waverly hills sanatorium death records
Treatment for tuberculosis, an infectious bacterial disease . In this procedure, nitrogen is injected into the lungs, forcing them to collapse. (I to L) Patients of W.H.S. Its believed that, at one point, he hospital was tending to as many as 140 patients. In 1962, the building reopened as a nursing home that eventually became known as Woodhaven Medical Services, a geriatric facility. What are the most haunted places in Kentucky? Letter-writers described the symptoms of consumption, such as drenching night sweats, constant coughing, lack of appetite, weakness, and swollen extremities. Even with many new procedures available, it was impossible to save everyone. The Ghosts of the Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville - Ghost City Tours The Waverly Hills Death Tunnel. This video by Youtube user JustAVideoPage shows a hauntingly beautiful collage of many faces that may have eventually traveled down the death tunnel. Microfilm rolls #7016130-7041803. for all the names listed and to be listed. A childrens pavilion was also built to house not only young victims of the disease, but also children whose parents were too ill to care for them. If youre in the Louisville area, Cave Hill Cemetery is another haunted hotspot where many visitors report hearing disembodied voices including laughter and screaming as well as unexplained orbs of light that appear to dance over certain graves. Since then, it has become a popular destination for paranormal investigators. The owner (Tina) and a security guard say theyve seen lights turn on in this room while they were outside. 2023 Project MUSE. Many of these materials are courtesy of other sources and the original copyright holders retain all applicable rights under the law. The Haunted Hospital Where 63,000 People Died: Waverly Hills Sanatorium The project was canceled in December 1997. Tuberculosis and Waverly Hills Sanatorium in the Filsons Collections, The Filson Historical Society and Cincinnati Museum Center. img7.mynet.com They were buried by passing through the death tunnel. Very little of this part of Waverly has fallen down, and the structure itself is still safe. Waverly Hills Sanatorium | kcghosts Contributed by Phil Tkacz, Shawn Logan, Jay Gravatte, & Hope Bryant | contact@kyhi.org. (A to D) Patients of W.H.S. The new Sanatarium was officially opened July 26, 1910. Without cookies your experience may not be seamless. It was not known at the time that Tuberculosis was an airborne disease. He hired a woman named Lizzie Lee Harris to teach at the school. We do not have access to records of any patients from Waverly Hills and we cannot accommodate any requests at this time. Waverly Hills Sanatorium once housed hundreds, perhaps thousands of tuberculosis patients during a major, years-long outbreak in Jefferson County, Kentucky the building that still stands today is said to be haunted by those who died there. Our objective is the facts as we are a resource. Director Philip Adrian Booth Writers Christopher Saint Booth WoodHaven Medical was closed by the state in 1981. Every state in the country has its fair share of haunted locations, and Kentucky is no different. They do this through offering tours, am annual haunted house held on the main buildings first floor, as well hosting private events in the restored laundry room. nothing without you. His plan was to turn the main hospital building into a minimum-security prison for state use. Sincerely, Waverly This building would stand at the forefront of America's fight against the deadly disease, Tuberculosis. In 2001, Charles and Tina Mattingly bought the property. A total of 63,000 people lost their lives up until 1961, the year when the hospital was closed. Mind you, we are not confirming nor denying that Waverly is haunted, but it has been featured on quite a few documentaries and television shows over the years. The statue, which was inspired by the famedstatue of Christ onCorcovadoMountain inRio de Janeiro, would have been designed by local Louisville sculptorEd Hamiltonand architect Jasper Ward. After careful planning, Construction began on a new 5-story brick and concrete Sanatoriumin March 1924. More than half of those diagnosed with TB would die in three to five years. After Alberhaskys efforts failed, Waverly Hills was sold to Tina and Charlie Mattingly in 2001. The building is host to ghost hunters from all over the globe. The search began for a proper location to constructed the much needed facility. Waverly Hills Sanatorium What's so scary about Waverly Hills Sanatorium? Get to know a haunted Waverly Hills is one of the most fascinating buildings to be found that stores within its wallsmany horrible and pain filled memories of a time where it seemed to continuously consume 100s of lives. The tunnel was the subject of the 2005 movie The Death Tunnel. In 1849, Ann Beatty wrote to her mother about her attacks of spitting bloodone of the most dreaded symptomsand expressed her fear of developing the disease: Pa says that if I am not very careful he thinks I will have consumption. Hauntings of Waverly Hills Sanatorium - Amy's Crypt Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky. Waverly Hills became known outside of the area when the TV series The Scariest Places on Earth profiled the institution in 2001. Like us on Facebook to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. The tunnel, also known as "the body chute", was serviced by a winch which hauled supplies up the hill and lowered gurneys with bodies down to the bottom. As it happens, one of his daughters needed to attend school, so he built a facility that would come to be called "Waverly School" by a teacher named Lizzie Lee Harris. 