first families of bledsoe county, tennessee
31 pp. & South Pittsburg Board of Mayor & City Council. MEMPHIS, Tenn. Governor Bill Lee and First Lady Maria Lee are set to give away meal boxes to foster families in Memphis on May 3. He was the son of George Bledsoe. 19 pp. [surname index in each volume], Sequachee, Victoria, Tennessee Tidbits (Harris, 1997), Story of Ketner's Mill, Located Near the Community of Oak Grove in Whitwell, Marion Co., Tennessee, 1824-1991 [2 vols.] Cultural resource investigations in the Guntersville Reservoir area, Marshall & Jackson counties, AL, & Marion County, TN. Abraham Bledsoe was born in 1737 in Orange County, Virginia. Mary Ann Pugh (Blalock) (1839 - 1925) - Genealogy George Bledsoe was the first of the Bledsoe line traced in America. He lived in Northumberland County, Virginia. His will was probated there July 23, 1704. The only child on record was Abraham Bledsoe, who after marrying settled in that part of Orange County which was later embraced in Culpepper County. Hensley-Schmidt, Inc. Master plan report: Nickajack Resort State Park, Marion County, TN. Item: I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Aaron Bledsoe the Negro girl, Pat, to him and his heirs forever, lawfully begotten of his own body and if one or both of my sons Moses and Aaron should die without issue the land or Negro girl or both shall be equally divided between my wife and children hereafter named. 55 pp. These families migrated in the early 1800s to settle in the rich valley land along the Sequatchie River. Family History Center and Affiliate Library Locator map- search for local Family History Centers or Affiliate Libraries 1. Nickajack Lake resort analysis. Nickajack Reservoir. Jefferson County, Kansas, commissioners have agreed to pay $7.5 million to Floyd Bledsoe, who spent 16 years in prison for a murder he did not commit.. +Lohammer Hannah Terrell b: 18 Jan 1730/31 in Caroline County, Virginia m: Abt. The Bledsoe family lived at Mansker's fort in 1782-83, but moved into Bledsoe's fort about 1784. Add a memorial, flowers or photo. Thomas was born in Greenville County, SC & died in Bledsoe County Tennessee & is buried in the Swafford Chapel Cemetery. ***Downloadable PDF File. 65 pp. They settled on a branch of the Holston River. SECTION 1. Catherine Bledsoe (1710) 2 - 5], Ocoee Land District Maps (Douthat, 2013) [name index], Seventh Census of the United States, 1850: Marion County, Tennessee, Free Population Schedules (Carpenter, 1971) [surname index], Teague Cemetery Records Marion County, Tennessee (Judge David Campbell Chapter, NSDAR , 2010) [name index], Tennessee Records of Marion County, 1819-1830 [deeds - 2 vols., 1819-1830] (19?? 1; alphabetical in vols. PLEASE NOTE that the Tennessee State Library and Archives does not hold copies of all of the items listed in this bibliography. TN Valley Authority. . BE IT ENACTED, That the sheriff of Bledsoe County shall open and hold an election at the place of holding court in said county, on the third Friday and Saturday in February next, for the purpose of electing field officers of the militia of said county; and the militia of said county shall compose the thirty-first regiment of the militia of this state, and shall be attached to the third brigade. Harris, Euline. TN Valley Authority. )*, 1880 Census, Tennessee, Transcription for Bledsoe County (Sistler, 1978? Huntsville, AL, the author, 1987. These families migrated in the early 1800s to settle in the Web1 week ago Be among the first 25 Therapist Bledsoe County, TN role at Health Connect America. He moved to Essex County Virginia in 1718 and lived in an area that became Spotsylvania County in 1721 and Orange County in 1734. An inventory of microfilmed Bledsoe County records is available on our website. BE IT ENACTED, That all that tract of country lying within the following described bounds, shall be, and is hereby made and constituted a new and distinct county, by the name of Rhea: Beginning at a point on the above described line of Roane County, on the extreme height of the mountain dividing the waters of