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[citation needed]. [170] The lawsuit was settled on December 21, 2017. appears willing to take her to task, either in a civil suit (Rolling Stone might want to think about that) or in a criminal case, given that she perpetrated a massive fraud with some pretty serious consequences and material damages. Later media analysis of photos Jackie showed her friends of her date demonstrated that they were pictures taken from the public social media profile of a former high-school classmate of Jackie, who was not a student of the University of Virginia, did not live in the Charlottesville area, and was out of state at an athletic competition the day of the alleged attack. "[145], The North American Interfraternity Conference and the National Panhellenic Council, meanwhile, announced that they had retained the services of Squire Patton Boggs to lobby the U.S. Congress to take action to ensure that Greek-letter organizations are protected from future accusations of the kind leveled in Erdely's article. ", "Rolling Stone publisher: U.Va. ", to become a weapon of revenge.Where, we ask, are the Federal cops? When asked if Dana's departure was influenced by the debacle surrounding Erdely's article, the magazine's publisher responded that "many factors go into a decision like this". "[27] Four participants who were sitting on the steps to the Phi Kappa Psi house were arrested on trespassing charges for refusing to move when police officers asked them to leave. She decided to get the attention she wanted, by making up a completely baseless story about having been gang-raped at a fraternity house, Phi Kappa Psi (colloquially referred to as Phi Psi). Why no Honor Code trial of Jackie Coakley in her Haven Monahan hoax 2) She just made it a million times harder for real rape victims to come forward because people are less likely to believe them. [169], A further lawsuit by a number of members of the fraternity was greenlighted by a court of appeals on September 19, 2017, after originally being dismissed by a lower court in June 2016. [80] Ultimately, Rolling Stone got sued, paid out a big settlement to get out from under their own stupidity, and took a big black eye as far as journalistic competence. In an interview with The New York Times, he called her, "a really expert fabulist storyteller", and added, "obviously there is something here that is untruthful, and something sits at her doorstep. UVA: Rape Hoaxer Jackie Coakley Ordered To Comply w Second Lawsuit The accuser told the Post that she had felt "manipulated" by Erdely, and claimed she asked Erdely not to quote her in the article, a request the journalist denied. The police were also unable to corroborate Jackie's allegations that two other sexual assaults had taken place at the fraternity house or that she had been assaulted and struck to the face with a bottle in a separate incident. "[63], Erdely publicly apologized for the article on April 5, 2015,[64] though her apology did not include any mention of the fraternity, or the members of the fraternity who were accused. At the party, Jackie alleged in the article, her date led her to a bedroom where she was gang raped by several fraternity members as part of a fraternity initiation ritual. Still Waiting for "Jackie's" Prosecution - by Robert Sutton Rolling Stone was hardly innocent, but this whole episode cost them whatever reputation remained. In May 2013, Jackie reported the sexual assault to dean and head of UVA's Sexual Misconduct Board, Nicole Eramo, who, according to a recap in New York magazine, offered three options: "file a criminal complaint with the police, file a complaint with the school, or face her attackers with Eramo present to tell them how she feels". It was prepared by Steve Coll, the dean of Columbia's journalism school; Sheila Coronel, the dean of academic affairs; and Derek Kravitz, a graduate school researcher. [101][102][a], In 2012 Jackie told her friends that she had been accosted by five men, though she later testified to Erdely that she had been attacked by seven, with two more directing and encouraging the rape. [157], On May 12, 2015, UVA associate dean Nicole Eramo, chief administrator for handling sexual assault issues at the school, filed a $7.5 million defamation lawsuit in Charlottesville Circuit Court against Rolling Stone and Erdely, claiming damage to her reputation and emotional distress. [154] According to Miltenberg, he specializes in "defamation and complex internet and First Amendment issues". And for the next three hours she's brutally raped and beaten, with Drew and another upperclassman supposedly shouting out instructions to the pledges, referring to Jackie as 'it'." Court Docs: Rolling Stone Author Was Too Lazy To Fix Bogus Gang Rape I'm starting to expect more and more people are just simply lying about this stuff now. [124], After the Charlottesville Police concluded that there was no evidence of a crime having occurred