swfpac commanding officer
Program Management Office, Strategic Systems Programs Flight Systems (SPF) Denver, Colorado. NBK Bremerton (PSNS) Navy Hospital Bremerton. Junior Marines come direct to the unit after receiving their basic training at one of the Marine Corps Recruit Depots, followed by the School of Infantry (to become infantrymen) and Marine Corps Security Forces Training Company (for security forces specific training). The only identified hazard at SUBASE Bangor is a strong southwesterly wind funneling through Hood Canal. There, he served as the commanding officer of the Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific Command at Bangor from 1985 to 1992, a full seven years, longer than any other commanding officer in Bangors history. As for a career in the Navy, he tells anyone thinking about it to do it. Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific (SWFPAC) | Poulsbo WA Puget Sound Naval Shipyard at Bremerton, Washington, was selected as the FBM submarine overhaul facility; the Naval Ammunition Depot at Bangor, Washington, was selected for the POLARIS missile assembly facility; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, was chosen as the location of the crew training facility. Her Gold crew was awarded the Comsubron Seventeen Battle Efficiency Award for 2001. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'globalsecurity_org-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',127,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-globalsecurity_org-medrectangle-4-0');Currents in Hood Canal, a semi-enclosed basin, are largely tide driven. The Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific was immediately shut down and inspected by the Navy, and failed to pass. Ive had a wonderful career, Kiess said. The process proceeded smoothly until tube number 16. Navy NewsStand. When a close family friend died, she had to get special permission to notify her husband of that death. But Kiess said it wasnt hard at all. Unemployment and military spouses terms that are so often used together until some might consider them interchangeable. This boat was later converted to a guided missile submarine (SSGN) for carrying guided cruise missiles instead of fleet ballistic missiles in its missile compartment. Facebook Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific (SWFPAC) provides assembly, storage, checkout, onload and offload of Trident missiles; ensures custody, accountability and control of nuclear weapons and material; publishes and maintains START procedures and conducts START inspections; and provides technical engineering services for guidance, missile, and launcher support equipment. 0 The 2006 book "Blood Stripes: The Grunt's View of the War in Iraq" was written by a former Marine officer who had served at Bangor and follows several junior Marines from their time at Bangor through the war in Iraq and onwards to their civilian life. Those were hard times. ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; Today his life is more about reading, playing cribbage and socializing with the others who live in the community. | View Image Page. The equipment vendor developed a new technology to mix media and water in a [12][13] The conversion and refitting work was completed in February 2008. That was my most favorite assignment, he said of being in charge at Bangor. Her Gold Crew was awarded the Comsubron Seventeen Battle Efficiency Award for 2001. The challenges goal is to reduce utility cost and meet federal and the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) goals to establish and strengthen a culture of efficiency. People everywhere are good. I was 22 when I entered the Navy, he said. After Johnson's words, LaSota addressed his staff one last time. If a submarine commanding officer has passed through the Hood Canal Bridge once, a pilot is optional on . Three Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific (SWFPAC) sailors of the quarter were recognized by the Navy League of the United States Bremerton-Olympic Peninsula Council during an Oct. 13 luncheon held at Naval Base Kitsaps Bangor Plaza. Redesignated during April 2008 as Marine Corps Security Force Battalion, Bangor, Washington. In 2014, SWFPAC celebrates its 50th anniversary. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Fellman, Sam, "$2.2 Million Sub Mishap Was 'Avoidable,' Report Says", http://www.fas.org/programs/ssp/man/uswpns/navy/submarines/ssgn726_ohio.html, http://www.dailypress.com/news/dp-local_subs_0424apr24,0,5810806.story, http://www.navy.mil/navydata/cno/n87/faq.html, "Florida Today Space and Missile Launch Database", http://web.archive.org/web/20070315031923/http://www.floridatoday.com/maps/launches/TridentLaunches.htm, http://infoweb.newsbank.com/iw-search/we/InfoWeb?p_action=doc&p_topdoc=1&p_docnum=1&p_sort=YMD_date:D&p_product=AWNB&p_text_direct-0=document_id=(%2011319C71F637EDB8%20)&p_docid=11319C71F637EDB8&p_theme=aggdocs&p_queryname=11319C71F637EDB8&f_openurl=yes&p_nbid=T5BT5EQYMTMzNTk4NTIyMC40NjEyMTY6MToxMToyMDYuODAuNTYuMA&&p_multi=BRZB, http://infoweb.newsbank.com/iw-search/we/InfoWeb?p_action=doc&p_topdoc=1&p_docnum=1&p_sort=YMD_date:D&p_product=AWNB&p_text_direct-0=document_id=(%200EB4EA394DED43D9%20)&p_docid=0EB4EA394DED43D9&p_theme=aggdocs&p_queryname=0EB4EA394DED43D9&f_openurl=yes&p_nbid=Y57O5AWUMTMzNTk4NTQwNi43MTEyOTM6MToxMToyMDYuODAuNTYuMA&&p_multi=ORLB, http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/cno/n87/usw/issue_25/hammer.htm, "Conversion of USS Georgia From SSBN to SSGN", http://www.strategypage.com/militaryforums/462-2729.aspx, "USS Georgia SSBN Enters Conversion to SSGN "Tactical Trident" SpecOps Sub", http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/2005/10/uss-georgia-ssbn-enters-conversion-to-ssgn-tactical-trident-specops-sub/index.php, http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htsub/articles/20080222.aspx, "Isakson Praises Navys Decision to Move USS Georgia to Kings Bay", http://isakson.senate.gov/press/2006/072506ussga.htm, "Navy Marks USS Georgia's Return To Service", http://www.news4jax.com/news/15269815/detail.html, http://www.kingsbayperiscope.com/stories/081309/kin_georgia.shtml, http://www.navy.mil/search/display.asp?story_id=50452, List of submarines of the United States Navy, List of submarine classes of the United States Navy, Articles with dead external links from November 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2014, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2023, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, 16,764 metric tons (16,499 long tons) surfaced, 18,750 metric tons (18,450 long tons) submerged. Commanders. USS Georgia (SSGN-729) - Wikipedia Prior to that, during Keiss assignments in Washington, D.C., he was working with others to design the Bangor base. Strategic Weapons Facility Sailors Honored by Navy League In addition to its guard mission, the MCSFBn maintains a Ceremonial Drill Team which is the only one of its kind in the Pacific Northwest. "What has made it so rewarding has not been the accolades that come from achieving great accomplishments or the recognition associated with achieving first time events, but what makes this tour more special than any other is the people.". I could only send three messages to him and each could only be 15 words long. worked closely with the Repair Department to develop a new wet abrasive Because of an increasing workload, SWFPAC moved into an "Increased Contractor Participation" mode in 1977. 60 0 obj<>stream Small boat that sank near Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor recovered We can utilize what we have learned here at headquarters across the rest of SWFPAC and eventually the Navy. If tug assistance is required, pilotage is mandatory. The pier facilities of the base are located along two nmi of waterfront. ins.id = slotId + '-asloaded'; He and his wife are world travelers and have been on every continent and to China, North and South Africa and Australia. Because of the steep terrain on both sides of Hood Canal, heavy rain causes heavy runoff. Afterward, they are eligible to attend the following courses, pending their command's approval: On 14 January 1989, an 18- year-old Marine shot himself in the head with his M-16 rifle while stationed in a guard tower. trailer 0000005558 00000 n On 22 March 1986, three miles south of Midway Island, USSSecota(YTM-415) had just completed a personnel transfer from Georgia, when Secota lost power and collided with Georgia's stern plane. Captain fahlenkamp. If you do not have base access, you will need to provide your date of birth and city of birth. On August 2009, Georgia began first SSGN deployment. The Navy said they observed "sporadic patches of sheening on the water surface" at the resting spot of the boat after the incident and during the recovery, but the observations "were intermittent and not consistent with a large release". The cause of this incident as well as damage to the vessel remain under investigation, Kubistek said. Secota sank within two minutes. 