QW, or any bids issued by individuals determined to be acting in contradiction to legitimate and established auction practices and law. My 1897 is a takedown model with a full choke 36 barrel. WebHere is an exact replica of the factory Winchester 1897 and 1912 Head Shields that were issued from World War I up until Vietnam. The gun was made in 1918, and the bayonet lug & heat shield on it were made no earlier than 1942 mis-matched parts. Adding a heat shield to a shotgun that did NOT come from the factory with one would be an External Modification. Probably not any slower than reloading a pump gun, but only having two rounds rendered them less effective than they might have been. 555). Buying firearms and related items for other people can result in felony charges. The Winchester 1897 Trench Gun is legendary. In addition, QW retains the right to withhold all existing payments made by and property sold to any purchaser in default until complete and satisfactory resolution of default as determined by QW. When US authorities declined to withdraw the guns from service, the Germans announced that they would summarily execute any American soldier caught with a trench shotgun (there were other models too, like the Winchester Model 12 and Remington Model 10, but since this article is about the 1897). Unable to retrieve AutoCheck Summary Report, please try back later. We can fit them but will charge to do it at our standard $75/hour minimum shop rate. If your sling loop has been removed or damaged these will correct the problem. Complete the look of your Model 1897 Trench Gun with this Winchester made reproduction heat shield! Finish is brushed surface blued steel. These shields will fit Winchester models 1893, 1897, and 1912 with standard barrel diameters and magazine tubes. They will not fit a Heavy Duck magnum because if its heavy barrel. These are not legal to install on the China made copies of the 93 and 97. ( SARCO & Gun Parts Corp) . The G98 Mauser, British Enfield, French Lebel, and American Springfield and Enfield were over five feet long with the bayonet attached. Ill once again do this in list form: The correct bayonet for the Winchester 1897 Trench Gun is the M1917 model, which was also issued with the Enfield M1917 infantry rifle. I thought the Chinese had just stopped making any 97s at this time. no sign it used to have one before bayo lug being Newly made steel reproduction Your link has been automatically embedded. Original military 1897's have special markings on the receivers that are not present on the chinese reproductions but that lack of correct marking was not considered to be sufficient to disallow them as legal "reproductions". They will not fit a Heavy Duck magnum because if its heavy barrel. They were already in production at Winchester, Eddystone and Remington-the makers of the U.S. Model of 1917 Rifle. Quinn's staff assisting customers with moving auction purchases to vehicles are not responsible for damage. Chamber: 2 3/4". Finish is brushed surface blued steel. Finally, JRB himself has the first-hand experience of finding and restoring a World War I 1897 Trench Gun, which took over a decade. Overall Length: 38". (yes, they're that bad). Questions? That is a felony. We are NOT going to check every shotgun at a match for authenticity. Winchester 1897, Heat Shield & Bayonet Lug, Military Stamps Title to any lot sold passes to the purchaser with the fall of the hammer. Category: TRENCHGUN ACCESSORIES for Wiinchester and Norinco/IAC 1897's. Many in that range are trench guns, but some are riot guns purchased by the US government. Storage fees may be applied. It is our mission to encourage, organize, and support these efforts throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. All bids executed in this sale are by lot as numbered in this catalog. AutoCheck found Nothing may be removed until bidder transaction is settled. We have carefully recreated the famousWinchester Model 1897 12 Ga Trench Gunusing original Winchester Model 1897 12 Ga shotguns. $1799plus shipping and handling (as of 9/01/2022..THIS PRICE COULD CHANGE BASED ON THE AVERAGE PRICE THAT THE BASE GUNS COST US). No Appointment Needed. Many of us have the reproductions that were produced in China over the years. So, where it is at this time, you must commend the committee that set the rules to properly maintain them. Rifleman Q&A: An M1917 Bayonet Made For Vietnam? I just post the rules as written. The low and high dollar amounts listed for each lot are provided as estimates and not intended to represent an anticipated or specific value. AUCTION BY LOT. The earlier WWI guns will not have that stamp. I dont need to rehash the particulars of that, other than to say it was a particularly nasty way to fight. Please do not show confirmation for remainder of session. Don't try, either, to circumvent any law; for example, a California civilian may not buy a high capacity magazine and have it shipped to his brother-in-law in Nevada. I know POTUS has banned Russian arms imports but I have sure not heard of any recent ban on any Chinese products. Trench and riot guns had 20-inch barrels. 