at Phi Kappa Psi during their press conference on March 23, 2015, Stephen Scipione, the president of Phi Kappa Psi's UVA chapter, announced that his fraternity is "exploring its legal options to address the extensive damage caused by Rolling Stone". [12] In light of the findings, Erik Wemple of The Washington Post pronounced the story "a complete crock". "[108], Over the course of 4 months, the Charlottesville Police spoke to 70 people, including Jackie's friends, Phi Kappa Psi fraternity brothers, and employees at the UVA Aquatic Center, where Jackie worked. We all remember the tumult at the University of Virginia five years back. "[27] Teresa Sullivan, the president of UVa, promptly shut down all the fraternities and, bizarrely, the sororities as well (don't ask), in a "ready, fire, aim" response, without allowing even the Phi Psis the due process to point out all the inaccuracies that made the article suspect.Ultimately, Rolling Stone got sued, paid out a big settlement to get out from under their own stupidity, and took a big black eye as far as journalistic competence. The Columbia Journalism Review called the story "this year's media-fail sweepstakes" and the Poynter Institute named it as the "Error of the Year" in journalism. Recalling his experience with Stephen Glass before he was exposed for journalism fraud, Bradley argued the article relied heavily on confirmation bias. It features a fictional character named Heather Manning who was based on Jackie. [163] On November 7, 2016, the jury decided that Rolling Stone and Erdely were liable for $3 million in damages to Eramo. Rolling Stone ran the story anyway, to their journalistic and financial detriment. In addition, several windows were broken with bottles and cinder blocks, and police officials said that the group received "disparaging messages" on social media. Jackie Coakley gained infamy as the accuser at the center of a Rolling Stone story about rape at the University of Virginia that turned out to be fake, and now Coakley is under pressure from a Virginia court to reveal what she said to a reporter about the allegations. The fact that Jackie had a romantic interest in Randall was also noted by other news media. Flanagan noted that "what Rolling Stone has pushed me into is that I have now become someone who is on the side of fraternities and defending fraternities. Eramo filed a $7.5 million defamation lawsuit against Rolling Stone and Erdely last year. After Settlement, The Rolling Stone Rape Hoax Saga Is Officially Over Where, we ask, are the Federal cops? The trio also sent text messages to a phone number Jackie said was the mobile phone of her date and were surprised that the owner of the phone number responded primarily with flattering messages about Randall, whom Jackie was romantically interested in. The three friends disclosed to ABC News their actual names Alex Stock's pseudonym was "Andy", Kathryn Hendley's was "Cindy", Ryan (Duffin) was "Randall"[100] and went on record that on the night of the alleged event Jackie told the two men that she was forced to fellate five men while a sixth stood by. And I think the level of devastation that this Rolling Stone report that's now looking to go from a misremembered event to perhaps an actual hoax." Jackie was born in Milwaukee, Wis., but spent most of. In New York federal court, Rolling Stone wrapped up the last remaining piece of litigation emanating from its retracted 2014 article about a rape [of proven liar Jackie Coakley] at a University of Virginia campus fraternity. After the date, they allegedly went to a party at his fraternity house, where he brought her to a dark bedroom upstairs and "a heavy person jumps on top of her. The same account was accessed on March 18, 2016, from inside ALTG, Stein, Mitchell, Muse & Cipollone LLP, Jackie's legal firm. Prior to the publication of the story, early-action applications were up 7.5 percent with 16,187 applicants. [76] Anna Merlan, a writer for Jezebel, who had earlier called Reason columnist Robby Soave an "idiot" for expressing skepticism of the Rolling Stone story, declared: "I was dead fucking wrong, and for that I sincerely apologize. [28], The Interfraternity Council (IFC) at UVA released a statement on its website in response to the article that said: "an IFC officer was interviewed by Rolling Stone regarding the culture of sexual violence at the University. There is certainly a good argument to make that it is often necessary to prosecute as a deterrent to the next person willing to try the same felonious act. But I have a pretty good notion that she violated some serious criminal statutes; after all, participating in a fraud involving the mails (a magazine) or wire (somewhere along the line) is a Federal issue. Rolling Stone Sued by Fraternity Named in Fake UVA Rape Story [65] The Columbia Journalism Review called the apology "a grudging act of contrition". In September 2013, Eramo connected Jackie with Emily Renda, a UVA staff