operation uphold democracy unit awards
9/6/1925 - 4/8/2004, Department of Defense. The unit was also awarded the Best Vehicle Operations Flight in AMC Award in 1993. The coverage end date is based upon the last date found in the data element titled "Date O9B33 Mails Completed Case" in the Active file type. Haiti - Operation Uphold Democracy: 16 Sept. 1994 to 31 Mar. The Participating Commands file type contains information about awards given to units. As such, the lead elements of the 3,900-strong paratrooper force[7] had already launched from Fort Bragg, North Carolina and were currently over the Atlantic Ocean. In addition to the two Army Superior Unit Awards, which include an emblem, certificate and streamer and the Joint Meritorious Unit Award, Army South has previously received seven streamers and two unit awards. At the bottom of every email sent by HullNumber is an UNSUBSCRIBE link. Contact The War Library for international shipping cost. Staff Sergeant Bargewell suffered multiple fragmentation wounds from an exploding B-40 rocket in the initial assault, but despite the serious wounds, placed a deadly volume of machine gun fire on the enemy line. "Army South has a mission to conduct Theater Security Cooperation and to be prepared for contingency operations," said Trombitas. Operation IRAQI FREEDOM (Iraq) The Distinguished Service Cross The Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) is the second highest military decoration that can be awarded to a member of the United States Army (and previously, the United States Army Air Forces). One Navy interpreter was wounded and several Haitians lost their lives. The U.S.-led Multinational Force for Haiti (MNF) began. Registration and communicating with shipmates at Hullnumber.com is FREE FOREVER. In a few moments I will be honored to award General Shelton the Army Distinguished Service Medal. wf(mB6"RMaL The accomplishments of Operation Uphold Democracy are summed up in the 10th Mountain Division's After Action Review: Rapidly deployed over 20,000 military personnel throughout the country of Haiti. A 519th MP patch for opinions - U.S. Militaria Forum The obverse side of the medal consists of an eagle, with wings addorsed and inverted (representing the strength of the United States Armed Forces), standing on a sword loosened in its scabbard, and super- imposed on a radiant compass rose of eight points, (representing the readiness to serve wherever needed) all within the circumscription "ARMED FORCES" above and "EXPEDITIONARY SERVICE" below with a sprig of laurel on each side. 578.57 Presidential Unit Citation. "Receiving the Army Superior Unit Award symbolizes that our senior leadership recognizes the important work we do every day with our partner nations to be prepared for any contingency.". The Department of Defense, not the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, determines who is entitled to receive a medal, and under what circumstances. 0000004940 00000 n PDF Military Awards - Army MWR Regular Army forces consisting of units from the 10th Mountain Division occupied Port-au-Prince with 3rd Bn (Airborne) 73rd Armor Regiment (82nd Airborne Division) and elements from the U.S. Army Materiel Command provided logistical support in the form of the Joint Logistics Support Command (JLSC) which provided oversight and direct control over all Multinational Force and U.S. deployed logistics units. The Medal of Merit for meritorious service in World War II. trailer << /Size 40 /Info 8 0 R /Root 11 0 R /Prev 16060 /ID[<235e745da49aaed881e001781613c939><235e745da49aaed881e001781613c939>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 11 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 9 0 R /Outlines 4 0 R /OpenAction [ 12 0 R /XYZ null null null ] /PageMode /UseNone >> endobj 38 0 obj << /S 46 /O 110 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 39 0 R >> stream While engaged in action against an enemy of the United States; While engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force; or. A sense of security and hope has replaced the climate of fear. fp{|T GK,FA+tLV!If.~(=wjlLc*6):D}q`-@NVM?n4"PgZg9$K[PFP]>k.5sK Some military advisers involved in the 1973 ArabIsraeli War were also awarded the medal for their involvement in the supply and training of the IDF on the use and deployment of anti-tank weapons. The Armed Forces Reserve Medal for 10 years of honorable service in a Reserve component; or active duty service in a Reserve component on or after August 1, 1990; or volunteer service for active duty on or after August 1, 1990. deployed to Bosnia and Herzegovina (or other area that the Secretary of Defense considers appropriate) in direct support of one or both of the operations; served on board a ship in the Adriatic in direct support of one or both of the operations; or. It is now my privilege to present all of you and General Shelton with your awards. 