oilfield gate guard jobs in louisiana
Once we got the hang of those it was smooth sailing! $175 travel bonus paid. By working directly with us rather than through an agency or third-party company, you can ensure that your sites security is designed around the unique needs of your property and employees. Every time weve had a question or problem with equipment, they have been quick to get the issue resolved. 12 Easiest Oilfield Jobs With No Experience - Insider Monkey If you are interested please send an email to me with your information and anything else you feel I should know and Ill get right back to you with some answers for you. Amazing story Jeannie!! Most of these folks will be friendly and glad to help another RV'er get into the business. We understand your daily needs and will keep you happy. Escapade: Escapees RV Club National Rally, Oil Field Gate Guarding: The Good, The Bad and The Really Ugly. Our contract stated that we only needed to commit for 30 days. http://dandgenterprise.com/oil-field-security-companies, http://www.lomarental.com/gate-guarding-and-site-supervision/, http://primogateguards.com/employment-opportunities/, http://www.theforkintheroad.wordpress.com, http://www.travelinterriers.wordpress.com, http://readytogofulltimerving.blogspot.com, Independent Contractor Agreement (most of the companies), Application cards for fingerprints and Registration application, Level II Security Officer Exam for the Texas Dept. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()). Setting traps before you go to bed may or may not help. Thanks everyone for the supportive comments! 210-944-8200, EXT 4, Accounting Department: Jeannie, I found and read your story at just the right time! My husband and I deliver oilfield equipment to these sites and will be going full time this year. Some of our current opportunities include: If you are hard-working, self-motivated, and interested in joining a winning team in an exciting position, check out our contract opportunities and apply today. From negotiating the licensing process and ensuring everything went smoothly. We are back with the intention to work less this year and enjoy the projects of our new (100-yr old) house. We learned that, what the landowner wants, the landowner gets so we were asked to take another gate or wait for negotiations with this particular owner. By the time we arrived in Lubbock, we had finished the online test and were officially licensed security guards with the State of Texas. The Eagle Ford shale discovery is about 200 miles north of that area, but winters are usually somewhat mild in South Texas. If you have decided you are ready to make it official, we are ready to guide you through the process! We are always looking for security personnel for our on-site projects and office staff. Part 2 will cover everything after applying for your license and the equipment needed. 413 oilfield jobs available in louisiana. It will save you a lengthy weekly trip. After setting up, we had about a 20 minute orientation which included the rules for that specific gate, important phone numbers, and how to use the app on the iPad that we were to use for our job. They left and another guard who were their friends. APPLY NOW 24/7 RV Teams supply their own RV and their own partner, live onsite, and take shifts to provide 24/7 security for our clients. How do you get paid? You wont last long if you have to wake up and stumble outside for every vehicle. ** NO MEXICO BORDER ASSIGNMENTS **.We are a down to earth one on one faith-based type of company. Keep emergency numbers such as the Border Patrol and Sheriff handy. Gate guarding affords the Work Camper a work experience as unique as the lifestyle they chose! 5 High Paying Seasonal Jobs for RVers - Making Money and Traveling Thanks for this tremendously entertaining story about your incredible experiences as an Oil Field Guard. The low-stress way to find your next oilfield job opportunity is on SimplyHired. Get notified about new Oilfield jobs in Louisiana, United States. No, it wasnt. If youre interested, the gate guard companies are happy to go over how this works. Oil Field Safety jobs in Louisiana | Careerjet Despite the exhaustion from all the driving, we set up our 5th wheel at our new location. Your rig may have seemed large when you bought it, but those walls close in when you are cooped up in it. We also were not employees, but were contract workers. Get fresh Oilfield Gate Guard jobs daily straight to your inbox! The landowner or the oil company have requirements that must be met on all vehicles entering the site. Understands the process and procedures for using cashing, Applicants should be self-starters with good trouble shooting skills. I have been doing some research on this job for a short time now. 24/7 RV Teams supply their own RV and their own partner, live onsite, and take shifts to provide 24/7 security for our clients. We take extra steps to inform, entertain, and engage with our Work Campers, and are always looking for more ways to connect! We make estimated tax payments. We are planning on doing this again during winter months. Plus we have 3 dogs. Much harder that I would have thought. You didnt mention the fact that Border patrol helicopters are overhead day and night. i just found another blog on oil field gate guard work if you are considering trying this work take a look, Has anyone heard anything about Si****ch USA - they are a new gate guard company that pays $200.00 a day for 24/7 and $100-125 a day for 12 hr watch. Water truck drivers are your best friends