jay weatherill penny wong
Add articles to your saved list and come back to them any time. Wong's great-great-great-grandparents Samuel and Charlotte Chapman and their baby daughter were at SA's Proclamation Ceremony in 1836, making Wong more South Australian "blue blood" than Julie Bishop, though the money had run out by Jane's generation. [48] Weatherill stated early that a nuclear waste facility would need both public and bipartisan support, with the former withdrawn by Liberal leader Steven Marshall. Wong's mother Jane astutely observed of Gillard to her daughter during Gillard's prime ministership, "People would not understand how an atheist and a single woman in a de facto relationship could hold these views", adding to the "idea that she was somehow not authentic". After graduating, she took a full-time organiser position there just as they were amalgamating with the CFMEU. The relationship thawed and Simons was able to conduct six interviews. Penny Wong: Passion and Principle review: The many surprises of Penny [9] In December 2022, Wong was deemed the most effective minister in the Albanese government in a survey of Australian Financial Review readers. In her second year, she became active in student politics and was elected to the students association and the board of the university union. Weatherill subsequently publicly announced that he had conceded, saying, "I'm sorry I couldn't bring home another victory, but I do feel like one of those horses that has won four Melbourne Cups and I think the handicap has caught up with us on this occasion. People want to celebrate their love and we want to deprive them of that.. South Australia's 10 most poisonous political feuds In 1988 John Howard, leader of the opposition, announced the Coalitions new immigration policy of One Australia to reduce Asian immigration. She and fellow campaigners Anthony Albanese and Tanya Plibersek positively contrast with the cynical and self-interested calculus of Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard on the issue. It provides a fascinating account of Wong's long campaign inside the Labor tent for marriage equality while still observing the party's collective strictures. We would not have stayed in government without Albo. This is a good book with the right balance of personal journey and labour history to show how contemporary politics works and how it doesn't work. [59] Since the purchase, GFG Alliance has invested in Whyalla in a number of ways including a $1.37 billion renewable energy project. Campbell Newman. [67] The most notable was the statewide 2016 South Australian blackout. Simons notes that Wongs Liberal opponents have only good things to say about her (as does the cleaner in charge of ministerial offices at Parliament House), and that she is commonly regarded with a mixture of fear and respect. She started to the left of the Labor Party, but in 1988 in the heat of debate and student protest over the introduction of the HECS scheme, she became convinced that it was more important to be in the room to influence policy. Did Penny Wong and Jay Weatherill have children together? [53], Following Labor's defeat at the 2013 Australian federal election, Wong was elected Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, becoming the first woman to hold the position. We would caution, however, that with Foreign Minister Penny Wong so pivotal to the decision, it's plain that Weatherill would feature strongly in the consideration, and we expect a forthcoming . At the University of Adelaide, Wong studied law and political science. She formed a deep alliance with the "Bolkus Left" - a sociable grouping of ambitious youngsters around the then senator Nick Bolkus, who was a mentor to Wong and whom she thanked in her maiden speech in 2002. We should all be grateful that Simons has given us this clear, well-researched, and comprehensive biography, and that Wong eventually contributed the personal memories and views that round it out. Updated: November 15, 2012 . It gave Wong a strong sense of a divine force to which there were many paths. She was trying to take the club over and I was trying to defend it. ", "Brown "horrified" at Wong's anti-gay marriage stance", "Since March 2019 government trust & distrust have fluctuated but 2021 ended with soaring levels of distrust", "Passion and principle: Penny Wong is far from done", "Labor voice inspired by the fight for ideas", "lumen Australian experience builds global perspective", "First Day: Penny Wong's journey from shy student to Senator", "Freakish powers of a formidable operator", "Can Wong avert carbon-fuelled train wreck? At Coromandel Valley Primary, Penny and Toby had a terrible time because of the racist bullying they suffered. During 2013 it became the longest-serving state Labor government in South Australian history, and in addition went on to win a fourth four-year term at the 2014 election. [87], He was reported to have contracted COVID-19 at a school reunion event in Norwood, South Australia on 27 November 2021. Qanda effect or actually more likeable, Ms Wong backed her fellow Labor politician and university boyfriend, adding: I think Jay made the right point.. [13][14][15][16][17] In early August 2011 Weatherill's attempts at contacting Rann on his trade mission to India had been met with silence, leaving the party leadership in limbo until Rann's return to Australia. Jay Weatherill brings down house SOUTH Australia Premier and Penny Wong's ex Jay Weatherill drew cheers as he called on Australia to take a good hard look at itself. Mainly of other people," says one party to