9 (Dec. 15): The National Military And, Gun Digest Book Of Classic Combat Handguns, Weapons, A Brief Discourse On Hand-weapons Other Than Fire-arms, Arms And The Man Vol. If that were my trenchie, Id name that one Poke-a-haunt-us or Porky. And since both my 97 s have had barrels cut and work to mark them cowboy ready prior to me getting them to use in WBAS. The Winchester 1897 Trench Gun How Not to Get QW has made every effort to accurately describe and catalog all property to be sold. You cannot paste images directly. Amounts due over $2,000 must pay by wire transfer in US currency. I also decided to vote with my wallet and refrain from shooting any WBAS match because of the stringent rule interpretations by the committee. Registered user must be the buyer, with his or her own money. Winchester/Norinco Model 1897 Heat Shield w/ Bayonet Lug HJ, your statement that Chinese trench guns are now illegal for import is the first time I have heard that. I'm a 97 fan especially as tuned to SASS use; however, it really IS a heavy verging on ponderous behemoth prior to docking the really long barrels.which remains a sacrilege in some circles. The excerpts provided in the linked video seem well-informed. Please contact Proxibid to learn about retracting a bid. This is a safety feature to allow the gun to naturally unlock under recoil but delay manual operation in case of a hang fire. Your previous content has been restored. There is one caveat, however. WWI heat shields have six staggered rows of 29 holes each. winchester REMEDY. These were presumably made for use with the commercial-production Model 1897 trench guns made in the late 1920s or early 1930s. Some were partly Parkerized. Unmarked which is typical. Would you please advise where you came on that? The auctioneer shall make sole and final determination as to the winning bidder, and shall have sole and final discretion to resolve disputes arising between bidders during and after the sale. Run as many reports as you like for 21 days. If it's legal on one gun I don't see what makes it illegal on another gun of the same basic type. In the hands of a skilled soldier, a slam-fired 12-gauge shotgun would be devastating in that environment, discharging six rounds of double aught buck in about five seconds. Winchester 1897 take down barrel with extension. Winchester Model 1897 Trench Gun I know of the Nodak Spud kit and of course the venerable 590A1 but was interested in something more vintage yet. It really is very informative and, if youre looking for a trench gun, may well save you from making an expensive mistake. WWII guns have a thicker, stronger wrist and a lower comb with relief cuts. What's the difference? THEFASTEST WAY TO ACQUIRE A TRENCH GUN: If you have an 1897 Winchester 12 Ga of your own, lead time is under 6 weeks. Furthermore, there is no remedy for bidder remorse. OFF.. The main reason is the larger, more notorious. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. These guns take the 1913/1917 bayonet used on the US Model 1917 Rifle and British P14. 21. Auctioneers reserve the right to hold personal or business checks for up to 10 business days to allow for clearance of funds, returned checks are subject to an additional fee of $35.00. The fast-firing pump action 12 gauges, loaded with double-aught buckshot, wreaked havoc among the Germans unfortunate enough to be in their sights. This amount is subject to change until you make payment. Major defects, where evident, have been noted, along with comments regarding overall condition. Arguments only lead to hard feelings and negative outcomes. V, Reproduction Heat Shield For Winchester Trench Gun, 1/18 Marine WWII Midway Island Defender Figure With Trench Shotgun And B, Our Flag: Its History And What It Stands For, Arms And The Man Vol. We have dealt with almost every.. Bayonet lug/shield assembly replacement sling loop. See each listing for international shipping options and costs. Estimates are offered as a rudimentary buyer's guide and are determined through research and review of comparable properties by QW. Blackie, as a 1911 gunsmith, I will add a comment or 5. Seller: Quinn's Auction Galleries. See Auction Information for full details.". Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. If so, thats good, but you need to look at other things. Through its partnership with TALO Distributors, Glock is now making its G28 pistol, a subcompact, double-stack .380, available to U.S. consumers. I understand what is written in black and white but I don't understand the difference between a winchester 1897 with a heat shield and bayonet lug from winchester and a winchester 1897 that had the same heat shield with bayonet lug added after it left the factory. Generally $949 plus $45 return shipping IF YOUR WOOD IS USEABLE.. You can send it to us directly without going through an FFL and we can return it directly to you. We will accept a check, money order, cashier's check, or wire transfer along with a copy of the invoice. 