gilgamesh highschool dxd fanfiction
Character developments, shipping, fights please let me know. "I can overcome most penances and ordeals, but death from overwork is the only thing I never want to experience again! - Gilgamesh's complaints when he was working for Grauzauberer a period of time until he quit. Add this story to your Library to get notified about new parts! The abilities of Gilgamesh's Sacred Gear is based off of Fairy Tail's Irene Belserion and Shiroe from Log Horizon. I push her back and we both immediately charge back as we each skillfully evade one another's strike and try to lop the other's head off. Nicknames Anything any OC characters you have in mind? The other was the great King of Kuoh, Y/n Gilgamesh . According to Gilgamesh, his least favorite things are working hard to death, boringness, and annoying people. Those two were the Shinto warrior Ushiwakamaru, embracing her inner demon by the name Taira no Kagekiyo. Immense Magic Power: Due to his Sacred Gear, Gilgamesh possess a considerable magical power and abilities that rivals top-tier High-Class Devils and Magicians alike. I have to think twice as fast to even evade your strikes. Kana By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Hahaha!!! FanFiction | unleash . I swing upwards as Yoshitsune glided down in my direction. or Etherious Natsu Dragneel, Zeref Dragneel was resurrected by Y/N Sparda vs Union(Bullied male Dante reade Verse City one the most peaceful places of all time also the place we're the best heroes/huntsman/N serafalls queen has been a mystery to all the under worldwell until her queen acompines her to t A New Legacy (HighSchool DxD x Devil May Cry). Gilgamesh glared out into the nothingness he was currently stuck in sullenly. Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia e High School DxD, Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia, Gotoubun no Hanayome (5-toubun no Hanayome), JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure), Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru, Record of Ragnarok (Shuumatsu no Valkyrie, Valkyrie of the End), Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shomei Shite Mita (Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It), Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records (Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor), Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut (Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle), Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance (Blade Dance of Elementalers), Shimoneta: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't Exist, Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (The Rising of the Shield Hero), The Fruit of Grisaia (Grisaia no Kajitsu), The Seven Deadly Sins (Nanatsu no Taizai), Vanitas no Carte (The Case Study of Vanitas), Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e (Classroom of the Elite). Red He became the co-leader of Hero Faction alongside Cao Cao among the Khaos Brigade. RWBY and JNPR are sent to retrieve a child but who is this child and why Dou's he posses such great After dying from the hands of E.N.D. Birth of the Golden Sovereign: Rise of Pride BGS:RP - Webnovel This story follows the reincarnation of the legendary hero Gilgamesh through his journey of the supernatural. This is a rewrite of my King of DXD. By: Sakiv. He wields one of the newly classified Longinus, Grand Enchanter, one of the strongest creation sacred gear that creates magical staffs, staves, and wands. He leads his own team that acts independently, known as the Team Kings, which made up of descendants who were great kings, emperors and rulers in the Human History. 10 Kudos: 23 Bookmarks: 9 Hits: 3382 His Will Be Done by Haten Cookie Notice UrukKhaos Brigade Hero Faction Team Kings Georg stated that his skills, intelligence, and understanding many and different magic calculations, formulas, spells are said to be equal or greater than his own . Highschool DxD (Anime) - Works | Archive of Our Own Profile Anime/Manga High School DxD/DD. and our Heaven's Greatest Treasure (Gilgamesh Reader x DxD). I'd say that the title you spoke about fits YOU perfectly". Vicus-God (Quarter-God) for him to survive and experience. Master Staff User: Due to his power of Sacred Gear, Gilgamesh is well-versed in the art of staff techniques and demonstrated extreme proficiency over his wands, staffs, and staves for combat. Please go read the High School DxD Wiki:Rules before creating a page. My Altered Life (Gilgamesh Male Reader x DxD) - Wattpad Status um ser misterioso estava entediado ele escolheu um humano aleatrio e deu um sistema para ver se as coisas ficam mais interessante, Esta configurao ser usada apenas neste navegador, Ns usamos cookies e outras tecnologias semelhantes para melhorar a sua experincia em nossos servios, personalizar publicidade e recomendar contedo de seu interesse de acordo com a nossa. Your strength is unequaled. According to Cao Cao, He has the radiance and charisma that of a great king, causing the others to attract to him under his banner. O que ele no esperava era que seu desejo fosse realizado. She swings for my neck. He is descended and named after from his grandfather, Gilgamesh, the legendary king and the first hero existed in the Human World from Kingdom of Uruk in the Sumerian Civilization era. - Gilgamesh's golden rule on life. Our blades collided, causing a loud sound that ringed in our ears. Character developments, shipping, fights please let me know. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14221123/2/Demigod-in-DXD, What would people like in my Highschool DxD x Percy Jackson fanfiction, Scan this QR code to download the app now. Uma pedra estranha foi mandado para alguns multiversos diferente, as pessoas tocar se nessa pedra seria o telefone t dando para um local que parecia um cinema, l eles conheceram vrias lendas e Heris do futuro e do passado lendas que superaram os prprios Deuses. He died because of the lightning sent out by the God in a fit of anger. Fate/Stay Night e Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu, Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia. Thisis the Sacred Gear of Gilgamesh andprimary weapon, it is classed as a potential Longinus by Azazel as a result of his mastery of the Sacred Gear. Otherwise, I'll end up destroying you completely from the existence You've been warned!". By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The sound of steal hitting steal erupted from the battlefield as two grand fighters fought without a care in the world of who observed. I'll show those 2 fakers something, I too can have 2 of me in this world.. be grateful human. It was also shown that he can able to imbue his divine aura into his fist to increase the power of his blow. Unlike his fellow descendants of great heroes and kings, Gilgamesh is rather a lazy, laid-back, and pleasure-seeking individual. Taira: "Your reflexes are top notch. She turned her blade as I bring mine down. Michael (Highschool DxD) Gabriel (Highschool DxD) Grayfia Lucifuge Katerea Leviathan Shirou Emiya's life changed when he was used in experiment and gave something that no human should posses but that is about to change. I miss from her ducking and find myself in a bit situation. Chapter 7 The great Sumit Around the Hero Faction or outside, Gilgamesh is usually seen a red and black scheme Arabian robes with golden lining accents, a white pants with a sash around his waist to hold his sword, Ea and magic tools, black boots with golden stripes, and red earring in each ear. Highschool DxD x Gilgamesh DMC Reader - Fabrice Hill - Wattpad Eye Colour He had just been sucked into the Holy Grail, after being defeated by that Faker, Shirou Emiya. Unlike Cao Cao, who seeks the meaning of hero, I seek the meaning of pleasure. : *. . Lamentando suas escolhas que fez enquanto ainda estava vivo, um certo Esprito Heroico fez um desejo em seus ltimos momentos. He also has a prominent, red tattoos that inscribed at both of his forearms and throughout the rest of his upper body. Mesmo no sendo capaz de se lembrar de nada, ele no seguiria o mesmo Destino de antes. Spirit Fanfics e Histrias uma plataforma para autopublicao de Livros. After all, without pleasure, you can't live your life to the fullest and besidesall living creatures thrive in seeking pleasure, whether they are woman, combat, wealth, status, or anything they wish to attain in this world. Master Magician: Gilgamesh is said to be a high-level magician besides Georg, a high-level Magician and possessor of Dimension Lost within Hero Faction. Golden Profession This was demonstrated as he was able to one of Georg's magic techniques from seeing it only once and improving upon it. Personal Status Alive. The personality and appearance is based off of Gilgamesh (Caster). Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka? Immense Combat Skill:Due to his grandfather's teaching in the way of combat, Gilgamesh has shown to possess a immense combat skills, being able to challenge a group of top-tier High-Class Devil peerage single-handedly. Fun in Highschool DxD world others R18 HAREM BLEACH HIGHSCHOOL DXD 4.27 A teenager from earth died just as he and his friend had received permission to organize the gaming event in their college. So, he doesn't tolerate those who would insult his power since some of the supernatural world considers magicians as weaklings. Subaru Gilgamesh: Destinado ao Topo escrita por KamijouNoEmiya, Sad_Face e Kamijou-Kohai Em andamento Captulos 3 Palavras 3.126 Atualizada em 07/04/2022 01:10 Idioma