member, recent graduate and leader in the college's sexual assault support group One Less. They were the result of a wanton journalist who was more concerned with writing an article that fulfilled her preconceived narrative about the victimization of women on American college campuses, and a malicious publisher who was more concerned about selling magazines to boost the economic bottom line for its faltering magazine, than they were about discovering the truth or actual facts. [18] According to Charlottesville Police Capt. Jury selection starts June 4. On March 23, 2015, police noted that Jackie refused to cooperate with law enforcement during the investigation. Had they done so, of course, they might have realized that some of the names in the account didn't exist, and that there was no party at all at the Phi Psi house on the night Miss Coakley claimed to have been assaulted at, she claimed, a party.Rolling Stone ran the story anyway, to their journalistic and financial detriment. [57] A subsequent tweet sent by Rolling Stone managing editor Will Dana offered further comment on Erdely's story: "[W]e made a judgementthe kind of judgement reporters and editors make every day. "[94], On December 8, 2014, ABC News reported that the person quoted by Erdely as alleging a rape at Phi Kappa Psi had retained an attorney. Jackie Coakley Made Up Many Fake Rape Stories About Herself Pinterest A former student who graduated in 2013 said "the day [the article] came out was the most emotionally grueling of my life. NPR's Scott Simon talks to Lydia Teasley of the Negro Leagues Family Alliance about honoring baseball's past and her father Ron "Schoolboy" Teasley about his own history in the Negro Leagues. Many in the media were quick to link that story to stories about my husband until that story unwound. He eventually claims he met her in the hospital. She said her initial reaction was surprise and "a certain air of disbelief" because during her 44-minute interview for the story, Erdely never brought up Jackie or asked about any of the allegations made in the article. [113][116] Ultimately, the report determined that Rolling Stone had exhibited confirmation bias and failed to perform basic fact checking by relying excessively on the accuser's account without verifying it through other means. "[43] Jackie forwarded messages from "Monahan", and "Monahan" exchanged messages with Jackie's friends, including sending a picture of "himself" directly to Ryan Duffin. Jackie requested that her assailants not be contacted, and Rolling Stone agreed. Said the filing: "Rolling Stone and Erdely's highly defamatory and false statements about Dean Eramo were not the result of an innocent mistake. It's hard to imagine a more flagrant violation of the UVA Honor Code than Jackie Coakley's slanderous hoax that she repeatedly perpetuated from age 18 through 20. [131], One month after the publication of the Rolling Stone article, the Rector of the University of Virginia, George Keith Martin, accused the magazine of "drive-by journalism" when he stated, "Like a neighborhood thrown into chaos by drive-by violence, our tightly knit community has experienced the full fury of drive-by journalism in the 21st century. [99], In Erdely's story, Jackie is lured into an alleged seven-man rape by U. Va. upperclassman "Drew". A Rape on Campus - Wikipedia [16] In the episode, Heather fabricates a gang rape at a fraternity. There's some reporting on the university's culture, which shouldn't be taken seriously in light of the fraud exposed by the police; there's some reporting on the university leadership's approach to the issue, which shouldn't be taken seriously in light of the fraud exposed by the police. "[158] In February 2016, the judge in the lawsuit ordered Jackie to appear at a deposition on April 5, 2016. After leaving the party around 3 a.m., allegedly with bruises and blood stained clothes, Jackie called her three best friends, "Andy", "Randall" and "Cindy", for support. Now, that's no longer the case. While many began questioning whether publicly or privately the validity of her story almost immediately, Rolli. Obviously, they're older now and we are doing an . Forward it to your friends! [25], UVA's student newspaper The Cavalier Daily described mixed reactions from the student body, stating: "For some, the piece is an unfounded attack on our school; for others, it is a recognition of a harsh reality; and for what I suspect is a large majority of us, it falls somewhere in between. . You all know where she is. [34] The Washington Post media critic Erik Wemple rejected Erdely's statement, saying that the severity of the accusations she was reporting required "every possible step to reach out and interview them, including e-mails, phone calls, certified letters, FedEx letters, UPS letters and, if all of that fails, a knock on the door. In fact, her failure to speak to the three friends in whom Jackie supposedly confided immediately after the alleged