why does the symbiote loves spiderman
He occasionally considered how weird it was that his new suit responded to his every thought, but he didn't have time to worry about it. For all Venom's hatred of Spider-Man, he's has always had a code of honor that prevents him from killing the innocent, or allowing innocent deaths to occur. RELATED:Venom: The 10 Most Powerful Symbiotes, Ranked. Physical Characteristics[83] [1] When confronted by Eddie Brock, Knull showed him the true origins and history of the symbiotes; mocking him for believing the lies told to the Venom symbiote by the symbiotes and Agents of the Cosmos. For requests, comments, or to hear his pitch for a third Avatar series that incorporates robots, you can reach him atbs.zachary@gmail.com, Spider-Man Reveals Why Heroes And Villains Can't Date, Spider-Man: What Peter Parker Did On HIs First OFFICIAL New Avengers Mission, Spider-Man: How Tombstone Tormented One Of Peter Parker's Oldest Allies, REVIEW: Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: Bane of Blastaar #1 Is a Cinematic Found Family Adventure, REVIEW: Dark Horse Comics' Under Kingdom Is a Monstrously Fun Adventure, 10 Best Marvel Villains With Confusing Origin Stories, How The Marvel Superhero, The Cat, Was Nearly Naked Throughout Her First Appearance. The final page of "Amazing Spider-Man" #299, published in April 1988, introduced the character now popularly known as Venom, though he didn't have knives for teeth or the long, slavering tongue quite yet. So we'll be taking a closer look at a few possibly forgotten facts about Spider-Man and his sometimes troubled relationship with the symbiote. It would be three years before the symbiote was seen again, but when it came back, it came back quite literally with a vengeance. Spider-Man While Peter Parker initially loved the various perks of his new costume, there were some definite downsides as well that were largely kept hidden from him by the symbiote. [Spiderman] Why does the Symbiote prefer Spiderman over Eddie? Cletus desired to communicate with Knull again and decided to help free him by collecting enough codices to reconnect the Grendel symbiote to the Hive Mind. When it covered his body, it read his thoughts that had been admiring Julia Carpenter's Spider-Woman costume and replicated the design while taking inspiration from Knull's insignia to create the design for Spider-Man's black suit. Why Venom Needs To Eat Chocolate Or Brains The symbiote fed on the adrenaline and other hormones that were created by Spider-Man during his unique line of work, which was part of the reason that it would pilot his body at night while he was sleeping to further feed. Citizenship The symbiote's ties to his emotions also led it to further fuel his aggression that began to alter Peter Parker's personality even when he wasn't wearing the costume. Upon its arrival back home, the Klyntar were able to cleanse it, a process that included a near-total memory wipe of its previous hosts. The black costume first debuted in ASM #252 with the tagline "The rumors are true", affirming suspicions that Spider-Man would be getting a new costume. Spider-Man rejected this claim despite Black Cat's use of common sense, whichmade Peter Parker's decision to keep using the symbiote a little suspect. The Symbiote, in a last act of mercy, drags Spider-Man to safety in the undercroft, but decides to not bond with him again, and saddened, leaves. [24][12][2] According to Brunnhilde, much of Knull's power and apparent invincibility comes from his metaphysical link to the undead corpse of the Celestial he used to refine All-Black, which feeds him power through the Necrosword and in exchange assimilates the souls of those he kills; serving as a grotesque afterlife. It's been years since Peter Parker was bonded to the symbiote, though hisconnectionto the alien costume has continued to be explored with modern series likeSymbiote Spider-Man that have uncovered new details about the bonding process. When Agent Anti-Venom's codex bonded to one of the symbiotes that Knull couldn't control and was reborn into the world of the living as a white symbiote dragon, Knull immediately realized what was going on and furiously hijacked the Tyrannosaurus symbiote, confronting Eddie again with the intent of killing him once-and-for-all. 4) #3(June, 2018)(Full appearance)Venom (Vol. It was a sequence of events that truly demonstrated how far the two characters had come. Symbiote Costume as it appears in ASM 2 video game. This weakness is not shared by Spider-Man's clone Ben Reilly, whose spider-sense is still able to detect the symbiotes as he's not the one who's actually bonded