that upheaval. Upon Labor's victory at the 2022 election, Wong was appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs, and resumed her role as Leader of the Government in the Senate. [11] Weatherill said the election day backlash against Labor made it evident that a fresh approach was needed; however he lost along factional lines. Jay Weatherill (@JayWeatherill) | nitter Check out the latest pictures, photos and images of Jay Weatherill and Penny Wong. 1 Jay Wetherill pictures. She is charming, but also cutting. Emma Reynolds It is a model that bears replicating. [70], In 2022, Reuters described her as a "high profile" figure with "a reputation for plain language and maintaining composure during heated debates. [58] The Federal Government refused, however in 2017 British consortium GFG Alliance settled on terms of a purchase of the steelworks with administrators Korda Menthe. Advancing reconciliation with Aboriginal South Australians - commencing treaty discussions with Aboriginal nations. Wee Willie Harris wife: Is Wee Willie Harris married? He said he offered to stand aside for him the day after the federal election when it was clear Farrell would lose his seat. Penny shares the same parent with her brother Toby Wong. One told me that repair work had to be done after a Wong display of temper against her own. The senator, a Labor party powerbroker, surrendered his No.1 Senate ticket position to Penny Wong during the protracted factional brawl over the federal Labor leadership. How did Penny Wong and Jay Weatherill meet? It was an unfortunate display of branch stacking - by both of us. In December 2007, in the wake of the Labor Party victory in the 2007 election, Wong was appointed to the Cabinet of Australia in the first Rudd government as the Minister for Climate Change, the first person to hold this role in an Australian Cabinet. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Other contemporaries include the South Australian Transport Minister, Pat Conlon, the federal Liberals Christopher Pyne and Andrew Southcott, the Labor senator Anne McEwen, the new member for Port Adelaide, Mark Butler, and the South Australian Speaker, Jack Snelling. Tobys story is a tragic part of Wongs life. Intellectually, Penny Wong is clearly head and shoulders above most of her colleagues. Butler, who remains factionally close, describes her as a cool political operator ideally suited to the task set for her by Rudd. Theres another simple solution, retorted Mr Weatherill. If a comrade was spending long hours campaigning, Wong might arrange for a set of course notes to materialise in that person's pigeonhole, just so they didn't get too behind. However, Wong has two children with her current domestic partner, Sophie Allouache named Alexandra and Hannah. Jay Weatherill has never shirked a challenge | The Advertiser - adelaidenow [69] In March 2022, Wong was named Australia's most trusted politician in a study by Roy Morgan Research. The many surprises in the life of Penny Wong and why she'll never be PM. How long did Penny Wong and Jay Weatherill date? [34] Following an organised campaign by Jay Weatherill and Labor, the Advertiser newspaper, workers at the Australian Submarine Corporation and the South Australian public, a competitive evaluation process was announced by the Federal Government, with the final contract for a South Australian build awarded to French company DCNS with majority of the work to take place in Osborne, South Australia. Her first long-term woman partner, Dascia Bennett, whom she met in 1995, had two children, so Wong became a stepmother. [26] She has said that, "I do not ever remember having the sense that I denied the existence of God. In a powerful maiden speech in August 2002, Wong paid special tribute to Toby, called for Australia to unite as a compassionate country, and condemned the racist division of Australian society exacerbated by Pauline Hanson and John Howard. Weatherill represented the House of Assembly seat of Cheltenham as a member of the South Australian Labor Party from the 2002 election to 17 December 2018, when he retired. Check out the latest pictures, photos and images of Jay Wetherill. The better answer is that she has never aspired to the job. 5 Jay Weatherill Penny Wong pictures. This is simply a question of respect. Hieu Van Le was announced on 26 June 2014 as the next Governor of South Australia to replace Kevin Scarce. You can have all these plans, and then life does something different and you have spent all this mental energy on complex plans that are entirely in your head That sounds a bit fatalistic, but its also a sort of weariness, I think, that comes with being 50.. There are several surprises in Margaret Simons' biography of Penny Wong.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen. Readers will be glad that Wong overcame her resistance to this intrusion into her life: the stories in Wongs voice and her personal memories are rich elements of the book. The Royal Commission report urged South Australia to pursue a waste storage facility, claiming South Australia has the "attributes and capabilities to manage and dispose of international used nuclear fuel safely". Keneally replaced Don Farrell in that position. As prime minister, selling the government message and performing in public would be an unavoidable and dominant responsibility. 