when those roads get dusty. In fact we had pretty much made up our minds that this is what we wanted to do for the next few months. | Disclaimer|Privacy Policy | Terms of Service, How To Make Money Online and Travel While Living In an RV. Gate guarding services are solicited by managers of industrial sites, farms and ranches, construction zones, and even private property to ensure the safety and preserve the integrity of that property, its inhabitants and/or workers, and the assets, such as equipment and/or livestock that may be present. Talk to people who have had different experiences from ours and really make sure you know how much you can handle from your environment before jumping into oil field gate guarding. I read afterward that once the tarantula was in the hole, the wasp would proceed to lay its eggs inside of the tarantula, while it was still alive! Having been around since 1995, weve learned a thing or two not only about the business, but also about the brand of people whose service we primarily enlist. So making a decent chunk of change in a short amount of time was our goal. This takes about two to three days. 225 Oilfield Jobs in Louisiana, United States (5 new) - LinkedIn Job Description: Independent contractor team of two licensed gate guards for oil field traffic gate. Previously, Erick and I read about gate guards who work in the Texas oil fields, looked up different companies who hired guards, and bookmarked oil field gate guard wanted ads. Yes, but not day and night. How Much Do Oilfield Gate Guard Jobs Pay per Hour? The guy doing the selling said after your 12 hours you can go have fun but you have to go by yourself. You must log in or register to reply here. About the second week into May, the weather started heating up. Very helpful info, thanks for posting this. Summer trip from Florida through the Midwest to California. By using the information on this page you agree to the Terms and Conditions for using our Free work camper jobs pages. 22 Best gate guard jobs (Hiring Now!) | SimplyHired With Guard 1 Services, you benefit from expert services that make your business and everyday activities safer and more secure. Today’s top 225 Oilfield jobs in Louisiana, United States. But it also serves as a platform for those interested in Gate Guarding to get a glimpse of a day in the life in real time, and of the community that is the JG Family! Your email address will not be published. 20 Best gate guard jobs in texas (Hiring Now!) | SimplyHired Visit our website at http://www.ssgateservices.com/Tier One Group is hiring people for oilfield gate guard jobs. The oil company should provide a generator and fuel as well as a septic tank that is attached outside your RV and emptied weekly, as well as a water tank for bathing other needs. Good luck! We will lucky with the night shift as it was not constantly busy and I do the night shift and he does the day. I do know that when nature called, I HAD to go in and the traffic had to wait. Technical Field Assistance: 210-944-8200, EXT 4, Accounting Department: 210-944-8200, EXT 5, Site Map 2023 JG Security, All Rights Reserved. Our highly trained team members have years of experience in this industry and we offer 24/7 service so our customers know what is happening on-site at all times. By now, you should have figured out that oil field gate guarding isnt for everyone. Sign up for our Free Work Camper Jobs newsletter and we'll let you know when we've posted new jobs to the website. The staff at JG are very helpful and straight forward! Find job postings near you and 1-click apply to your next opportunity! A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Gate Guard by John and Christine Weindl. We can provide you with more information, answer your questions, guide you through Onboarding, and more! I have been to get work imeadantly. We told the company that we will not go close to the Texas border as illegals will sometimes knock on your door for water or food and I am just not comfortable with all the activity going on along the border. Having both ants and mice in your RV at the same time, can just about drive you insane! Learn about being a work camper and work camping jobs on our Work Camping Jobs Page, Work Camper, Camp Hosting and Work Camping Jobs, AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareFloridaGeorgiaIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontana, NebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyoming, Campground Job Listings By Employers That Hire RVers Over Multiple States. Jeannie Dees has been a full-time RVer for four years. One person must be on site at all times. Your oilfield job will not be exciting, but it can be a stable position that can last up to a month or more as the well is drilled and then put into production. From negotiating the licensing process and ensuring everything went smoothly, to having a place to stay in the RV yard while awaiting our first assignment the staff has been amazing! RV TEAMS Solo guards live or park their RVs near a project site, commute to the site, and work in 12-14 hour shifts from a guard shack or their vehicle 12-HOUR GUARDS Need a little more information? Learn about being a work camper and work camping jobs on our Work Camping Jobs page. The job itself is not difficult. Pin it on Pinterest! This is what we said to each other and our friends before we left Utah after the Xscapers Moab Convergence and headed to Texas. Powered by Dryden Labs. Thank you Janice! We often looked like we had been in a rain shower, but it was all just sweat. But