with them. Furious, Knull confronted the God of Thunder, who was unimpressed and dismissed him as merely one of hundreds of gods of destruction he had vanquished. He wore this costume for the remainder of the Secret Wars. The problem then was, that fans actually started to like the black costume, before it was removed. [29] After a brief but intense fight, Knull defeated the Silver Surfer and infected him with living abyss to turn him into the Void Knight. If the Klyntar memory wipe set the stage for a reconciliation between Venom and Spider-Man, the events of 2018 and 2019 brought their relationship full circle. Symbiote Costume | Spider-Man Wiki | Fandom The symbiote even apologized to Spider-Man and expressed a desire to one day earn his forgiveness. It was not until 1984's Secret Wars that the black costume would debut. The history of the symbiote is similar to its Earth-616 counterpart but with the absence of a timescale. marvel - Why didn't the Venom Symbiote turn Peter Parker into a [12][33], While serving as a herald of Galactus, the Silver Surfer came across Klyntar and was devoured by it, its constituent symbiotes attempting to imprison him alongside Knull at the artificial planet's core. I'm always curious as to why the Symbiote seems to prefer Spiderman over Eddie Brock, even though Spiderman rejected the Symbiote plenty of times where as Once there, Spider-Man released the symbiote, and it covered his body, forming a new costume, completely black with a big white spider symbol on his chest, slightly larger eyepieces and white patches on the back of each hand. Things didn't get any less weird for Agent Venom after dealing with the Superior Spider-Man in fact, he ended up going to space and joining the Guardians of the Galaxy. As the creator of All-Black the Necrosword, he appears to possess the same powers it bestows upon its hosts but to a greater extent. Fortunately, Flash (having taken up the mantle of Anti-Venom, formerly held by Brock himself) was there to keep the peace between them. As a result, when Agent Venom returned to Earth and once again encountered Spider-Man, it had no memory of him, and thus no reason to hate him. From 2011 to 2017, Venom's host was a very different Spider-Man character Flash Thompson, former Spider-Man admirer and Peter Parker bully, who eventually became a hero in the military, but also lost his legs. After Spider-Man abandoned the Symbiote, in Spectacular Spider-Man #99, he was given a cloth version, hand made by Black Cat. MobileFormerlyKnowhere, Klyntar, Gorr's Homeworld However, the Silver Surfer was freed by Ego the Living Planet, who helped Radd escape when Knull pursued him on a symbiote dragon. Weight [23] They formed the Agents of the Cosmos, an organization of symbiotes bound to worthy hosts who were dedicated to fostering peace and justice throughout the universe. The two are still indelibly linked together, however, and no matter how many adventures he has on his own, Venom will always be considered Spider-Man's deadliest enemy. In 2011's Marvel Super Hero Squad Online, the symbiote costume is buyable and wearable but is dubbed the "Black Suit". Education He wore it for a time, but after Mary Jane was kidnapped by Venom, he abandoned this version as well at his wife's request. NEXT:Marvel: 10 Heroes Who Would Be Better In The Venom Symbiote. And I think it's a story that needs to be told, and it needs to be told the way Insomniac would tell it.". For the rest of the year, the events of "Secret Wars" unfolded retroactively in the pages of the crossover book, while Spider-Man, wearing the black suit, continued to do his usual stuff in his own comic things like fighting supervillains, dating the Black Cat, and dropping out of college. Eventually it consumed his body leaving a skeleton and the symbiote became his life force. Not sure anyone saw that coming back in 1985. It's not every day a super-scientist tells you that the costume you've been wearing to protect your identity while fighting criminals is not only a sentient alien, but a sentient alien that is trying to permanently bond with you. Male Seeing this, he removes the symbiote with the help of a vision that features Uncle Ben. A web covered their face when he Anne, who had helped Spider-Man locate her former husband, arrived on the scene to try and help, but ended up nearly being crushed by a falling ferris wheel. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. However, as the symbiote attaches to Spider-Man, the pain of severing the bond with Brock shocks it, causing both Brock and Peter to pass out, and when the symbiote seems to have completed its bond with Peter, it faints and detaches from him. [10], A few months after the battle, an Earth-based cult dedicated to worshiping Knull - led by Scorn - obtained a sample of the Grendel symbiote and Cletus Kasady's corpse, intending to turn him into Knull's avatar and facilitate his awakening. Of course, he might have made time if he knew what the readers knew: that the suit had started enveloping Peter while he slept, dragging him around New York to fight crime as Spider-Man without his knowledge. When the Venom symbiote arrived in Marvel, its Before Flash Thompson's death during the "Go Down Swinging" storyline, he revealed to an angry Spider-Man that he needed to calm his emotions before rebonding with Venom in order toboth control it and keep the symbiote's heroic impulses intact. While it briefly tasted freedom by taking full control of Spider-Man's body, it was expelled by a remnant of Peter's mind and returned willingly to Flash. The sound forced the symbiote to relinquish its hold on its unwilling host, who had fallen unconscious and could potentially have been killed by such close proximity to the bells. Although his body is taken over by the symbiote, he is still in control because it didn't take over his mind. [35][34], Knull's avatar confronts Spider-Man and Venom, Decades later, Knull remote-piloted the symbiote dragon and broke it free of containment, reabsorbing four of its five offshoots. Initially bemused by Zak-Del accusing him of stealing his soul, Knull revealed the true origin of the Exolon as imperfect symbiotes and stripped Zak-Del of his, absorbing it into his armor before manifesting All-Black's Necrosword form anew. Flash then tells Spider-Man that the symbiote is scared, and that it is "a lot stronger than he remembers", seconds later the symbiote manages to break the containment tank and bonds with Superior Spider-Man. Seeing that he couldn't beat him, he removes his Spider-Man costume and offers himself to the symbiote, which surprisingly leaves Eddie Brock trying to bond again with Peter. Spider-Man hunted down Kraven in his new form, Mary Jane saw what was happening and Peter told her that she needed his help. The alien symbiote that bonded with Eddie Brock to become the anti-hero known as Venom was originally introduced as a new costume for Spider-Man that served to replace his frequentlydestroyed but fan-favorite red-and-blue costume. When asked by Kinda Funny Games' Greg Miller, who is wearing a black suit t-shirt, why the suit isn't in the game, Intihar revealed that it didn't feel like the right time. The symbiote was not bonded to Flash he was only allowed to use it for 48 hours at a time and their relationship was an openly antagonistic one, with the symbiote taking any opportunity to seize control and perform monstrous acts of violence. After Secret Wars, Spider-Man takes the symbiote back home, and after a while, it leaves Peters body and connects with Eddie Brock to become a new Lethal White At first doing good for Peter, but after awhile Peter starts to get aggressive in crime fighting and his normal life. If there is one suit missing from Marvel's Spider-Man that fans seem most upset about: it's the symbiote suit, also known as the black suit. In 2011's Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Spider-Man is a playable character and symbiote suit is a wearable alternate costume. The symbiote costume is one of four and grants bonuses. Peter then removes the creature using high frequency sonic waves and the symbiote is imprisoned. Symbiote [24][14] Despite this setback, Knull chose to not hunt the thief down and reclaim All-Black, though he remained aware of Gorr unwittingly following in his footsteps as the God Butcher. When the government decided to put the Venom symbiote to use, it gave it to Flash, allowing him to walk again and transforming him into the heroic Agent Venom. Spider-Man has one of the more distinguished and varied rogues' galleries in comic book history, a villainous roll call that includes everyone from the Green Goblin to Doctor Octopus and Kraven the Hunter. Instead of visiting Reed, Spider-Man first brings the suit to Curt Conners for analysis. Before its revelation, fans rejected the idea and wrote to Marvel asking them not to change the suit. Peter tells his former friend he can finally let go of his hatred, but Eddie glumly states Despite his loathing respect for them - seeing them as his wayward children - he hates the Klyntar symbiotes for betraying him and eventually forcibly absorbed them back into his dark hive-mind. Skin [34] Using the psychic link between himself and the Grendel, Knull began attempting to assert his influence