Portugus Categorias Fate/Apocrypha, Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia, Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya, Fate/Prototype: Sougin no Fragments, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works, Fate/strange . (Male Weak, frail, scrawny, boring, and weird. Synopsis the original Gilgamesh's only weakness was arrogance but for me, it's my weapon, and I will have fun in my new reality after all existence itself is my playground Reincarnating in the world of Highschool DxD, Gilgamesh finds he has to make the entire occult research club fall in love with him, or else he is stuck in high school DxD Raiden Raiden Raiden. The other was the great King of Kuoh, Y/n Gilgamesh L/n. Heaven's Greatest Treasure (Gilgamesh Reader x DxD) The Epic of Gilgamesh (In DXD) Chapter 1: Prologue, a Fate - FanFiction Over the centuries however humanity had failed to recognise these Bijuu as intellectual beings. You are the ultimate warrior for sure", Y/n: "Your quickness is quite the bothersome part of you. Voltando da escola, Akuro Kenshin, em sua mente um garoto normal, caminha tranquilamente para sua casa. Dark Slayer of Kuoh (Highschool DxD Harem). Gilgamesh was born in the region of Mesopotamia under his parents, the blood relative of the first hero Gilgamesh in the Human world. As a result of our most recent purge, there will be far stricter enforcement of said rules. Gilgamesh was born in the region of Mesopotamia under his parents, the blood relative of the first hero Gilgamesh in the Human world. When she swung, I used the pommel of my katana to stop the attack from reaching me. This is for the DxD Light Novel series not High School or your High School experience. The King of heroes reborn Chapter 1: Application process, a high school This was especially true for his Sacred Gear, Grand Enchanter, where it granted him the power of immeasurable magical powers and collection of powerful magic staffs, wands, and staves for himself. O rancor do homem foi to grande que foi capaz de viajar entre mundos, dimenses e at mesmo entre o futuro e o passado. Its abilities grant Gilgamesh the power to create/summon an infinite number of magic wands, staves, and staffs that are kept inside of special dimension that the Grand Enchanter is linked to called the "King's Treasury", which is capable of repairing and changing the effect of the magic staffs, staves, and wands that are sent back inside of the dimension. A way to hide his past experience. Hair Colour Gilgamesh (King of the Sky) | High School DxD Wiki | Fandom Equipment However, we paid it no mind. Gilgamesh in DxD Follow/Fav The King of heroes reborn. Um mero humano qualquer que viveu durante tanto tempo que o seu maior desejo era sair do local aonde estava porque estava com tdio e com raiva por no poder escrever nada, j que o mesmo era um escritor. Peerage Chapter 6 A new War?! Journey of a King Chapter 1, a Naruto + High School DxD - FanFiction Solte sua imaginao, escreva suas histrias, tenha sua prpria pgina personalizada, compartilhe idias, faa amizades. ENLACES DE DESCARGA: PDF Gilgamesh in DxD 01-200 Gilgamesh in DxD 201-319 ACTUALIZABLE Gilgamesh can call them through the golden ripples in the air. I parry it and go to plung my sword into her head. Due to his mastery over magical powers, he can summon up to hundred ripples either ground or air, and capable of firing spells that varies from Norse, Angel, Fallen Angel, Fairy, Black, White, Holy, Demonic, Magic, Anti-Magic and Enchantment types. I, The King of the Heroes Gilgamesh, shall gi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Few minutes back. A/n: Since this was taken down along with my previous profile, I'll be putting this out there now druig x oc Contains some aspects of fate mostly Gilgamesh and his powers may contain another character later on. Language: English Words: 62,085 Chapters: 32 /? This was demonstrated as he is seen to smoke in his private villa in Persia surrounded by natural habitants and his personalmaids. Gilgamesh, or "Gil" by his closed subordinates and friends, is one of the future antagonists in the future fanfiction, King of the Sky. Fanfics de Fate/Stay Night e Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu com Relatives High School DxD Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. You Thought It Was An Update, But It Was Me, MORE FILLER!! gilgamesh godsandgoddesses highschool highschooldxd issei kiba koneko rias Table of contents Last updated Jan 22, 2021 Chapter 1: The Ones Who Fell From The Sky Chapter 2: The Nun and The Stray Chapter 3: The Stray Exorcist Chapter 4: Overrunning The Church Chapter 5: The Sitri's Chapter 6: Familiar Forest Chapter 7: Second Base Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia It is said that among the