at that point, dust and crazy insects were the least of our concerns. The ranches out where we were and where you are, are a network of dirt roads that start at the border and are perfect for someone wanting to cross into Texas mostly unnoticed. D&G Enterprises (817)-291-2737http://dandgenterprise.com/oil-field-security-companies, J&G Security (512) 825-7567 http://oilgates.com/contact-us/, Loma Rentals llc http://www.lomarental.com/gate-guarding-and-site-supervision/, Oil Field Support Services (361)-815-7050, Alcatraz Gate Guard Services (817)-209-8602, Site Watch (903)-561-7202 http://swgateguards.com/, Primo Gate Guard Services (361) 564-8609 http://primogateguards.com/employment-opportunities/. Guard 1 Services - Gate Guard Services and Integrated Security Solutions The company you are applying to may or maynot pay this fee. Two 12 hour shifts leave little time for being together. Lps Services Llc 2.4. Truck and vehicle background required. Thanks, Libby Scott, Your email address will not be published. The best way to find out who may be hiring is to simply stop at a gate guard trailer along the roadway in oil field country and ask the guard who they are working for and if they are hiring any new guards. Find your exact GPS location and post this on the wall of your RV, along with other indications of your exact location, such as highway reference marker number, mile marker, and distance from landmarks. I always try to tell people about these challenges. Wild hogs make super scary sounds at night. While in Lubbock we also had our background checks, fingerprinting and drug screenings completed within an afternoon. Hello Barb. West Texas also has much new drilling activity. FHU provided free. You can be fired for admitting unwanted visitors. You will want to keep lights on all night. Our replacements lasted 10 days. the border patrol is thick here the illegals are rare . THE Golden Rule is our golden rule, we treat others as we would like to be treated. It depends on the company you work for and the gate youll be working at. $13-$41/hr Oil Field Gate Guard Jobs (NOW HIRING) It seems that you have realized your financial goals for retirement and I wish you all the best with your new house. This three-part video series will explain everything you need to know about how to become a gate guard. Wilson Electronics is a good source. .css-30w4xf{display:none;}@media screen and (min-width: 48em){.css-30w4xf{display:inherit;}}Sign In / Create Account.css-1edzhxc{display:inherit;}@media screen and (min-width: 48em){.css-1edzhxc{display:none;}}Sign In / Sign Up. SimplyHired may be compensated by these employers, helping keep SimplyHired free for job seekers. New oilfield careers in louisiana are added daily on SimplyHired.com. Part 3 will prepare you for your first gate. The drivers and employees at our oil rigs were really nice. During this call, we were told the first gate we were scheduled for was no longer available. We understand and admire that many full-time RVers like to research thoroughly. Then you move on to the next one. Jeannie retired early from teaching to pursue the nomadic life with her husband, Erick Young. but i bet some gates are just closed and boring almost if not through the whole contract time. We had a microburst nearly rip off our awning. There are over 413 oilfield careers in louisiana waiting for you to apply! Your email address will not be published. Please call Maria Lopez @ 713-400-5649 or apply at www.guard1services.com. I think if I were looking for an entry level job, I might apply there instead. You have to complete the following paperwork in order to obtain work as an Oilfield Gate Guard. it is made to order for us. That may be an option for us. But nothing since the covid virus situation started April 17. Why would anyone want to work so many hours under such adverse conditions for so little money? Chores and errands grocery shopping, laundry, etcetera are done by one person while the other watches the gate. we are in sw tex, there is an oil/gas boom here lots of work. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. We provide on-site 24/7 security guards and offer cloud-based security solutions that are easy to install and manage remotely. Joined Jun 22, 2012 Posts 1. Joined Sep 20 . Only a couple of times were they truly overhead, but most of the time they were way off in the distance. Part-time Temporary Contract Minimum Salary All Salaries $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000 $40,000 Date Added Anytime 24 hours 7 days 14 days 30 days 103 gate guard jobs in texas Displayed here are Job Ads that match your query. Security Guard - Gate Access Control Job in Shreveport, LA - Allied And if you were paid on a 1099, the fun is at the end of the year when you have to fork over that 15.3% for the F.I.C.A taxes. Altho the company we work for has oil field gate guards, we have not done it. By the posts on this particular board, it looks like you are all referring to gate guard jobs in Texas. You would have to contact each company to find out if they have placements for either individuals or finding another person to work with. JavaScript is disabled. Just imagine trying to open and close a gate with constant traffic in and out of the gate with no particular pattern to it. Actually the first two weeks were quite nice. (+ elec. Great story and super advice.I will toy with the idea of gate guarding Much More Carefully. The company we worked for provided us with everything and were very timely in filling our tanks with water and diesel for the generator. If you are industrious, and devoted you can make a decent living with working only six months a year. Just got an email from LOMA, they also pay 1099. The prime directive for oilfield gate guarding is to log vehicle information such as the type of vehicle and license plate number, as well as have the driver and passengers identify themselves, who they work for and sign their name on a check in sheet. We were on our way! We are looking for Non-Commissioned Level 2 security officers to work in the West Texas area.