06 December 2018. [52], In the 201516 Budget, Weatherill spruiked his government's plan to abolish stamp duties on business transactions and introduce the nation's lowest payroll tax rate. They are just her major strengths," he says. Wong previously served as Minister for Climate Change and Minister for Finance and Deregulation during the governments of Prime Ministers Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard from 2007 until 2013. On 21 January 2013, Weatherill became Treasurer of South Australia and took other various portfolios following a cabinet reshuffle triggered by the resignation of two members of his ministry. There is a Twitter account devoted to her eyebrows. [30] Wong's connections with CISCAC brought her in contact with a broader group of left-wing activists who opposed the Hawke Labor government's planned changes to university fees. She also remarked on Pauline Hansons right to air her views, saying: No country has ever made herself safer by attacking a particular ethnic minority. And now she is one of Kevin Rudd's most senior cabinet ministers, charged with driving an international consensus on climate change, and a domestic consensus on water management. Jay Wilson Weatherill AO (born 3 April 1964)[1] is a former Australian politician who was the 45th Premier of South Australia, serving from 21 October 2011 until 19 March 2018. [32] Despite this, the government included funding for the Gawler railway line up to Dry Creek, a number of measures supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs, and promised a return to surplus by 20152016. Jay Weatherill announces Royal Commission into Murray-Darling Plan Here is the book's first surprise: Penny Wong is a churchgoer. Along with Wong and Mark Butler, now another prominent Labor frontbencher, the trio became part of what was known as the 'Bolkus Left'. [66][67], During a 2023 Senate estimates hearing, Wong was asked about the presence of nuclear weapons aboard nuclear-capable B-52s and B2 Sprits U.S. bombers, which operate regularly out of northern Australia. [19][20] Weatherill was then sworn in as the 45th Premier of South Australia on 21 October 2011. Weatherill told Frydenberg the Federal Liberal government was the "most anti-SA government in living memory" and claimed the Federal Government's plan for Snowy Hydro 2.0 was a sign of a government in a "white-knuckled panic about national energy policy". Wong experienced her early childhood as a comfortable cultural melange. Butler is the former secretary of the Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers Union in South Australia; he has also served on Labor's national executive committee and is viewed as an exceptional talent federally for Labor (a fact which would no doubt have puzzled his great-grandfather, the 1920s Liberal premier Sir Richard Butler, were he still around). And we see, over and over, how racism was so pervasive in her life that inevitably it became the paramount issue for her. In 2016 she was made shadow minister for foreign affairs. [36], On returning to Adelaide, Wong began practising law, working as a solicitor at the firm Duncan and Hannon (19961999). "She is very into the politics. Who is Penny Wongs first boyfriend Jay Weatherill? Labor releases review into its federal election loss under former The relationship between Margaret Simons and Penny Wong was fraught. During his university days, he had a relationship with current Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Penny Wong. A0037102Z, Lives of the Wives: Five literary marriages, On Every Tide: The making and remaking of the Irish world, The Mad Marathon: The story of the 2013 Election, The Morals of the Market: Human rights and the rise of neoliberalism, Almost Human: A biography of Julius the chimpanzee. She is serious of demeanour and conservative of appearance, given neither to drinking nor excessive frivolity. "I have been told this proposition is under consideration. Her alliance with Mark Butler is enduring, and important to the party. "There was a bit of a problem with blood," she explains briskly. Conlon, Butler, Weatherill and Wong were the most promising of Bolkus' proteges, and all are still on the rise. [49], In 2015 Jay Weatherill announced that the state government would hold an annual 'Simplify Day' to initiate the reduction and removal of unnecessary regulation and legislation. That was by dint of his capacity, his procedural understanding, his rhetorical capacity and his personal relationships. In caucus, she says, Albanese is consultative and strategic. Wong joined the Labor Party that day; she credits her decision to her conversation with Boswell, and the Liberal-National Coalition's new "One Australia" policy opposing multiculturalism and Asian immigration. [68], The plan also included new legislative powers to ensure the South Australian energy minister could compel companies to turn on generators in peak demand periods. We are all in the debt of those like Wong who do so. Weatherill nonetheless kept Brock and Hamilton-Smith in cabinet, giving the government a 26 to 21 parliamentary majority. Though a major electoral redistribution in 2016 had seen four Labor seats become notionally Liberal, Labor retained a total of 19 seats at the election. Perhaps because she is different from other politicians, Penny Wong tends to be what one of her staffers described as a floating signifier a symbol with no agreed meaning. Australian politician (born 1968), Minister for Foreign Affairs, *The Liberal and National totals include members of the, Gillard and Second Rudd governments (20102013), openly-LGBTI Australian federal parliamentarian, become part of the Federation of Malaysia, Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union, Australian Industrial Relations Commission, "The Hon. Angela Woollacott is the Manning Clark