0000000696 00000 n And there was a lot of back and forth in those 30 years, too, he said. %PDF-1.6 % 0000001153 00000 n I did it because I thought it would be good practice for the other college entrance exams, he said. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Tom Zwolfer, Naval Base Your email address will not be published. var ins = document.createElement('ins'); SWFPAC was established in 1964 as the POLARIS Missile Facility Pacific. guide the Commanding Officer on proper employment of his forces and weapon systems. savings of $50,000 per boat. He is also our urinalysis coordinator, and does all the legwork to ensure our workforce maintains only the highest standards of personal conduct and integrity.". The increased runoff adds to tidal flow during the ebb, increasing the current speed to two kt. Navy plans called for the POLARIS FBM submarines to be operating in the Pacific. US Marine Corps Ranks. Lastly honored was MT1 Kenneth Louk, who according to Baretela, "works in our operations division where he ensures we move everything we have from one location to another in a safe and timely manner. He was commissioned on June 9, 1962, and spent half his career in the Atlantic and on the East Coast and the other half in the Pacific on the West Coast. 151 were here. What an incredible and unparalleled Navy, Marine, government, civilian and contractor weapons team.". She was launched on 6 November 1982 sponsored by Mrs. Sheila M. Watkins, and commissioned as a fleet ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) on 11 February 1984, with Captain A. W. Kuester commanding the Blue crew and Captain M. P. Gray commanding the Gold crew. Rank Abbreviations. Redesignated 30 May 1956 as Marine Barracks, Naval Ammunition Depot, Bangor, Washington. Marine Corps Security Force Battalion Bangor logo, Marine Corps Security Force Battalion Bangor, Marine Corps Security Force Training Company, Marine Corps Security Force Battalion Kings Bay, 43 Commando Fleet Protection Group Royal Marines, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Marine_Corps_Security_Force_Battalion_Bangor&oldid=1147078251. She was awarded her second Meritorious Unit Commendation for Submarine Operations between February 1986 to August 1986. Strategic Weapons Facility, Pacific (SWFPAC), Bangor, Washington The Battalion is organized into several Marine Guard Platoons and Navy Master-At-Arms Divisions. Captain Michael Baretela, SWFPAC commanding officer, and SWFPAC Command Master Chief Jared Hofer, were also present to honor their standout sailors for their hard work and individual efforts. Stephen Oliver - Program Planning Division Head - SWFPAC (US - LinkedIn On 30 October 2003, Georgia returned from her 65th and last deterrent patrol. When each tube was opened, a ladder was lowered into the tube so a sailor could climb down and attach a hoist to lift the missile. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. The hard times were when he was gone for months, she said. Keith Lyles, commanding officer of SWFPAC; his executive officer, Phillip Jackson; weapons officer Marshall Millett; and command master chief Steven Perry were relieved of duty, Sims said. Following HAWAIIs commissioning in 2007, Fahlenkamp volunteered for an Individual Augmentee assignment to Baghdad, Iraq where he led reconstruction projects within the International Zone for the Joint Area Support Group-Central. The base included 7,676 acres of land, 5,000 of which are wooded. The contract to build her was awarded to the Electric Boat Division of General Dynamics Corporation in Groton, Connecticut on 20 February 1976 and her keel was laid down on 7 April 1979. He was a good student at Williamsport High in Williamsport, Penn. Pier decks have a nominal height of 20 ft above mean lower low water. It was chaos. Since his stroke, Kiess hasnt been able to do some of the things he enjoys. :>l6GPqwtH`IR7;W"W)sLQTOI;E2Tm%sJCp$i'GXq|oHMK:]3|0gfGH6M2NlqTDLz+S2tiDMi\HmND%~%.Rta8h Ydq.82;D&(Q;YZmO$Z=4e[9$7@_.