0000001853 00000 n The private sector is beginning the job of getting back on its feet. /BP:wqOCOK}}ga1F|Q3DEm7Dn{>i+d{ocmet This page was last edited on 6 January 2023, at 23:59. Humanitarian Service Medal - Approved Operations Current as of: 1 July 2020 Operation Start Date End Date Geographic Area 1 III Marine Expeditionary Force Forward Command Element - Republic of. The GWOT-EM approved operations by inclusive dates are:[8]. [8], In one case on 20 September, recently landed U.S. Army soldiers in Port-au-Prince stood by while a protesting crowd was violently dispersed by the Haitian police, resulting in a civilian death. FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas (Jan. 10, 2012) -- U.S. Army South received the Army Superior Unit Award on Oct. 4 for its performance during Operation Unified Response, exactly 100 years to the day original elements of the command, which was the 10th U.S. Army Infantry Regiment at the time, arrived in Panama in 1911 to provide additional security during the construction of the canal. Issue RequirementsYou must submit the following: Be advised that on request any knowingly fraudulent document sent by you will be released to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that may result in prosecution and/or fine/imprisonment. Active duty in the Armed forces of the United States, Active service in the Public Health Service which is a basis for entitlement to "full military benefits" under the Public Health Service Act of July 1, 1944. According to Haitian government officials, the epicenter of the earthquake was just outside the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince and left up to 316,000 people dead and 1.6 million homeless. Through your efforts, General, Haiti today is democratic and free and much more secure. Additionally in the early deployments, elements of the 44th Medical Brigade (Airborne), 55th Medical Group, from Fort Bragg {the majority from the 28th CSH (Combat Support Hospital)} provided medical care for service members and Haitians alike. PDF Task Force 1-22 Infantry From Homestead to Port-au-prince - Dtic 0000010361 00000 n Department of the Navy. Again he exposed himself to the enemy fire in order to hold his position and prevent the enemy from overrunning the small team. 0000001937 00000 n 11th Airborne Division > Units > 1-25 Attack Reconnaissance Battalion [2][3] The operation was directed by Lieutenant General Hugh Shelton, Joint Task Force 120 (JTF-120), provided by Commander, Carrier Group Two. Because of these awards during the Vietnam War period, some military personnel have been awarded both the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal & the Vietnam Service Medal. Operation Uphold Democracy [ edit] In September 1994, the 10th DISCOM was called upon again and deployed with the Division to Haiti in their traditional role as providers and sustainers, while also supporting humanitarian operations as part of Operation Uphold Democracy. The first campaign of the AFEM was the Cuban Missile Crisis and the award was issued for military service between October 1962 and June 1963. The Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) is the second highest military decoration that can be awarded to a member of the United States Army (and previously, the United States Army Air Forces). K; Photograph Museum of HonorLocator Registry Applications William J. Clinton, Remarks on Presenting Medals for Service in Operation Uphold Democracy Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/218174, The American Presidency ProjectJohn Woolley and Gerhard PetersContact, Copyright The American Presidency ProjectTerms of Service | Privacy | Accessibility, Saturday Weekly Addresses (Radio and Webcast) (1639), State of the Union Written Messages (140). [1#L The Air Force Expeditionary Service Ribbon. Similar in nature to the AFEM, the GWOTEM is awarded for deploying abroad on or after Sept. 11, 2001 (and a future date to be determined), for service in Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) or Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). This series consists of three file types containing data about Navy or Marine Corps awards. Operation Uphold Democracy Display Recognition His choices were to either recognize the wish of the Haitian people as expressed through the democratic election of Jean-Bertrand Aristide and quietly retire, or continue to deny the election's outcome; in which case the U.S. would forcibly wrest control of his country and see justice done. 9Ul3T|;&VMlUbTSI5yPX=DO0w165p4Z7(6]f|ihyzm`%^vgj&I2/dAR3v?LPle46iwywT lB4eAA|YdBe #E)tyql8HKbeM9o6Yp'!