2023 Waverly Hills Historical Society | All Rights Reserved. The little TB clinic was filled with more than 140 people, and it was obvious that a much larger hospital was needed to treat those afflicted with the condition. Research notes for Supernatural Season 2 Episode 4. Please now use the Bobby Nichols Golf Course Gate entrance at 4400 Paralee Drive off of East Pages Lane. Then, the tuberculosis epidemic began to spread in Jefferson County, and the hospital could not keep up. Here are 9 things that make the death tunnel in Kentucky unique: The patients that passed on at Waverly were left at the end of the tunnel. Kelli Patrick:Waverly Hills Sanatorium opened in around 1910 because of an outbreak of tuberculosis. The Filson Historical Society holds a wide range of collections documenting individual experiences of tuberculosis and collective efforts to manage the disease. There are two legends concerning the room: a nurse committed suicide by jumping out the window, and a nurse who hanged herself in room 502 because she was single and pregnant. Unfortunately, the sanatorium's medical records (up to 1935) were destroyed during the Flood of 1937, and subsequent documentation was haphazardly discarded following the hospital's closing . Waverly Hills Memorial This website wouldbe The first phase of the development, coming in at a cost of $4 million, would have been a constructing the 150 foot tell statue, to be situated on the roof of the sanatorium. Today, the building is spooky enough to give anyone chills. Its believed that tuberculosis has claimed roughly. Surgical intervention, including removal of ribs and/or parts of the lungs, was reserved for patients close to death. & W.G.C. Spooked: The Ghosts of Waverly Hillsis a horror film about events that took place in thehospital. Nineteenth-century correspondence and diaries in the Filsons manuscript collections document the understandings and experiences of ordinary people, primarily white Kentuckians, as they struggled with the disease. Since any existing schools were a good distance away, Hays decided to establish a sone room school house for his children to attendand hired Ms. Lizzie Lee Harris as the teacher. Inside The Haunted Halls Of Waverly Hills Sanatorium - Travel Channel B.A.S.E.-Bay Area Supernatural Encounters 2009Follow us @ www.facebook.com/bayareaseor visit our webpage @ www.bayarease.comBack before the sanatorium was ev. Troy Taylor from the American Ghost Society claims, on his website, that he saw the man in the white coat disappear into a treatment room on the 4th floor during his first trip to WHS, shortly after the Mattinglys purchased the property. this website are the property of their respective owners or Waverly Hills Memorial & Historical Research Groupand Fewer than 5% of patients initially survived. Upon death, he fell asleep as we hope in the arms of his savior.1. The tunnel is supposed to be haunted by those who made their last journey through it. As the state of the patients worsened, people began to die in the facility on an almost-daily basis. Ruins of a historic medical facility sits eerily by the water. This site The Waverly Hills death tunnel actually was considered a sanctuary during an air raid and held enough space to fit everyone in the building safely. I grew up running around barefoot on a farm in Kentucky. BUT, according to Patti Starr in her book. Out of room, the hospital had to house these patients on the grounds, under tents. memorial. It's a place where the smell of death is hidden, and where the painful screams are still in the air. Haunted tours helped raise money for the restoration project, which will eventually include a bed-and-breakfast. but patients families still visited them on designated visitors days, lol. Forged from a partnership between a university press and a library, Project MUSE is a trusted part of the academic and scholarly community it serves. Official Waverly Hills Sanatorium/ Woodhaven Geriatric Center Memorial The Midwestern United States' tribute to Michelangelo is a foam statue sprayed with gaudy gold paint. More Waverly Hills haunted history, after the jump. Room 502 has a reputation due to the two suicides that supposedly occurred there. The legend of Louisville's haunted hospital: Waverly Hills Sanatorium Plans to turn Waverly Hills Sanatorium into a hotel, restaurant, and