@?T}VOO?/;O@%KFi^d]*DkZmTZ efum4=oNUs7eqW,r(p~,pm \pVOyUhdE$?gM.k:\ZJ=:iTPG-uCf2|yr"KF*IMHiR7#(stx. Capt. PDF Department of The Navy Office of The Chief of Naval Operations Facilities Manager at SWFPAC Silverdale, Washington, United States. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'globalsecurity_org-banner-1','ezslot_7',135,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-globalsecurity_org-banner-1-0'); It was during this time frame, 1980 - 81, that POLARIS A3 missiles were being phased out of the Pacific. [7] That sank Secota within two minutes. Kevin P. Lenox is the new commanding officer of the USS Nimitz (CVN 68). No radioactive material was released. container.appendChild(ins); A 2009 Kitsap Sun article below in the external links section provides additional details. Timothy J. Reporter Peiyu Lin covers the military for the Kitsap Sun. The Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific was immediately shut down and inspected by the Navy, and failed to pass. 0000001552 00000 n [11], Georgia was officially welcomed home in Kings Bay, Georgia on 28 March 2008 in a return to service ceremony attended by Governor Sonny Perdue. SWFPAC CO Relieved For Cause. var slotId = 'div-gpt-ad-globalsecurity_org-medrectangle-3-0'; The monthly luncheons are held at the Bangor Conference Center in Trident Ballroom on base at Bangor, on the second Tuesday of the Month. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. SSP Flight Systems Detachment Magna, Utah; LtCol Christopher Esrey. She was awarded her second Meritorious Unit Commendation for Submarine Operations between February 1986 to August 1986. The challenge uses friendly competition to establish and strengthen the command energy climate by encouraging energy efficient behaviors. He studied engineering and graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering. Mcsfbn Battalion Senior Enlisted advisor. This action would be expected to have the long-term effect of creating pre- deployment/mobilization centers of excellence, leverage economies of scale, reduce costs, and improve service to mobilized service members. SWFPAC reopened after passing inspection under a new commanding officer on 9 January 2004. In June 2004, SUBASE Bangor merged with Naval Station Bremerton. Rainier in 1987. The associated cost savings was $23,700 over the three months of the challenge. 0000001344 00000 n (SWFPAC) 50TH ANNIVERSARY September's Luncheon Speaker is Capt Michael Baretela, Commanding Officer Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Failure to meet and maintain these standards results in reassignment to a conventional unit in the Fleet. It was during the Cold War and our mission was to keep peace. Required fields are marked *. Building managers were responsible for 10 components, but mostly the actions of building personnel affected the conservation of energy. The Stupid Shall Be Punished: SWFPAC CO Relieved For Cause - Blogger "Petty Officer Cunningham works 'behind the wire,' and every missile we process goes through him. Redesignated 1 July 1948 as Marine Barracks, Naval Ammunition Depot, Bangor, Washington. Junior Marines on their first enlistment typically serve two years with the unit before receiving orders to a standard Marine Infantry battalion for the rest of their enlistment. Navy recovers security patrol boat that sank near Naval Base - Yahoo Being a commanding officer is what you aspire to do throughout your Navy career. Sept 9 Luncheon Speaker Capt Michael Baretela, Commanding Officer Northeast setting ebb currents in the range of 1.0 to 1.2 kt are common adjacent to the SUBASE. From March to April 1984 she went on her shakedown cruise and test-launched a Trident C-4 missile in the Eastern Test Range on 7 April 1986. But he cant go running, and he cant climb. Following the incident, the commanding officer of SWFPAC was relieved from command. 151 . In July 2001, a V-150 armored vehicle rolled over. In another recommendation, DoD would realign Submarine Base Bangor, WA, by relocating all mobilization processing functions to Ft Lewis, WA, designating it as Joint Pre-Deployment/Mobilization Site Lewis/McChord. 