Professor of History at the Australian National University, an elected Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, and the Australian Academy of Humanities, and a former president of the Australian Historical Association. Early Life and Education ADVERTISEMENT In July, Jay Weatherill (seen next to SA irrigator Sam Dodd) and Ian Hunter were joined by South Australian senators Labor's Penny Wong, the Greens' Sarah Hanson-Young, Australian . On the other hand, she is principled, intellectual, private, restrained and sane, generous to her staff which is loyal to her. Wong describes herself as a social democrat. It also created a reservoir of inner rage that fuels the terror she can unleash on those who cross her to this day unfortunate to have but super handy in politics. And she won! Penny Wong Jay Weatherill Pictures, Photos & Images - Zimbio The family directly experienced South Australian small-mindedness. The hospital has been described as "the most advanced in the nation". Simons notes Wongs long-term partners, firstly her five-year relationship with Jay Weatherill, future premier of South Australia, which began while she was at university and he was an industrial officer for the Australian Workers Union. Her political judgment has usually been acute. Were working to restore it. She then studied and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Jurisprudence and a Bachelor of Laws with Honours at the University of Adelaide, and completed a Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the University of South Australia. Wong rejects any view of herself and Keneally as rivals. Following the 1995 NSW election, she became a policy adviser to a minister in the new Labor government. Published by Black Inc. Books. [7] In the early 1990s, he worked at the law firm Duncan Hannon with Patrick Conlon and Isobel Redmond. I remember always thinking that he had five-year plans and seven-year plans, and I just did the next thing, and then the next. In all of Labors troubles since she entered the Australian parliament, Penny Wong has emerged from each stage with her reputation enhanced and her influence increased. Keneally is now shadow minister for home affairs, up against Peter Dutton. ", "Penny Wong, as South Australian senator, sets firsts as Asian-born federal minister; openly gay parliamentarian", "AustLII: 159 documents found for ("P Wong")", "The 12 Labor figures who will do the heavy lifting in government", "Garrett pays price for insulation debacle", "Garrett Stripped of Climate Change Role", Ministerial Representation & Senate Office Holders in the Senate 43rd Parliament 25 March 2013 The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, "Gillard unveils major frontbench shake-up", "Tanya Plibersek elected deputy Labor leader, Penny Wong re-elected to lead Labor in Senate", "Labor drops opposition to Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal", "Penny Wong and Jordon Steele-John celebrated for political leadership", "Labor leader Anthony Albanese announces frontbench in wake of federal election 2019", "Anthony Albanese sworn in as prime minister, and makes Quad timing a virtue", "Proud to be Asian and gay! On 18 March, the day after the election, Weatherill announced his decision to step down as Labor leader, but intended to remain in Parliament on the back-bench. Margaret Simons' picture of this impressive politician in Penny Wong: Passion and Principle transcends reductionist identity labels, as important as being a woman, being in a same-sex partnership and being of Asian-Australian heritage are to Wong's story. Penny Wong: Passion and principle by Margaret Simons [50], Jay Weatherill also set up Investment Attraction South Australia in 2015, attracting international companies including Technicolour, Boeing, Kaufland, Datacom and VeroGuard. Joe Hockey. She is a very good performer. [64], In 2017, Weatherill announced a plan to reform South Australia's electricity supply,[65][66] as a response to a number of blackouts that affected large numbers of South Australian residents and businesses in 2016. However, what many dont know is that she was previously in a relationship with Jay Weatherill. 2023 Ghanafuo.com & DM Network. He is currently retired and announced his intention to retire from Parliament on December 6, 2018. [24] She was accepted into the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery at the University of Adelaide,[25] but after spending a year on exchange in Brazil,[26] found she had an aversion to blood. But the group suffered a wrenching split in 2003, on the matter of Bolkus's own future in the Senate. Plebiscite is stupid and wasteful policy. She has been entirely consistent, rejecting the idea in private as in public. Jay Weatherill - Penny Wong Nationwide News Pty Ltd 2023. Jay Weatherill and Rod Equid Photos Photos - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (C) talks at the ASC facilities as Australian Senator Penny Wong (L), South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill . [3], Born in the western suburbs of Adelaide, he is the son of English-born former South Australian politician George Weatherill. All You Need To Know About The Australian Politician, Penny Wong Please try again later. She is a lesbian. Meet Penny Wong, Australia's new foreign minister", "Australia's New Foreign Minister: Out Lesbian Senator Penny Wong", "New Foreign Minister Penny Wong makes pitch to Pacific nations during visit to Fiji", "Penny Wong ramps up Pacific lobbying effort as she flies out to Samoa and Tonga", "Australia's Foreign Minister Penny Wong talks up 'close' NZ relationship after talks with Nanaia Mahuta", "Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong says NZ has 'unique and powerful' voice in Pacific", "Officials can neither 'confirm nor deny' US bombers in Australia carry nuclear weapons", "Penny Wong, Jacinda Ardern named most trusted leaders by Australians", "AFR readers say Penny Wong is our most effective minister", "Factbox: Key members of Australia's incoming Labor government", "Federal Election: Everything you need to know about Penny Wong", "God Is Good For You by Greg Sheridan; Fountain of Public Prosperity", "Bill Shorten won't produce UK citizenship renunciation proof", "Samesame 25: The 25 Most Influential Gay and Lesbian Australians 2010", "Baby joy for Finance Minister Penny Wong and partner Sophie Allouache", "Senator Penny Wong welcomes new baby girl into family", Summary of parliamentary voting for Senator Penny Wong on TheyVoteForYou.org.au, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Penny_Wong&oldid=1152286610, 20th-century Australian women politicians, 21st-century Australian women politicians, Australian Labor Party members of the Parliament of Australia, Members of the Australian Senate for South Australia, People educated at Scotch College, Adelaide, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in Australian English, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 29 April 2023, at 09:11. Type above and press Enter to search. Wee Willie Harris family, wife, children, parents, siblings, Carolyn Bryant family, husband, children, parents, siblings, Jerry Springer family, wife, children, parents, siblings, Tiktoker and 2Pac lookalike Ahuofe suddenly dies, BOG warns Ghanaians against using cedi notes for bouquets, hampers but fails to explain why, Ghanas speaker of parliament slams Nana Addo and Kamala Harris over anti-LGBTQ+ bill, ECG disconnects Osu Police Barracks from power supply over illegal connection, Sam George warns of political suicide if anti-LGBT bill is not signed by Akufo-Addo, Al Jazeeras Gold Mafia exposes $480 million annual gold smuggling operation from Ghana. Penny Wong and Jay Weatherill Photos Photos - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (C) talks at the ASC facilities as Australian Senator Penny Wong (L), South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill . Events; Contact Jay Weatherill. [57] At this point she was named part of Albanese's four-person ALP leadership team, along with Richard Marles and Kristina Keneally. She was barely 18 when she seized control of the campus Labor club at the University of Adelaide; her methodical destruction of the existing power structure there gave an early glimpse of her freakish powers. Bill Shorten. Following Labor's defeat in the 2013 election, Wong held several roles in the Shadow Cabinets of both Bill Shorten and Anthony Albanese, serving as Leader of the Opposition in the Senate throughout. "To her credit, there are no funny stories involving Penny Wong," is how one alumnus of the vintage puts it. Popular without being populist Penny Wong grills finance department officials. He is currently retired and announced his intention to retire from Parliament on December 6, 2018. Notably, the AAA credit rating achieved under the Rann government was lost, downgraded to AA+ in October,[22] a move foreshadowed by Snelling. [58] Weatherill committed $50 million to support the steelworks and called on the Federal Government to commit $100 million, to then be matched by a buyer looking to reform the steelworks. During her time at Scotch College, Wong toured New Caledonia as part of her French language studies, performed in school productions of plays such as Six Characters in Search of an Author, and co-captained the hockey team. All rights reserved. She says her father was the member of the family who used to construct long-term plans. Weatherill is married to his wife, Melissa, with whom he has two daughters. Jay Weatherill - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia Here is the book's second surprise: she is descended from original South Australian settlers. [68], Polling conducted by the The Australia Institute in 2019 found that Wong was the most trusted federal legislator, though then-Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern topped the poll altogether. She joined the ALP and has been on its left ever since. Wortley v Gazzola John Gazzola on Tuesday added his name to the list of Labor figures to publicly or privately undermine Russell Wortley. But what are the odds that Penelope Ying-Yen Wong, born in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, on November 5, 1968, would enter this world with a God-given knack for politics? [53], In 2015, Weatherill invited the South Australian Law Reform Institute to review all legislation for discrimination against the LGBTIQ community resulting in a number of bills eventually being passed in the South Australian Parliament. "It's a very private matter. As the ALP digests its recent report on how it lost the 2019 election, some commentators are calling for a change of leadership. Her new book Don Dunstan: The visionary politician who changed Australia (Allen & Unwin, 2019) was supported by an Australian Research Council Discovery grant. [82] In July 2019, he was appointed to conduct a review of Federal Labor's loss at the 2019 Australian federal election. [45], Shortly after the commencement of the Gillard government in June 2010, Julia Gillard promoted Wong to succeed Lindsay Tanner as Minister for Finance and Deregulation.
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