Sequatchie, from those of Tennessee; thence along the top of said mountain, leaving all the waters running through said mountain in the county of Rhea, to the river Tennessee; thence up the meanders of said river to the beginning. [name index], Marion County, Tennessee Cemetery Records (Harris, 1987)* [alphabetical by cemetery with surname index], Marion County, Tennessee, Deed Book C, Abstract, 1831-1836 (Hobbs & Goins, 1993? Thomas Hale, I (1790 - 1860) - Genealogy Their parents had come from England to Culpepper County, Virginia. FAMILY OF BLEDSOE Child - John Calvin Billingsley - 12 Feb 1812 - Bledsoe Co, TN: Residence - The origin of the Bledsoe family is lost in obscurity. In 1780, while the militia was away at theBattle of Kings Mountain, the Cherokee raided the setttlements. Beimfohr, Oliver W. Battle Creek coal, Marion County, TN. BE IT ENACTED, That John Tollet, Joseph Hoge and James Standefer, are hereby appointed commissioners to fix on the most suitable place for holding courts for Bledsoe County, until otherwise provided for by law. County, who was born in 1734. SECTION 7. 121 pp. Tuscaloosa, AL, the author, 1990. ordered that Isaac Bledsoes Mark for his Cattle & Hogs which is a Crop on the left ear and a slit in the right ear and an underkeel in the left ear be recorded. WebGenealogy for Thomas Hale, I (1790 - 1860) family tree on Geni, with over 230 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. 46 pp. About 1768 Abraham moved to Tennessee, approximately 7 miles from the Long Island of the Holston which is now present day Kingsport, Tennessee on Reedy Creek where he was living in 1778. Anthony, the eldest, married Mary, the daughter of Thomas Ramsey, a noted Indian fighter and active in French and Indian War. Est. Educational, economic & community survey, Bledsoe County. Population & economic analysis, Marion County, TN. BE IT ENACTED, That said county of Bledsoe be, and the same is hereby declared a part of the district of Hamilton, in the same manner and for all purposes, civil, criminal and military, in as full and ample manner as any county in this state, and shall send two jurors to the superior court of said districts. (its Report #24). Thomas Younger Swafford Sr After serving with British colonial troops in Lord Dunmore's War, he hunted and explored extensively along the Cumberland River. Oct. 16, 1992.) View this and more full-time & part-time jobs in Pikeville, TN on Snagajob. Hack, John T. Interpretation of Cumberland escarpment & highland rim, south central TN & northeast AL. Alcohol played a significant role in the daily lives of colonists; even children. 29 pp. Skip to main content. Marion County Planning Comm. 14 pp. First Name. Anthrop., 1966. Knoxville, UT Dept. Membership is open to Get some new ideas by using our Ancestor Source Finder tool. Sta., 1936. Bledsoe Many of these families still remain there to this day. Pikeville, Bledsoe County High School, 1977. SECTION 10. Tre Hargett was elected by the Tennessee General Assembly to serve as Tennessees 37th secretary of state in 2009 and re-elected in 2013, 2017, and 2021. Quadrangles: Lonewood, Herbert Domain, Vandever, Grassy Cove, Sampson, Ballingsley Gap, Melvine, Pennine, Smartt Mountain, Brockdell, Pikeville, Morgan Springs, Savage Point, Mt. An Inventory of Newspapers on Microfilm at the Library and Archives is available on our website. 3 1920-1989, H-L; vol. [name index], 1840 Census, Sequatchie Valley, Bledsoe-Marion Counties (Douthat, 1982) [surname index], 1850 Marion Co., Tenn., Census (Douthat, 1982) [surname index], 1862 Tax list, Marion County, Tennessee (Tate, 1996)* [name index], 1880 Census, Marion County, Tennessee (Sistler, 1995) [alphabetical by head of household], Abstracts of Marion County, Tennessee, Death Certificates [vol. Washington, D.C., FEMA, 1979. 1 vol. Prepared by Local Planning Assistance Office for South Pittsburg Municipal Planning Comm. It was divided into Montgomery, Washington and Kentucky Counties. William LytleBledsoe, et al. Bledsoe, a parcel of land known formerly as the Thomas Ball plantation. Memphis, Castle Books, 1993. 