>'I4kwRC!JAkWI:1-s9fo 4)tNk _4E-Br$xc$vwWZ;Z r?_~`}~QN88i| :!b(n }+="7K:hnZ=V_*Z{'j/[r*tSnSSD5Vu?:' (~ In January 2010, at the request of the Haitian government and on order from U.S. President Barack Obama, thousands of U.S. troops, including Army South, formed Joint Task Force-Haiti and provided humanitarian assistance and support with rescue operations and security for the country. Cdras's capitulation took a while to be decided, and even after it was done, did not immediately become law among the Armed Forces of Haiti; nor was it immediately followed by other members of the junta. 686 0 obj <> endobj General Powell's personal relationship with Cdras, from when Cdras was a student in the School of the Americas as a young officer, played a significant role in the American delegation gaining an audience with the dictator and enabling the conduct of negotiations for approximately two weeks.[5]. 4BA$RPh+oE1! Staff Sergeant Bargewell distinguished himself on 27 September 1971 while serving as a member of a long range reconnaissance team operating deep in enemy territory. vLC Wu+Syb7u$Q$}?r( Qo_ 0000005840 00000 n The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration Walter E. Kretchik, Robert F. Baumann, John T. Fishel. General, you requested that enlisted members from all our military branches join you today to receive the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal on behalf of their respective services. All Rights Reserved. In the modern era, service members who were authorized one of these medals are occasionally permitted to choose between receipt of the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal or the service specific expeditionary medal. [2], The Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal may be authorized for three categories of operations: U.S. military operations; U.S. military operations in direct support of the United Nations; and U.S. operations of assistance for friendly foreign nations. PDF Campaigns and Expeditions Which Qualify for Veterans' Preference This included the Joint Material Management Center, JMMC and the follow on civilian contractor LOGCAP including a senior Defense Support Agency CELL. Coverage applies also to successor organizations, i.e. Hb```f``d`e`(ee@ (aC KA1(>L[^0cq^k 2K endstream endobj 39 0 obj 100 endobj 12 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 9 0 R /Resources 13 0 R /Contents [ 18 0 R 20 0 R 26 0 R 28 0 R 30 0 R 32 0 R 34 0 R 36 0 R ] /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 13 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Font << /TT2 15 0 R /TT4 22 0 R /TT6 23 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 37 0 R >> /ColorSpace << /Cs5 14 0 R >> >> endobj 14 0 obj [ /CalRGB << /WhitePoint [ 0.9505 1 1.089 ] /Gamma [ 2.22221 2.22221 2.22221 ] /Matrix [ 0.4124 0.2126 0.0193 0.3576 0.71519 0.1192 0.1805 0.0722 0.9505 ] >> ] endobj 15 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 146 /Widths [ 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 333 0 0 250 333 250 278 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 0 278 0 0 0 0 0 722 667 667 722 611 556 722 722 333 389 722 611 889 722 722 556 722 667 556 611 722 722 944 0 722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 444 500 444 500 444 333 500 500 278 0 0 278 778 500 500 500 500 333 389 278 500 500 722 500 500 444 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /TimesNewRoman /FontDescriptor 16 0 R >> endobj 16 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 891 /CapHeight 0 /Descent -216 /Flags 34 /FontBBox [ -568 -307 2000 1007 ] /FontName /TimesNewRoman /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 0 >> endobj 17 0 obj 1016 endobj 18 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 17 0 R >> stream 0000009479 00000 n President Aristide urged the populace to remain calm until his return. The inclusive start date is based upon the earliest date found in the data element titled "Month, Day, And Year Record Was Entered" in the Active file type. The Armed Forces Service Medal for participation in a United States military operation deemed to be a significant activity for which there was no threat of encounter of foreign armed opposition or imminent threat of hostile action. Although similar in name, this award is unrelated to the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal and is presented for duty performed on U.S. Air Force deployments. 4 July 1965 to 28 Mar. Behind the scenes, Shelton sent an emissary, Colonel Michael Sullivan, commander of the 16th Military Police (MP) Brigade, to Port-au-Prince Police Chief Colonel Michel Francois with an unequivocal message that assaults on the populace would stop or Francois would be held accountable. 