providence journal archives
Thousands of databases, posted or updated regularly. This little nod caused a few people to write in though. Mr. Edward B. Hanes of Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts, formed one of the largest collections of books on checkers ever assembled. A local magician, John H. Percival, gave his collection of books on magic to the Library in 1970, after which the Library had a week-long celebration honoring him for his gift. When not engaged at his day job with the New England Telephone Company Percival attended performances and magicians conventions, where he became acquainted with many 20th century magicians, including Harry Blackstone, Howard Thurston and Harry Houdini. The Library will be closed on Thursday & Friday, May 4 & 5 for staff in-service. Contains obituaries and death notices published in the Providence Journal since 1980. I will never jeopardize or embarrass the badge that I wear so proudly.". Rhode Island Obituaries, today, past 3 days, past 7 days, past 30 days world's largest online collection of obituaries, at legacy.com The Providence Journal Obituaries in Providence and throughout Providence County Rhode Island Obituaries and Death Records browse obituaries by city, town or search by name, location or date of death, at tributes.com Topics include: affirmative action, cloning, DNA profiling, HIV/AIDS status disclosure, immigration, Iraq, Israel & the Palestinians, Katrina and FEMA response, nuclear proliferation, separation of church and state, standardized testing, stem cell research, tax cuts, voting machines, and many more. Coverage from 1981 through today. With more than 330 years "I'm very proud to be a Providence police officer. Website and digital strategy by nabec partners, Search our periodicals and newspapers through, Virtual Programs and Resources for Teachers and Homeschool Educators, EnCompass: Rhode Island History Digital Textbook, RHODI Rhode Island Online Directory Initiative. If you're interested in uncovering your family history, looking through the Providence Journal archive in Providence, Rhode Island can yield incredible results. The AS220 Archives at PPL documents AS220 - a Providence arts organization that has evolved organically since 1985 in response to community needs and, as a result, dramatically changed the landscape of the city. FBI agents in Massachusetts have talked with Par about Perez more than once, focusing on whether Perez might have done anything inappropriate to help his nephew, Par said, adding that he holds Perez in the highest regard. The first newspaper published in Providence was the Providence Gazette, which began its run in 1762. Some articles such as obituaries, wedding announcements, syndicated-columnists, and wire services may not be available for a particular newspaper. The collection was given by Lyra Brown Nickerson as a memorial to her father, and was accompanied by an endowment that has allowed the library to add to the collection in the years since. The Library has complete runs of both editions on microfilm. Create your own metadata "title and description" and save the clipping in your File box. "He makes custom orders of these pills," she said. (More about the RI Collections), The library has been building its collection on the history of printing since 1910. Searching obituaries is a great place to start your family tree research. Apr 28, 2023. Created especially for kids (and the adults who work with them), NoveList K-8 Plus has a colorful, graphic-rich homepage and is very easy to use. Tutor is available 7 days a week from 2pm 10pm. The two archives with the highest number of new posted records in July, for example, were the Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart and the Landeskirchliches Archiv Kassel. It included his personal library which was strong in Irish, Scottish and Celtic literature and folklore. For today's news, use the print issue or ProJo.com. Perez from commenting on the specifics of any pending investigations. From The Providence Journal's archives: JACK WHITE, 1942-2005, Pulitzer Prize-winner known for dedication to his craft; The story was finally published on Oct. 3, 1973. Those interested in doing in-depth research should always contact Providence Archives for further assistance. But I have been estranged from my family because of some of these concerns and the recent arrest. Database URL: http://providencearchives.contentdm.oclc.org/. Need a library card? Compassion, Dignity, Justice, Excellence, Integrity. Using our search feature, you can access the entire Providence Journal database in a matter of seconds. How do I set up an account? (More information about the Nicholson Collection), The AS220 Archives at PPL documents AS220 - a Providence arts organization that has evolved organically since 1985 in response to community needs and, as a result, dramatically changed the landscape of the city. Our digital collections are only a representation of the totality of our collections. Daily Sun (Arlington, VA). With historical records often being incomplete or difficult to find, uncovering those elusive ancestors can be Female relatives were often recorded via their husbands name. What and Why RI: Why do Rhode Islanders say bubbler when most people don't? These are genealogy links to Hesse online databases and indexes that may include birth records, marriage records, death records, biographies, cemeteries, censuses, histories, immigration records, land records, military records, newspapers, obituaries, or probate records. It became a republic after German defeat in World War I in 1918. "Rest assured that Sgt. To not leave you with another question, the Turks Head Building was named in honor of the original Turks Head in Providence. It provides content covering all areas of health and wellness from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated medicine and covers topics such as aging, cancer, diabetes, drugs & alcohol, fitness, nutrition & dietetics, childrens health, men & womens health, etc. Looking to land a job? A complete readers resource with information on over 250,000 fiction and readable nonfiction titles included, plus feature content including lists of award-winning books, Book Discussion Guides, BookTalks, Recommended Reads and more. 2023. relatives you didnt know about. I. Teil: 1816-1900, Westflische Auswanderer im 19. The Library has complete runs of both editions on . Explore the We'll use your location to find clinics, hospitals and doctors closest to you. City Archives. Also, make sure you distinguish between the number zero '0' and the upper-case letter 'O'. Get the latest breaking news, sports, entertainment and obituaries in Providence, RI from The Providence Journal. The books designed by Bruce Rogers and the Peter Pauper Press books were added to the Updike Printing Collection. Copyright 2023 NewsBank, Inc. 5801 Pelican Bay Blvd. In 1996 the Library published a catalog of the highlights of the collection, The Irish Literary Renaissance in Providence. This resource is only available ONSITE. There are no set-up charges or minimum fees. You created another question, one reader wrote. During the same period Miss Wetmore also gave the Library a collection of some 400 illustrated books, a collection of books designed by Bruce Rogers and a collection of books printed at the Peter Pauper Press. Single most comprehensive resource for consumer-oriented health content, this full-text database is designed to support the information needs of patients, and to foster an overall understanding of health-related topics. All rights reserved. It provides access to information on over 30,500 nonfiction titles designed to support the curriculum and kids pleasure reading and is a great online resource for helping teachers, school media specialists and kids find that next great fiction read. The collection also contains a number of letters written home by Rhode Island soldiers who served in the Civil War. A few of the books, including ones by Blackstone and Houdini, are inscribed to Mr. Percival by their authors. The database is a hosted instance of CONTENTdm. Rather than searching for a female ancestors name, try searching for their husbands name instead. Mr. Brownell gave his collection of ship models during the 1950s and the remainder of the Maritime history collection was presented to Providence Public Library in 1963. An evening edition of the paper, the Evening Bulletin, was begun in 1863 and ran until 1995. The collection contains books on checkers in many languages, a number of scarce periodicals and several scrapbooks of newspaper clippings of checkers games. An online newsstand provides a carousel of the most recent issues, as well as a carousel of all issues allowing for quick access to magazines. Kanopy is a streaming video service making quality documentaries, feature films, foreign films and training videos available to public library users. Resize the Image 1. Can I get a refund. Be amazed at what you find. Countless GenealogyBank users have discovered family members theyd never heard of through searching the Questions? Kanopy offers access to a large, curated catalog of over 30,000 educational, entertaining, and enriching films for adults and children. It was common practice for people to be recorded officially by the initials of their first and middle names. Specifically designed for public libraries, secondary schools, junior/community colleges, and undergraduate research, it is a full-text database that combines information from major respected reference works, books, literary journals and much more, as well as original content from EBSCO Publishing. Pilgrim (10-0) The Patriots are No. Available to PPL cardholders ONLY. - Editor in chief, Jacksonville Business Journal. Jahrhundert. Scituate won its lone game last week - besting Tiverton 18-9 . The earliest Rhode Island newspaper, the Rhode Island Gazette, was published in Newport between 1732 and 1733. Youll find an entire Learning Center dedicated to helping you get the one thats right for you. Full-text of locally-written articles from 1829-1981 can be searched, emailed, or downloaded from the Providence Journal on Newsbank. My search results returned no articles or I received an error message that I did not understand. Access to eight unique databases within a single search. The collection comprises books on architecture dating from the 1700s to the twentienth century, including titles by Piranesi, Palladio, Vitruvius, Owen Jones, Inigo Jones and others. 4. For the last few months, we've been publishing lots of photos from our Providence Journal archives. Full-text of locally-written articles starting with 1980 can be searched, emailed, or downloaded from the Providence Journal on Newsbank. The outcome was not under his control, he said. The library is the repository for the Rhode Island Newspaper Project, part of the larger United States Newspaper Program funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). A full-text article that I purchased makes reference to a photograph or graphic, and it even includes the caption for that photograph. The Providence Journal, presently Rhode Island's largest newspaper, began publication in 1829. You probably have seen these in the printed newspaper in the business or international sections. The department pressed for his termination through a process set forth in the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights. There are also many illustrated works relating to travel, costume and design. Jahrhundert. This usually indicates a list of short news items. It's easy to only know of six hills because that is how many there have been for the last 100 years or so. The Providence Journal archive contains articles from 1829 to the present. Weinstein told the court that Perez had been arrested by Rhode Island State Police just after he crossed the Rhode Island line on a trip from New York.