1 1895-1896; vol. & Richard A. Yarnell. The Marion County plan, Marion County, TN. Microfilms are loaned to Tennessee libraries. Washington, D.C., US GPO, 1903, 1994. 74 pp. tuller.roberta@gmail.com Marion County Planning Comm. U. TN Valley Authority. Research, 1987. Webthe first explorers of the Cumberland Country. Mountain Press and Southern Genealogy Books, Downloadable PDF file, Elizabeth Parham Robnett, 294 Pages, 8.5x11, Full Name Index, 58 Photographs/Maps. Item: I give and bequeath to my well beloved sonAbraham Bledsoe five shillings sterling. Families First Knoxville, UT Ag. Secretary Hargett is the chief executive officer of the Department of State with oversight of more than 300 employees. Guild, Josephus C. A report on coal lands lying in Bledsoe County. "An Act to reduce Roane County to constitutional limits, and to form two new and distinct counties south-west of the same.". On February 17, 1735/36, Andrew Harrison, James Cox, Henry Held and Isaac Bledsoe appraised the estate of Samuel Hensley in Orange County, Virginia. SECTION 1. In 1770, Abraham became the Pikeville, United Methodist Church, 1976. (its Miscellaneous paper #7). First Families of Bledsoe County Files (courtesy of the Bledsoe County Historical and Genealogical Society) Civil War Soldiers from Bledsoe County Pension Search for Manuscripts Material in our Catalog. 56 pp. Management practices of soybean producers in Marion County, TN: a research summary of a graduate study. We will respond to e-mail requests promptly; response time may vary, depending on the amount of research required to answer your question and the unique nature of your request. Tuscaloosa, AL, U. AL Office of Arch. In 1787 and 1788, Anthony received warrants for land in Sullivan County, Tennessee. TheCherokeewere indigenous people who lived in the southern Appalachian mountains. Knoxville, TN Ag. He also serves on 16 boards and commissions, on two of which he is the presiding member. WebWhile the two other counties in the Sequatchie Valley, Bledsoe and Marion, are grouped with the East Tennessee grand division, Sequatchie is grouped with Middle Tennessee. . SECTION 6. Sec., 1988. Social & Ec. 71 pp. In 1774, during Dunmores War, Abraham Bledsoe was a member of Captain David Looneys militia company. Ind. The area that Abraham settled is present day Lee, Scott and Washington Counties, Virginia and Hancock, Hawkins, Johnson and Sullivan Counties, Tennessee. The story of Marion County: its people & places. Knoxville, TN Ag. Biographies of Bledsoe County 1788. Union Primitive Baptist Church book, 1821-1868. Webb, Nonie H. Marion County, TN: the county with a future. Susan. 46 pp. They came about 1767 to the New River country. v. Oliver Kane, et al. Bledsoe County Signal Mtn, the author, 1983. 119 pp. Gremillion, Kristen J. Airy, Brayton, Graysville, Henson Gap, Soddy. Sta., 1937. Their children were, BE IT ENACTED, That for the due administration of justice, that the court of pleas and quarter sessions shall be held in and for the county of Bledsoe, on the first Mondays of April, July, October and January; and the justices for said county, shall hold their respective courts at the place that shall be fixed upon by said commissioners, until otherwise provided for by law, and shall have and exercise the power and jurisdiction as are prescribed by and for the courts of the several counties in this state. )* [name index], Marion County, Tennessee, Marriages [vol. Washington, D.C., US GPO, 1966. 282 pp. TN Anthrop. Soil survey, Bledsoe County, TN. The library maintains many published family histories and a family histories file. One of the court of triers of the original Cumberland Association, Bledsoe was a justice of the peace in the first Davidson County Quarterly Court in 1783, first major of the county militia, and a guard for the surveyors of the North Carolina Military Reservation. 1 vol. They were referred to as the "Bledsoe brothers" or "three brothers from North Carolina" in multiple publications on Daniel Boone.
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