0000002594 00000 n Campaign and Service Medals - VFW Post 503 THE FOLLOWING UNIT AWARDS ARE AUTHORIZED AND WILL BE INCORPORATED IN THE NEXT REVISION OF REFERENCE A. JOINT MERITORIOUS UNIT AWARD (JMUA) JTF KENYA AND SOCCENT HUMANITARIAN ASST SURVEY. In 1965, with the creation of the Vietnam Service Medal, the AFEM was discontinued for Vietnam War service. The command, with a long history of supporting the region, deployed to Haiti in 2010 to provide security, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief following the devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck that country on Jan. 12. Uphold Democracy in its deployment to Haiti. and Desert Storm in 1992, Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti in 1994, disaster recovery efforts for TWA Flight 800 and Egypt Air Flight 990, and more recently Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. Army South received the Army Superior Unit Award not only for the personnel and elements that deployed, but for the members of the command who remained behind and continued to manage the day-to-day operations and rigorous training schedule. Operation Uphold Democracy was a military intervention designed to remove the military regime installed by the 1991 Haitian coup d'tat that overthrew the elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. 4. xref The bronze oak leaf cluster represents one additional award, while the silver oak leaf cluster is worn in lieu of five bronze oak leaf clusters. The military regime would still be in power in Haiti, terrorizing the people there. PDF Humanitarian Service Medal - Approved Operations Current as of: 1 July 2020 Estate Inheritors, You have four display types to choose from:Black & White (No Color)Heavy Bond Enclosure. . *** USPS USPS Shipping fee based on 1 Certificate shipped to any U.S. state, FPO or APO Decorations, Medals, Ribbons, & Similar Devices [citation needed] This was the fastest a Reserve unit has ever been deployed. The 10th Mountain Division was relieved in place by units of the 25th Infantry Division (Light) under command of Major General George A. Fisher Jr. The coverage start date is based upon the earliest date found in the data element titled "PCMD Merit Start Date" found in the Participating Command file type. Stopped the political violence in Haiti. 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron - Joint Base Charleston A service star is a miniature bronze or silver five-pointed star 316 inch (4.8 mm) in diameter that is authorized to be worn by members of the eight uniformed services of the United States on medals and ribbons to denote an additional award or service period. The hand-painted signs we see in Haiti today say it all: Thank you, America. 0000002866 00000 n Each of you has helped to prove once again that our military is the best prepared, the best equipped, the best trained, the most devoted and highly motivated military in the entire world. Restricted - Partly. In early September planning and preparation for the invasion was completed under the code name Operation Uphold Democracy. 3391 (November 30, 1971), CITATIONThe President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 9, 1918 (amended by act of July 25, 1963), takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Service Cross to Staff Sergeant Eldon A. Bargewell, United States Army, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations involving conflict with an armed hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam, while serving with Command and Control (North), Task Force 1, Studies and Observations Group, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), 1st Special Forces, attached to U.S. Army Vietnam Training Advisory Group (TF1AE), U.S. Army Vietnam Training Support Headquarters. The operation began with the alert of United States and its allies for a forced entry into the island nation of Haiti. The Arrowhead device is a miniature bronze arrowhead that may be worn on campaign, expedition, and service medals and ribbons to denote participation in an amphibious assault landing, combat parachute jump, helicopter assault landing, or combat glider landing by a service member of the United States Army or United States Air Force. t.VX(v. The Active file type includes all data elements used in AIMS for awards submission and approval workflow. Army South has awards and streamers for engagements such as Operation Just Cause, the 1989 offensive, authorized by U.S. President George H. W. Bush, to bring Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega to justice, and the Philippine Presidential Unit Citation for operations during World War II. Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal - Wikipedia NARA - AAD - Series Description - Awards Information - Archives 8 data files, 7 electronic code files, 1 electronic documentation file, and 1 linear foot, 3 linear inches of paper documentation. The Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal is issued as a bronze medal, 1 .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}14 inches in diameter. k"J"juk7(9)Y&V9w569;n8A["_r-BC["nCfFz4+;=%|n$D"B]psG+"BSiZp"{ yC` bPJKH0} I.NP,/yh:&rD6)A-q++*:E)r%QFY'o !GR\JpYy\^|D=2//m"G9tnMMc1P|Fv#tL)K!zbW.A:S'zd'% Ike did not cross the equator on the Jan to Jul 79 cruise, Shellback Initiation - 20 MAY 1979 - Atlantic Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 20 MAY 1979 - Indian Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 15 APR 1980 - Indian Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 15 APR 1980 - Atlantic Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 20 MAY 1980 - Indian Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 16 JUN 1980 - Atlantic Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 1 DEC 1980 - Atlantic Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 15 DEC 1980 - Atlantic Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 1 DEC 1991 - Indian Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 21 MAR 1992 - Indian Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 21 MAY 1992 - Indian Ocean, Haiti deployment of Army to Port au-Prince, Shellback Initiation - 1 FEB 2007 - Atlantic Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 17 FEB 2007 - Atlantic Ocean, Eight deployments and one of the longest peacetime deployment, Collided with a Spanish coal ship that was anchored in the harbor while trying to dock at Norfolk Naval Station, Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, Deployed in 2007 to cover those striking Al-Qaeda targets with ships from the Task Force countries, Battle group exercises off the coast of Iran, Deployed to the Arabian Sea to support Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom, Battle E eight times to signify battle efficiency. MCBUL 1650. AWARDS UPDATE - United States Marine Corps Awards, Badges & Commendations - Major General Eldon Bargewell 0000001081 00000 n Master Parachutist Badge with background trimming, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta, Army Special Forces Command Distinctive Unit Insignia, Defense Superior Service Medal with one bronze oak leaf cluster (earned 5 times), Bronze Star Medal with V device and silver oak leaf cluster (earned 3 for Valor and 4 for service), Purple Heart with three oak leaf clusters (earned 4 times), Army Commendation Medal with V device and oak leaf cluster, National Defense Service Medal with two bronze service stars, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal with Arrowhead device and service star, Vietnam Service Medal with six service stars, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation, Republic of Vietnam Civil Actions Medal Unit Citation. 20 Nov 1995 - 19 Dec 1996 . In 2003, with the creation of the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, the AFEM was discontinued for Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. On that date, his team came under attack by an estimated 75 to 100 man enemy force. The invasion force numbered nearly 25,000 military personnel from all services, backed by two aircraft carriers and extensive air support. %%EOF HullNumber.com's mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. The primary difference between the two is that the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal is normally awarded for combat operations and combat support missions. The award was for supporting military troops who were sent by U.S. President Bill . [2], The medal is also authorized for NATO peacekeeping operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. 0000002572 00000 n Each year the command plans and supports dozens of training exercises and engagements and works closely with partner nations such as Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama and Peru. President Aristide, Haiti's freely elected leader, has returned to office. FOIA (b)(6) Personal Information. . This number will soon decrease further as we transfer our mission in Haiti to the United Nations. The soldiers who stand before us are the finest of America's finest. On September 20, 1994, the HHD, 519th Military Police Battalion, and the 204th Military Police Company deployed to Haiti in support of Operation Uphold Democracy. USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN-69) Deployments & History - Hull Number Army South receives unit award, celebrates 100-year milestone The History file type contains a smaller set of data