incident was perhaps the most egregious of a string of journalistic failures. A woman named Jackie Coakley (now McGovern), who was a student at UVa at the time, had an issue with a boy who was not paying her enough attention, or didn't see her as a romantic interest, or something like that. Charlottesville Police officially suspended their four-month investigation on March 23, 2015, based on lack of credible evidence. In Erdely's story, Jackie tells her three friends the night of the alleged event that she was raped by seven men over a three-hour period while rolling on a mat of broken glass. "[121], Rolling Stone announced that Will Dana would leave his job at the magazine, effective August 7, 2015. Gary Pleasants, Phi Kappa Psi has been cleared; "We found no basis to believe that an incident occurred at that fraternity, so there's no reason to keep them suspended. Jackie's friends in the story have provided evidence since then that the man Rolling Stone calls "Drew" was electronically introduced to them as "Haven Monahan. Rolling Stone Trial: UVA Jackie Invented Rumor Her Friend Had Syphilis [18][40][41] Sandra Menendez, a student who claimed to have been interviewed by Erdely but who was not directly quoted in the article, told CNN that she and others became uncomfortable after speaking with Erdely, concluding she had "an agenda". [81], Journalist Caitlin Flanagan, who wrote an expos in The Atlantic titled "The Dark Power of Fraternities: A yearlong investigation of Greek houses", told On the Media that she was concerned that Erdely's article could inhibit reforms of the Greek system. [171], Street artist Sabo papered Hollywood with posters styled like a Rolling Stone cover featuring the headline "Rape Fantasies and Why We Perpetuate Them". At any rate, you surely remember. In the Columbia Journalism Review, Bill Grueskin called the story "a messthinly sourced, full of erroneous assumptions, and plagued by gaping holes in the reporting". [49][50] After initially refusing to answer whether Jackie had access to or created the Haven Monahan email account, on May 31, 2016, Jackie's law firm filed court papers acknowledging they had recently accessed "Haven Monahan's" e-mail account for the purpose "of confirming that documents Eramo requested for the lawsuit were no longer in Jackie's possession. Jan. 9, 1954 - June 5, 2019 Jackie Coakley, beloved daughter, granddaughter, sister, aunt and friend, passed away June 5, 2019 in Portland. [66], Spokesmen for both Wenner[67] and Dana said that Erdely would continue to write articles for Rolling Stone. In the post, he asked: "Is Vanderbilt just not as sexy a story as UVA? that equally phony-baloney accusers like Jackie Coakley McGovern are hauled into court and toted off to prison, lest rape accusations equate to a cry of "Wolf! A number of commentators accused the magazine of setting rape victims "back decades", while The Washington Post described the Rolling Stone story as a "catastrophe for journalism". I believed it to be true at the time. Lindy West said that female rape victims will probably be less likely to report sexual assaults for fear of being questioned by "some teenage 4Channer". Sorority Women Say", "Rolling Stone may have crushed anti-rape bill", "Rolling Stone threw a rape victim to the misogynist horde", "Greek leaders go on the offensive at UVA", "Campus sexual assault under fresh scrutiny after new survey shows lower incidence: News", "Sex crimes on campus: Professors as judges", "The new panic: campus sex assaults Opinion", "Charlottesville police make clear that Rolling Stone story is a complete crock", "Civil, Criminal Lawsuits: Possible Outcomes of, "Former UVA Fraternity Member Hires Lawyer Who Specializes in Sex Assault Cases", "The year in media errors and corrections 2014", "U-Va. Dean Sues Rolling Stone for 'False' Portrayal in Retracted Rape Story", "Attorneys for 'Jackie' in Rolling Stone Lawsuit Protest Under-Oath Deposition, Say It Could 'Re-Traumatize' Her", "Former U-va. Student 'Jackie' to Sit for Deposition in Rolling Stone Lawsuit", "Jury says Rolling Stone article defamed UVa administrator | Local", "Rolling Stone trial: Jury finds magazine liable for defamation for discredited rape story Nov. 4, 2016", "In Rolling Stone Defamation Case, Magazine and Reporter Ordered to Pay $3 Million", "U-Va. In response to those revelations, Jackie's father declared that Phi Kappa Psi had been misidentified and the attack had occurred at a different fraternity, though he did not elaborate as to which one. Jackie Coakley Where Is She Now - Gary Cluster Republican At the chapter house party, Jackie alleged in the article, her date led her to a bedroom where she was gang raped by several fraternity members as part of their initiation ritual. [78], Fellow Jezebel writer Jia Tolentino wrote an analysis of Erdely's story and reported on fraternity rush after the Rolling Stone article was discredited.
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