other members of the Hero Faction, he is the only one on par with Cao Cao, whose known as the "Strongest Human". Affiliations Esta configurao ser usada apenas neste navegador, Ns usamos cookies e outras tecnologias semelhantes para melhorar a sua experincia em nossos servios, personalizar publicidade e recomendar contedo de seu interesse de acordo com a nossa. Instead seeing them as demons, mindless beast and feared them. From his young childhood, he would often go out on a trip with his parents, teaching him the world in terms of knowledge and experience. F/N Redgrave, Son of Dante, The Legendary Devil Hunter, and son of an Angel. Y/n V The Gods and Hero, Vol 2 Chapter 17: Aftermath and Reparations, Vol 2 Chapter 22: The Mischief God Vs The King of Kuoh, Vol 2 Chapter 24: Even A King Needs A Shoulder, Vol 2 Chapter 29: Bring Down The Hell Gates, Vol 2 Chapter 32: Unlocking The Mystic Code, Vol 2 Chapter 38: A Roll Call Before The Trip, Vol 2 Chapter 50: The Sword That Slays Gods, Empyrean Musashi, Filler: Visiting Our Friend From the Root, Vol 3 Chapter 10: The Day Before The Azazel Cup, Vol 3 Chapter 12: To Victory/The Battlefield, Vol 3 Chapter 21: A Shift In Personalities, Vol 3 Chapter 22: The Enemy's Enemy Is My Ally. According to Gilgamesh, his favorite things are magic staves and wands, stock investment, pokers, and beautiful woman worthy to enter his "harem". "When it comes to seeking pleasure or living my life, there are only three things I require, wands, good stock to invest, and a worthy members of woman who has the quality to enter my harem." ! This version of Gilgamesh is based off of Gilgamesh (Caster) from Fate/Grand Order. Fanfics / Fanfictions Crossovers de Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia e High School DxD de todos os gneros. During those time, his grandfather, Gilgamesh would often come to visit his grandson on teaching him on supernatural world, magic, combat skills, and etc. "You survived mongrel?! Immense Strength- Born with an incredible amount of physical prowess due to inheriting his grandfather's divine blood, Gilgamesh has proven to be capable of handling combat with High-Class Devils using just his physical prowess alone. Grand Enchanter(,, Guran Enchant): Known as theSovereign of the Magic Wands. You've reached the end of published parts. The sound of steal hitting steal erupted from the battlefield as two grand fighters fought without a care in the world of who observed. She jumped back as I continued to watch her, making sure to not lose eye contact with her once again. Vol 2 Chapter 2: On Our Way To The Underworld, Vol 2 Chapter 5: Hot Springs Conversations, Vol 2 Chapter 6: The Important Discussion Before The Meeting, Vol 2 Chapter 7: Trial. It was demonstrated where he would throw the staves into the ground, creating different types of magical runes, spells, and sorcery to overpower his opponents. What would people like in my Highschool DxD x Percy Jackson fanfiction Anything any OC characters you have in mind? Girugamesshu Grandson of Sparda, n God's Blessing On The Mysterious One! Gilbert Jirchov (Everyday Life name)King of Heroes (Self-Proclaimed)History's Youngest Archmage (Self-Proclaimed)The Harem King (Self-Proclaimed & Semi-Proven Fact)The Wedge of HeavenThe King of MagicThe Mage ShooterGoldie/Blondie (By others) ArchmageCo-Leader (Hero Faction) If you want to edit or mention this page, please talk to me. Gilgamesh My Altered Life (Gilgamesh Male Reader x DxD). Hit nothing but steel. R-18, Sistema, High School DxD, Fanfiction, Protagonista masculino, Da moderno, Viaje a otros mundos, Mundo alternativo. But Gilgamesh himself only enlists a member who has the past great kings, emperors, and ruler's blood within. And moreover, how he had won? Chapter 16: Familiar Face From a Distant Past, Chapter 17: And Her Name Was Serafall Leviathan, Chapter 22: Eating With The Gilgamesh Family, Chapter 24: The Day Kuoh Announced A King, Chapter 41: King of Heroes Vs The Destroyer, Chapter 46: Still The King Until The Very End. Gilgamesh is a handsome blond-haired young man whose hair stands are down like lazy bad-haired strands, forming a bang in the middle of his forehead. While returning from a mission, Asuma Sarutobi finds a mysterious tower. Subaru Natsuki um garoto sem nenhuma qualidade aparente a no ser seu grande corao. Like his grandfather as a great hero, Gilgamesh is shown to possess an honorable and moral duties as a hero, where he would kill any worms who would harm the innocents. . Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. What if Issei's pervert personality was all a lie. In return, he was asked to choose a world of his own choice. What would people like in my Highschool DxD x Percy Jackson fanfiction
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