elements associated with approved awards. [citation needed] The 458th manned the 18th Corps Joint Movement Control Center (JMCC) in support of the mission. (A) was the civil affairs unit supporting the 82nd Airborne Division. A Nimitz-class supercarrier, the Dwight D. Eisenhower, or Ike, was commissioned in 1977 in Newport News, Virginia. Operation Uphold Democracy (19 September 1994 - 31 March 1995) was an intervention designed to remove the military regime installed by the 1991 Haitian coup d'tat that overthrew the elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. NOTE: The President spoke at 2:47 p.m. in the Rose Garden at the White House. Working with the armies of these countries and other nations, Army South has been extremely successful in building partner nation capacity and supporting security operations that counter the growing 21st Century threat to peace and security from transnational criminal organizations in the Western Hemisphere. The squadron also played a key role and the invasion of Haiti (Operation UPHOLD DEMOCRACY). Let our history recall that you answered the call of duty, you did your job, you advanced America's mission. PDF Campaigns and Expeditions of the Armed Forces Which Qualify for In addition to Army South receiving the Army Superior Unit Award, Joint Task Force-Haiti received the Joint Meritorious Unit Award from the Secretary of Defense in January 2011 for its exceptional performance in support of the joint deployment operation in 2010. The march of democracy in the Americas would have suffered a severe setback. The data include the name of the unit, award recommended, award approved, date approved, and dates of eligibility. Then, when the regime agreed at the 11th hour to leave, you had to switch gears immediately, and to ready our troops for a soft entry into Haiti. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. On Sept. 19, the U.S. military arrived in Haiti. An unaltered photocopy of your DD-214 displaying your service during the Operation period. Data from AIMS was used to produce letters about approved awards; certificates; monthly statistics for the Secretary of the Navy, Chief of Naval Operations, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps; and various reports including ad hoc reports. 0000006057 00000 n The Armed Forces Service Medal for participation in a United States military operation deemed to be a significant activity for which there was no threat of encounter of foreign armed opposition or imminent threat of hostile action. Think for a moment where we would be today had we not acted and had General Shelton and the other members of our Armed Forces not performed their mission so admirably. [11], The United States Coast Guard played a significant role in the operation, providing command, control and communications services from the USCGCChase, a 378' high endurance cutter anchored in Port-au-Prince Harbor. PDF Fact Sheet - United States Army Within minutes, General Cdras capitulated under the most favorable terms available to him at that time. [9], The U.S. Marines who occupied Haiti's second largest city, Cap Haitien, had less restrictive rules; they began immediate foot patrols upon arriving, establishing a strong presence. Senator Sam Nunn and retired Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Colin Powell persuaded the leaders of Haiti to step down and allow the elected officials to return to power. 1992-2003 (Iraq); Operation Deny Flight, 1993-1995 (Kosovo, Bosnia and Hercogovina); Operation Uphold Democracy, 1994-1995 (Haiti); and Operation Desert Fox, 1998 (Iraq). Major General Milley's operational deployments include: the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO), Sinai, Egypt; Operation JUST CAUSE, Panama; Operation UPHOLD DEMOCRACY, Haiti;. Later in October 1911, the 10th U.S. Army Infantry regiment was sent to the Panama Canal to form defensive fortifications and support the Isthmian Canal Commission. All those who have served and all those who still serve in Haiti have served with extraordinary skill, courage, and dedication. If your award eligibility (dates-in-country or participation) is not stated on your DD-214 you must submit a copy of your DD-214 - AND - a photocopy of military-issued documentation establishing your eligibility. USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Awards Ike has earned several awards and honors over the duration of her service: Battle "E" eight times to signify battle efficiency Marjorie Sterrett Battleship Fund Award Navy Unit Commendations twice Navy Expeditionary Medal National Defense Service Medal Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal Southwest Asia Service Medal
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