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'happyvagabonds_com-leader-1','ezslot_12',174,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-happyvagabonds_com-leader-1-0');Day rate for a couple: $350 day rate for couples, must have own RVQualifications:Non-Commissioned Security Officer Minimum Qualifications:Be 18 years of age or older.Possess a high school diploma or equivalent.Be able to pass, with training, the Texas Department of Public Safety, Regulatory Services Division, Private Security Program, Level IIHave reliable transportation.Have a Smart Phone (reliable communication).Be able to pass a federal criminal background investigation.Be professional and business-like in appearanceTo inquire about a job please fill out and submit the form on our web page located at https://www.spartanprotectionservice.com/contract-opportunities. My recommendation for anyone looking to be a gate guard is to do your research of the area you would be working in. Whats a little more driving after all we had driven already? My hats off to you! I agree that the sacrifice of not spending enough time together was worth the couple of months of money we earned. Gate Guard and Security Guard Jobs | Texas | J&G Security The gate guard down I35. Its a great benefit to find out you can take on a job like that, see it through to completion and enjoy the sense of accomplishment when its all done. This company makes everyone that works for them, ! Go to page. I got to watch and identify birds during my shift, the weather wasnt too hot and I was able to read my books. This *Oil & Gas Production Operator *position is a full time 7 & 7 rotational schedule,, Diversified Energy CompanyGrand Cane, LA, Must possess valid drivers license. How can they get away with paying so little? There are also Oilfield Gate Guard positions in Louisiana as well as some in the Baaken area up in North Dakota and Montana. Every gate has them and every gate can be different. Spartan Protection Services is a local and veteran-owned company in West TX Lic# B03014701. We pay weekly, Direct Deposit.Please call Maria Lopez @ 713-400-5649 or apply at www.guard1services.comSpartan Protection Services Is Seeking Work Campers For Gate Attendants In West TexasSpartan Protection Services is a local and veteran-owned company in West TX Lic# B03014701. Thread starter kerbo; Start date Jun 27, . Great write up of your experience and good advice for others who may be up to the challenge and benefits of working an Oil Field Gate Guard job. Our pay was per couple, not per individual. We understand full-time RV life: the quirks that come along with it, the necessity for maintenance and the unexpected bumps of life on the road. We have great respect for those who gate guard year round. But, I was still fascinated by our location despite the wasps and tarantulas. The author of this article does have the possible pay rates a little off there are gates that pay as little as $125 for a 12 hour shift and gates that pay as high as $500 for 24 hours. Browse 49 LOUISIANA GATE GUARD jobs from companies (hiring now) with openings. I just spoke with several of the gate guard companies and many pay as employee and have to pay both people. We were enamored with the thought of replenishing our savings account for winter fun within only a couple of months. Whether you are looking for a security gate guard job in Texas or an access control system in Louisiana, we can help. You two are made of sturdy stuff. We are currently getting $400 per 24 hours we would personally NEVER take a gate for 24 hours paying less then $200 as again as easy as the work is the, conditions can be extreme and the fact you pretty much give up your life while doing the job. True youd have to pay campground fees or boondock (my preferred method), but if you shopped around you might find campgrounds that are very reasonable. 24 hr Gate Guard Our highly-trained, fully-licensed and uniformed guards ensure around-the-clock security at a job site. You have to complete the following paperwork in order to obtain Oilfield Gate Guarding work. Yeah, ah, its gonna be a hard no. Some gates have guards working out of their RV and others have guards working from a shack. Visit our website at http://www.ssgateservices.com/. Powered by Dryden Labs. There are also Oilfield Gate Guard positions in Louisiana as well as some in the Baaken area up in North Dakota and Montana. Wearing 35-40 lbs of body armor, gear, ammo and toting a rifle in 100 degree plus temps everyday while some guy in a vehicle might try to kill you did cause a person to question their sanity at times. So, while our gate was a little challenging for the pay rate, we did have flexibility as contracted workers. We are a down to earth one on one faith-based type of company. Our manager helped us get hooked up to the water tank and generator the guard company provided. They really do treat you like family., The staff at JG are very helpful and straight forward! These new wells are on secret locations. I learned though, that putting out a sign that said Id be out shortly helped keep the drivers from honking their horns as much. I couldnt believe the size of the payloads these trucks were hauling, and they were only about ten to twelve feet from my RV! Ive been with this company for over 8yrs and we have the best reputation with couples in the gate guard business and we maintain that reputation by always letting you know IN ADVANCE what your workload will be at the job site, the exact location, the type of work being performed such as fracking which is a heavier workload etc. We were given snacks, drinks, and meals on occasion. Although our manager knew about our dog, many landowners dont want dogs on their property. Many positions will require a state gaming license. 4.2 Manpower Gate guard/ Intercambista Laredo, TX I have always wondered about that particular job. Were tougher than we thought. Steve, If you are living in Carrizo Springs and seeking a lucrative career in the Energy Industry our team is committed to vetting some of the best employment opportunities in North America & across the globe. There is a lot of oil and gas drilling activity in South Texas because of the Eagle Ford shale oil discovery. RV.Net Open Roads Forum: Workamping Forum: Oil Field Gate Guard The wind blows constantly in southwest Texas, often cold in Fall and Winter and hot in Summer. Salary: Gate Guard (April, 2023) | Glassdoor The humidity was high and the heat index was even higher. 3. Many experienced guards set up a shelter outside and sit outside waiting. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time. 19 Best oilfield jobs in louisiana (Hiring Now!) | SimplyHired We are seeking independent contractors to work as gate attendants. 911 often rings to the wrong county, especially when using a cell phone booster in the middle of nowhere. We were always tired. what a wonderfully written tale of your experiences.dont now if I could deal with the mice and ants but all other, well, those times could be very stressful. $11-$26/hr Oilfield Gate Guard Jobs (NOW HIRING) If you, Its a Good Life RV A New Gate Guard Company, Its a Good Life RV Week 1 with JG Security. Barb, I hope you can get onto another gate elsewhere or can find another work camping gig thats completely different one where you feel safer. Part 2 After getting your license and equipment needed, Part 3 Preparing for your first gate guard position, Work Camping - Camp Host JobsVolunteer RV Camping JobsEarning Money While You Travel, Free RV Classifieds SectionRV Sites For RentRV Lots For SaleCampers and Travel TrailersFifth-Wheel RVsMotorhomes, Free CampingRV Parks and CampgroundsRV Travel Destinations, Free RV Camping GuideRecommended Camping BooksRV Camping ArticlesImportant Need To Know FactsOther Resources For RVersDiscount RV CampingRVing Discounts. I'd like TX or LA. Knowing who was good to work for and who wasn't would be helpful. SimplyHired ranks Job Ads based on a combination of employer bids and relevance, such as your search terms and other activity on SimplyHired. When it rains, that dust becomes a sticky, gooey mud. Some people have reported great satisfaction with the job, and others not so much satisfaction.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'happyvagabonds_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_7',159,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-happyvagabonds_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');Below youll find:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'happyvagabonds_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_10',170,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-happyvagabonds_com-medrectangle-4-0');Companies that hire Oilfield Gate GuardsA three-part video series A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Gate GuardCompanies that hire Oilfield Gate Guards:Guardian Is Seeking 24 Hour Gate Guards In West Texas $$Job Description: Independent contractor team of two licensed gate guards for oil field traffic gate.Qualifications:Must have a team of two people with an RV to live onsite we provide generator, fuel & waterMust have level II security license through TX DPS / TOPS will be verifiedMust be able to pass drug test & background check will be verifiedJob Type: Independent ContractSalary: $200 $225 per team per day depending on locationLocation: West Texas and South Texas areasContact: document.getElementById("eeb-618382-586438").innerHTML=eval(decodeURIComponent("%27%6b%61%72%6e%61%2e%70%65%6e%6e%69%6e%67%73%40%67%75%61%72%64%69%61%6e%2d%69%6e%64%75%73%74%72%69%65%73%2e%63%6f%6d%27"))*protected email*or 432-201-1452 Serious inquiries only.Guard 1 Services Is Seeking Independent Contractors Immediately To Work As Gate Guards/ Attendants In The Oilfield In Texas $$The position requires:Own RV,Team or Couple,Pass an extensive background and Drug screening,Obtain a guard license.YOU CAN START YOUR NEW JOB in 2 Days! As a matter of fact, we never saw any undocumented immigrants even though we were told there were some in the area following the ranch roads. In South Texas. Get a cellular amplifier for your phone and/or cellular internet connection. A large number of our couples are retired but this job works for any couple that would like to earn some quick money for a month or two then travel using their recent earnings. First, be aware that most companies are looking for couples or a team of two since the job usually requires a 24/7 commitment for varying lengths of time depending on the company.
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