1897s are old guns and some may be very worn. Which Bayonet For The '97 "Trench Gun"? - An Official Journal M1897 Winchester Bayonet Lug And Heat Shield For WWI M1897 Shot Gun! soldier had to break it down and reload from the breech. Receiver: Matte Black Steel W/Sling Swivels. The Winchesters are so highly sought after that there are more fakes and copies, trying to scam the unwary collector, than there are legit trench guns. Call Tom at 208-660-5135 for info regarding personal guns. Winchester 1897 BAYONET LUG & HEAT SHIELD for TAKETDOWN Ver. Were offering these each for only $ 179.00. Posted: November 15, 2022 09:22 AM. That I'm doing it or that I'm say why I'm doing it? Parts - BullCreekArms JRBs example is an M1917 Type 1. WWI guns had six rivets ground smooth. A Winchester Model 1897 Because of the finishing process, this model bayonet was blued for the first few inches of blade up from the hilt. The Winchester 1897 Trench Gun also saw service in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam and it has become a prime target for military surplus firearms collectors. All absentee bids must be submitted by 3:00 P.M. the day before the sale. DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL WITH ANY PROBLEMS OR QUESTIONS THAT MAY ARISE. WINCHESTER BRASS BEAD SIGHT. All property listed in this catalog will be sold by Quinn's Auction Galleries and/or Waverly Auctions (hereinafter QW) subject to the following Conditions of Sale. Found a 1925 Winchester 1897 fairly local and got a great deal on it. Females and Firearms Series: A Proven Technique to Rack Your Slide Confidently, ZEV Technologies Launches Core Combat Rifle Series. Free SHIPPING TO YOUR PREFERRED FFL Easy Payment RELIABLE Number of bids and bid amounts may be slightly out of date. Numrich Gun Parts Corporation 226 Williams Ln. WebThe heat shield appears to be riveted on to the bayonet lug with six small rivets - two on each side and two on the top. I respect that and the other shooters did too. Pasted as rich text. The Traditional class mods are kept to a bare minimum to allow those who wish to maintain the belief of using a 1911 as close to as issued to be just that. Winchester 1897 Trench Gun Heat shield - Guns International We finally have these available. Nevertheless, no information or description of any kind with regard to property listed shall be construed as a warranty, either expressed or implied. Sounds like an awesome project. Isn't that because the Model 12 *was* the trench gun? They are no longer legal for importation. 8 (May 27): The National Military And Sho, The Great Historical Collection Of Arms & Armour, Arms And The Man Vol. WW2 pattern Winchester 1897 "Trench Gun" heat shield and bayonet lug. For more recent exchange rates, please use the. Now you can dress up your office desk or man cave with a 1:3-scale replica of the best battle implement ever devised.. "Tax, Shipping & Handling and Internet Premium not included. Rare Original US WW1 M1897 Trench Gun Remington Bayonet, ORIGINAL Late WWII WINCHESTER M12 M1897 97 Trench Gun Handguard / Heat S, Us Wwi M1897 Winchester Trench Shotgun Bayonet Lug. Additionally, they wouldn't know that you can buy a chineese made replica and shoot that, but not one you made yourself. No offence on you either, just a couple things to say. A bayonet is not allowed on any of our guns during matches, however. It is outfitted with a 20 inch barrel, which makes it a nice compact package for tight spaces. [1] Model 1897 adapter that allowed the attachment of the M1917 bayonet The video ends with the Judge shooting his trench gun for us and even shooting some sporting clays while playing the original recording of Over There. When American troops showed up on the front in 1918, some carrying John Moses Brownings Winchester trench guns, the game changed. Articles, Big on Bonaparte: A Look at Napoleon Collectibles, Collecting Weapons from the French and Indian War, Great Discoveries: Civil War Artifacts Found Along the Mississippi River. * Original WWII Winchester 97 Trench Gun Heat Shield + 1917 Remington Ba, Original Winchester M1897 Trenchgun Magazine Tube Plug Screw Trench Gun. Some were Parkerized by civilian owners in. Pictures are of actual Firearm and our best representation of what you will receive! One report may be all you need. We accept Master Card, Visa and American Express. Winchester Model 1897 They come blued and installed by Bull Creek Arms o.. When finished these are an excellent representation of the original factory guns, ready for display or use. They are up front about the nature of the guns, so I dont include them with the scammers.
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