convention center are moving forward after the Louisville Metro Council approved a zoning change request by the owner on Feb. 27. Construction on the second hospital was underway in March 1924. & Historical Research GroupAll files, pictures, video, E.V.P., articles, trademarks; etc. Thank you! Today, it stands today as a monument in the fight against the dreaded disease. Once you went to Waverly Hills, you became a permanent resident on the hill. Oddly enough, despite that fact, many patients received visits from loved ones on visiting day. It also had an ulterior and much less sinister purpose. Construction on this building began in 1908 and opened for business on July 26, 1910. We do not own all of the materials on this website/blog. Some have called this long concrete structure the Death Shute over the years. 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. The land that the Waverly Hills Sanatorium sits on was purchased by a wealthy military man, Major Thomas H. Hays, in 1883. It was the leading cause of death during sanatorium's peak years of operation; however, it is impossible to say how many people died at Waverly Hills. KDR - Kentucky Death RecordsS - SubmittedNP - NewspaperO - Other20 The numbers are hard to believe, however. It opened in 1910 as a two-story hospital to accommodate 40 to 50 tuberculosis patients. Sanatoriums were built on high hills surrounded by peaceful woods to create a serene atmosphere to help the patients recover. We do not own all of the materials on this website/blog. At the same time they also reveal stark racial disparities in mortality rates and institutional treatment. These dead patients were taken to the burial site through the tunnels known as the 490-foot (150-meter Death Tunnel), one of the most famous parts of the hospital. In 1907, the Louisville Tuberculosis Association established Hazelwood Sanatorium for the treatment of white patients from any part of Kentucky, even before Waverly Hills Sanatorium opened, in 1910, for city and county residents. We now have a patient death index for patients that died at Waverly Hills starting in 1911. The reasons for doing this may have been to keep from spreading disease once the body was brought back into town, and/or to make the body lighter. These records shed light on public services that often reached across lines of class and race. . They focused less on the tunnel and more on a college kid storyline, highlighted with a little bit of history. It is sad that a place that played such a vital role during this period of history and medical discovery was not only over, but now disrespected. This new treatment meant that newer cases could now be treated as outpatients in a regular hospital. An event referred to as the Lbeck disaster, in which a contaminated vaccine ended up killing 72 children in Germany, curtailed the popularity of the BCG vaccine for several years -- even though the vaccine itself was exonerated. Locals place their offerings on this nightmarish gnarled tree so the witches won't summon another storm. According to the Waverly Hills Historical Society, guided tours and overnight stays are booked up for the rest of this year. If you can correct us on anything we have posted, please do so. He had a small schoolhouse built on Pages Lane and hired schoolteacher Lizzie Lee Harris to teach his three daughters. With the discovery of a new antibiotic, Streptomyc in 1943, there was finally a way to combat Tuberculosis . & Historical Research GroupAll files, pictures, video, E.V.P., articles, trademarks; etc. During its time as a hospital, Waverly Hills would sadly see many deaths. People who were afflicted with Tuberculosis were isolated from the general public and placed in an area where they could rest, stay calm, and have plenty of fresh air. A young boy named Timmy or Tim has been seen rolling a blue rubber ball. Was a May Day Attack by Pilgrims a Practice Run for a Massacre? Please remember that information contained on this site, authored/owned by KHI, is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Ms Harris had a fondness for author Walter Scotts Waverley novels, and she received Hays permission to name the schoolhouse the Waverley School. Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville opened in 1910 to accommodate tuberculosis patients. **Research compiled for Ryan & Shane on January 27, 2017 by Micki Taylor. Waverly Hills was later reportedly given $11 million dollars with which to build a new, larger hospital. Let's see what might have caused all these tragic deaths. Are they real, or arent they, that is the question? The tubercle bacillus that causes tuberculosis was identified in an Egyptian mummy that dated back to 3000 BCE. When the visit was over, the visitors left Waverly and ventured back out into the community. At the beginning of the 20th century Louisville Kentucky had the one of highest rate of tuberculosis deaths in the United States. This list is organized by date of death and not by name. I would like to live and watch over and take care of