0000001024 00000 n [23], The Spanish Foreign Ministry lodged an official protest when Georgia docked at Gibraltar in April 2022.[24]. The consolidation of the Navy Reserve Command installation management functions with other Navy Regional organizations would be part of the Department of the Navy efforts to streamline regional management structure and to institute consistent business practices. The new ULMS extended-range missiles would provide this capability from the time the SSBN left CONUS ports. Marines and Sailors are given an opportunity, if the Command allows them, to try out for RTT. Kuester commanding the Blue crew and Captain M.P. It just so happened that the Dean of Men was a Navy Reservist and offered Kiess the opportunity to take the introduction to ROTC exam. On 30 October 2003, Georgia returned from her 65th and last deterrent patrol. In October 2004 she participated as the command node of Exercise Silent Hammer to validate and showcase the new Joint Warfare and ISR capabilities. Ten people were rescued, including the Georgia crewman who had just transferred to Secota. She said she could not comment on the reassignments, or what led to the sweeping personnel action. When they returned, they began to hoist the missile, pulling against the ladder and cutting a nine-inch (230mm) hole in its nose cone. Redesignated 1 October 1978 as Marine Corps Security Forces Company, Bangor, Washington. var ffid = 1; Capt. Externally, MCSFBn operationally reports to SWFPAC, while administratively answering to Marine Corps Security Force Regiment. SWFPAC building achieved an electricity savings of 251 megawatt hour, which is equal to 2,510 automobile engines running continuously for one hour. Ten people were rescued, including the Georgia crewman who had just transferred to Secota. A Navy investigation revealed discrepancies with his behavior that were not reported as required under the PRP program. By Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class (AW) Maebel Ysog Tinoko, Fleet Public Affairs Center, Det. Master chief Mckean. I would just say, All is well, We couldnt figure out how he stood it. Timothy J. From March to April, 1984 she went on her shakedown cruise and test-launched a Trident C-4 missile in the Eastern Test Range on 7 April 1986. ins.style.display = 'block'; Alongside water depths vary from 45 ft at Marginal Wharves North and South, to 60 to 115 ft at the Delta Piers. Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific (SWFPAC) | Poulsbo WA - Facebook If a submarine commanding officer has passed through the Hood Canal Bridge once, a pilot is optional on departures. In November 2009, 5 senior citizens were arrested after breaching the base perimeter security and attempting to gain access to one of the restricted areas of the base. It never bothered him to be underwater for long periods of time although sometimes his family wondered how he did it. On 22 March 1986, three miles south of Midway Island, harbor tug USSSecota(YTM-415) had just completed a personnel transfer from Georgia, picking up a submarine crewman who was going on emergency leave, when Secota lost power and got hung up on Georgia's starboard stern plane while the sub's propeller continued to turn. 22 terms. Georgia was redesignated to SSGN on 1 March 2004. Trident Refit Facility, Bangor WA, has In fact, so good that the noise and ruckus in his study hall disrupted his studying. This ship was later converted to a guided missile submarine (SSGN) for carrying guided cruise missiles instead of fleet ballistic missiles in its missile compartment. During his career, the family moved 17 times, he said, every two years, until Bangor. Its first C4 DASO missile was airlifted from SWFPAC to the Eastern Space and Missile Center (Eastern Test Range) in December 1981 for eventual outload on the USS Ohio (SSBN-726). LaSota has consistently executed each and every mission on time.". Commissioned as POLARIS Missile Facility Pacific (POMFPAC) in 1964, the POLARIS A3 missile facility was in full production and providing the Fleet with high-quality missiles by December of that year. Southwesterly winds directly impact Bangor's dock facilities due to the orientation of Hood Canal. The economy was strong and we had the money to do His longest time spent under the sea was 88 days. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'globalsecurity_org-medrectangle-3','ezslot_9',126,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-globalsecurity_org-medrectangle-3-0'); No anchorages exist at SUBASE Bangor. Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific (SWFPAC) provides assembly, storage, checkout . SWFPAC's commanding officer, Captain Keith Lyles, was relieved of command on 19 December 2003, followed by his executive officer, Commander Phillip Jackson, weapons officer, Commander Marshall Millett, and Master Chief Petty Officer of the Command Steven Perry. Mooring buoys for barges are available near the KB docks. Wash. (Nov. 5, 2015) Capt. Redesignated 30 November 1945 as Marine Barracks, Naval Ammunition Depot, Puget Sound, Washington. 152 were here. To preclude such damage, normal tug operations are suspended in strong wind situations. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. This number was eventually reduced to five: Yorktown, Virginia; Charleston, South Carolina; Bangor, Washington; King's Bay, Georgia; and Cape Kennedy, Florida. As an element of Task Unit 14.7.1 from September 1983 to May 1986, she was awarded a Meritorious Unit Commendation. Former SWFPAC commander would 'do it all again' - Kitsap Daily News He retired at the rank of captain. The Marine Corps Security Force Battalion Bangor (MCSFBn Bangor) is part of the Marine Corps Security Force Regiment. Doors open at 11:00 and lunch will begin at 11:30 AM. The security patrol boat is at the end of its planned service life and . The boat was placed into drydock for inspection and repairs which cost about $1 million. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1); On 17 January 1977, the decision was made for production go-ahead on the TRIDENT I (C4). The process proceeded smoothly until tube number 16. "Teamwork played a big role in the success of this recovery effort," said Capt. SWFPAC reopened after passing inspection under a new commanding officer on 9 January 2004. The sunken vessel was a surface patrol boat that the Navy used in routine waterborne patrol operations, said Naval Base Kitsap spokesperson Joe Kubistek. In January 2010, Georgia earned a Squadron Sixteen battle efficiency "E" for 2009 together with an Engineering Red "E", Navigation Red and Green "N". [12][13][14] (2) Using the "coastlines and waters" diagram, which shows all U.S. SSBNs and SSGNs (identified as C4 SSBNs . SILVERDALE, Wash. - Naval Base Kitsap (NBK) awarded Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific (SWFPAC) $10,000 at the closing of the inaugural Energy Challenge, Nov. 5. . Enroute to SWFPAC we stopped by SWFPAC Headquarters and picked up the Commanding Officer, Captain Mike Baretela, who led us on the tour. Bangor, Washington, was announced on 16 February 1973, with the selection of Bangor as the initial base for the new TRIDENT SSBN. The three injured crewmembers involved in the incident were released from the hospital. They also use the Explosives Handling Wharf and the drydock on Delta Pier. Those who are selected then have a tactical spin-up (a period of intensive preparatory training,) before reporting to USMC CQB School where they undergo an intensive seven-week advanced combat marksmanship and dynamic assault course. This challenge aligns with the goals placed by SECNAV and it is great to see tenant commands working hard to reduce energy consumption as evidenced by the SWFPAC team during the challenge. Four Ohio-class strategic missile submarines, USS Ohio (SSBN 726), USS Michigan (SSBN 727), USS Georgia (SSBN 728), and USS Georgia have been selected for transformation . Construction of the $12.5 million facility at Bangor began in March 1963. hull; savings of 1250 man-days of labor; and 90% reduced waste disposal costs for additional {{Unreferenced The IDA 1967 STRAT-X Report, besides suggesting a new ULMS submarine and missile, also suggested concepts for a ULMS Refit Complex. Mcsfbn XO. Most vessels are moored on the inboard side of the piers, but YTT's (torpedo recovery boats - 135-140 ft long/1,600 tons) moor to the outside of the piers and are exposed to whatever conditions exist in Hood Canal.