over its offshoots, causing them to rampage and driving their hosts insane. Years later, as Regent rules no heroes are running around anymore, including Peter as Spider-Man. ", DONNY CATES on Twitter:"No. Origin and Living Status WebAnswer (1 of 8): I'm going to say why the symbiote hated Spider-man first, then i'm going to say why Eddie hated Spider-man. The symbiote had its own form of Peter Parker's spider-sensewhich was a unique spatial awareness given by its ability to see in all directions at any given time, so it never really needed to adapt that ability from Spider-Man. Venom and Spider-Man were forced to join forces to save her, and afterward, Anne helped Venom realize that Spider-Man regularly saves innocent lives. So it might come as a shock to you (especially if you haven't been following Marvel Comics over the years) that things are far more nuanced than that. Spider-Man When Peter Parker started wearing his new costume, he no longer had the need for his utility belt, which contained his spare web cartridges, spider-signal, and his miniature camera. A conflict between the two seems likely, and something that major would surely come up in a plot outline. In the ensuing chaos, May was trapped in a burning building and, due to the weaknesses of the symbiote, Spider-Man was unable to save her. Most of Agent Venom's story doesn't directly involve Spider-Man, but their paths crossed in unusual fashion in the pages of "Superior Spider-Man." WebDescription So i have said before that the Unlimited suit is one of my favorites and i even made it Ranks' Spider-Man suit, and i love love love the Symbiote so i made the black suit version of the Unlimited suit, took me a few hours mostly because for once i wasn't following a clear layout of a suit that already exists, so i had to be creative He covers breakouts on comics, film, television, video games, and anime. Knull defiantly told Eddie that his death was inconsequential and that the Void's victory was inevitable, but Eddie rebuked Knull and flew him into the core of the Sun, destroying his body with the Uni-Power. "So if we killed him now," Venom reasoned, "all the innocents he might save in the future would die!". In 2014 for Marvel Heroes, a cloth non-enhanced version of the Symbiote Costume, know as the "Back and Black" version was made buyable to regular players for Spider-Man. When the sample of Grendel symbiote was bonded to Cletus, Knull reanimated and psychically communicated with the serial killer; though the nature of their conversation is unknown. No Dual There are quite a few unique abilities of the symbiote that have popped up over the years, though there are also a few that have largely disappeared as well. In a fascinating reversal, however, the symbiote sensed something wrong with its old flame. In the Ultimate universe, the costume is often drawn to appear purple, rather than black. After a fight with the Avengers, the symbiote is eventually returned to Flash. Knull stripped Eddie of both symbiotes and began absorbing them, but his gloating was cut short when Eddie detonated the entire arsenal - the blast affecting Knull's real body at the core of Klyntar. Peter did his best to help the heroes counter the symbiote, but not long after he passed away from old age -- prompting a vengeful Black Cat to sell her services to Kingpin in exchange for helping her gain revenge against the symbiote. w/Donny Cates: Venom #1 Q and A, DONNY CATES on Twitter: "Haha. Starring Secret Wars 25 Years After), http://goodcomics.comicbookresources.com/2007/05/16/randy-schuellers-brush-with-comic-history/, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Enhanced strength and speed (with the symbiote suit on Spidey can lift 170 - 175 tons), Can now stick to wet and/or crumbling surfaces, Affects the wearer's thoughts and emotions, most oftently pushing aggressive behavior. The symbiote is removed, but latches onto Eddie Brock, who becomes Venom. During Secret Wars, Spider-Man had his costume heavily damaged, and the other heroes pointed out to the room full of machinery to fix his costume. I'm always curious as to why the Symbiote seems to prefer Spiderman over Eddie Brock, even though Spiderman rejected the Symbiote plenty of times where as Brock embraces it and wants it. When the Grendel was destabilized by sonic grenades, Knull's manifestation engaged Venom in a brutal one-on-one battle, Venom's arsenal of high-tech weapons proving ineffective. Why does the Symbiote no longer set off Spider-Man's spider However, we'll start with the alien first. #GodIsComing", VENOM BOIZ! Marital Status
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