my poor Fatherless children. Individuals worried about their health as well as about their family responsibilities and livelihood. It was the workers that would be detached to gather the bodies of the dead and either burn, bury, or transport them elsewhere. Produced by Johns Hopkins University Press in collaboration with The Sheridan Libraries. Even taking into account the extra 19 years that the geriatric hospital was in operation, more than 2 people would have had to die on-premises on average every day for 70 years. Waverly Hills Sanatorium has been a TB hospital, a nursing home, a failed religious monument, and now a paranormal investigation site. The BCG vaccine was first successfully used to ward off tuberculosis in 1921 in France, but the use of vaccines tended to travel slowly in those days. The second purpose was to protect those who had to transport the dead to the pickup spot to be laid to rest. Early-twentieth-century scrapbooks and organizational records chronicle public health measures and tuberculosis facilities in Louisville and other parts of the state. Located just outside of Elizabethtown, Kasey Cemetery is so haunted, its known as the Gates of Hell. Because Tuberculosis was so extremely contagious and at epidemic proportions, those living with it could not be allowed to live and exist among the general population. In mechanical drawings from 1924 and 1962, however, this room is labeled the Transformer Room, and it clearly appears to be an electrical room. This is an active project so check back often for updates. Since there was no cure for tuberculosis in those days, anyone who caught this disease was brought to this hospital in a sense to be separated away from society. Every weekday we compile our most wondrous stories and deliver them straight to you. Edward A. Arthur Waverly Hills photograph collection, 019PC9, Filson Historical Society. Patients in every condition were accepted including those in early stages to those in the final stages. A homeless man and his dog supposedly fell down the elevator shaft when the building was vacant, and some have seen the. There are a large number of people who enjoy the idea of believing and chasing ghosts and ghosts tales, and this fanbase is one that seems to grow byleaps and boundsevery single year. ), 10 Best Animations to Watch on Netflix Right Now, 15 Best Scandinavian Shows That Also Inspired Other TV Shows, 10+ Best Lesbian Movies on Netflix [Updated for 2022]. Youtube user Dead Explorer perfectly captured what its like to walk through the tunnel in the video above. He hired a woman named Lizzie Lee Harris to teach at the school. Waverly Hills isnt the only haunted tunnel around. All information / names gathered from research and visitors will be added to the This is an active project so check back often for updates. & W.G.C. It was thought that doing so would close up the small holes that tuberculosis causes. can not be used in any means without written persmission from the owner of the media. The hospital was deteriorating badly when they took possession. There are a few abandoned tunnels in Kentucky, but none have quite the reputation of the notorious Waverly Hills Death Tunnel on 4400 Paralee Lane in Louisville. will currently be the memorial for the tuberculosis & geriatric hospitals. I am somewhat a cliche'. Sign up for our newsletter and enter to win the second edition of our book. It's believed that nearly 50,000. Waverly Hills Sanatorium Body Chute: Is It Haunted? will be confirmed information either by photograph, news article, and/ or historical archive of some kind. It has a somewhat mysterious and sinister past Major Hays was in need of a school for his daughters to attend, so he started a one-room schoolhouse that was located on Pages Lane. Last, a rich variety of records from the early and mid-twentieth centuryincluding pamphlets, photographs, letters, and architectural recordshelp document the history of Waverly Hills Sanatorium from the perspective of administrators and some of the employees and patients who lived there. Trellix. (The myth was further spread by Tina. These include nineteenth-century correspondence, diaries, and medical publications in which Kentuckians wrote of debilitating symptoms and possible treatments. The tunnel itself was originally 525 feet long and ran out to the bottom of the hill. (E to H) Patients of W.H.S. Many of these materials are courtesy of other sources and the original copyright holders retain all applicable rights under the law. mentioned or used within The bottom line is that the death tunnel is a must-stop if you happen to be a haunted places enthusiast. Louisville, KY, is home to the Waverly Hills Sanatorium, which many people believe is one of the most haunted places on Earth. The warm, wet weather in Kentucky near the Ohio River was a breeding place for bacteria, and insects often helped to spread disease. The Waverly Hills Sanatorium is a former sanatorium located in the Waverly Hills neighborhood of Louisville, Kentucky.. This list includes only patients that died at the hospital. Waverly Hills Sanatorium We now have a patient death index for patients that died at Waverly Hills starting in 1911. Many people claimed that the souls of the people who died in the hospital were still wandering in the corridors. Everyone at Waverly patients, nurses, doctors, and other employees had to say goodbye to everything they knew on the outside world. resource site. Official Waverly Hills Sanatorium/ Woodhaven Geriatric Center Memorial & Historical Resource. The area known today as Waverly Hill was purchased by Major Thomas H. Hays in 1883 as the Hays family home. The city suffered one of the largest outbreaks in the country. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! In 1908, ground was broken on what would become known as Waverly Hills Sanatorium (no one is quite sure when or how the second e was dropped from Waverly). All proceeds benefit the restoration project. Robert Alberhasky bought the property in 1996 with plans to to erect the world's tallest statue of Jesus and a religious center. An abandoned tuberculosis hospital moulders on into an uncertain future. You can imagine what follows. What makes this tunnel in Kentucky stand out from the others? The SciFi Channel series returned to Kentucky and did a live broadcast on Halloween night. The following index contains recorded patient deaths at Waverly Hills between 1911-1960. (Note the slightly different spelling of Waverley here. . See. Bodies were not dumped but rather carried down the tunnel to the bottom of the hill, where they could be collected by a hearse, as there was no cemetery at the hospital. At the time, Tuberculosis was a very serious disease. Welcome to the Official Waverly Hills/ Woodhaven memorial & historical resource site. Waverly Hills was a self-contained community. But in 2001, Waverly Hills Sanatorium was purchased and since then, there have been many changes and improvements to the building and surrounding property. What makes this tunnel in Kentucky stand out from the others? Estimates vary, and records have been destroyed, but there may have been as many as 64,000 deaths at Waverly Sanatorium. Due to the rapid increase of Tuberculosis cases, the original hospital was soon to capacity. Alberhaskys plan fell through, as only $3,000 was raised in a year. A childrens pavilion was built in 1916 that housed 40 children and included a schoolroom. Buildings were added to the institution in 1912, 1916, and 1926. Over the next few decades, Waverly Hills would fall into more dark times. If the number is true, the cost would equate to roughly. However it wouldnt be until 1949 when Streptomycin would be available to the patients at Waverly Hills. Winner will be selected at random on 06/01/2023. Today, it stands today as a monument in the fight against the . (The myth was further spread by Tina Mattingly on an episode of. With little knowledge of how to fight the illness, the creators of Waverly Hills based their treatment on quarantine, fresh air, and a positive attitude. We wouldnt want you to end up in the hospital, or worse, jail. Construction on the first hospital began in 1908 in a quiet space atop a hill, where it was thought patients would be at peace and receive lots of fresh air (and stay far from crowded areas). At the height of the tuberculosis epidemic, it is reported that one patient an hour died. There are currently 10 different medications available in the US to treat tuberculosis. Hays later sold the land to the Board of Tuberculosis Hospital, and they built the sanatorium there, adopting the name, to house a rapidly increasing number of tuberculosis patients. In the first few years of possession, the Mattinglys removed the asbestos and replaced 100 broken windows. Nestled on the top of a placid hill, the old Waverly Hills Sanatorium once tried to heal tuberculosis with peace and good vibes. I love writing, art, sunshine, all animals and my incredibly patient husband, who tolerates my "crazy animal lady" side. The enormous and haunted Waverly Hills Sanatorium by night. Previous property owners had no desire to maintain the luster of the building and did little to stop people from slowly destroying her. No purchase necessary. Follow us on social media to add even more wonder to your day. Waverly Hills Sanatorium Louisville Kentucky 2009 - YouTube Vandalized, damaged, nearly condemned. This list does not included patient data from the geriatric center after inpatient tuberculosis treatment had stopped. The hospital, known as Waverly Hills, was opened in 1926 and was considered to be the most advanced tuberculosis hospital in the country. Our objective is to provide a resource and a memorial for all the building and the people whose lives made an impact on Louisville's history. To this effect the original facility consisted of two open-air pavilions which housed 40 victims of the disease. shared photos and the stories of their family members who were patients and staff members of Waverly Hills.
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