cbbc games archive
We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! This project is dedicated to preserving as many games & animations as possible that run on web plugins and browsers, so that they aren't lost to time. My Pet and Me - CBeebies - BBC Luckily there wasn't always a redirect, but looking in the dev tools console reveals that the page attempts to load content from several urls that no longer exist, none of which end in .swf, so is this game even a flash game? Once the files are downloaded, they can be curated using Flashpoint Core. However despite the Way Back Machine having many snapshots of this url, the actual game is loaded as some kind of embed, worse, most snapshots redirect to a different url, with two snapshots, both of which were made with an ip from outside the UK, so there is nothing meaning full there. Splatalot: Kingdom Defence? Read about our approach to external linking. Andy's Adventures Bluey Charlie and Lola Dog Loves Books Go Jetters Grace's Amazing Machines Hey Duggee In The Night Garden JoJo & Gran Gran My Pet and Me My World Kitchen Sarah & Duck. Litter Hitter Flash Game : CBBC - Archive Keep in mind that for unknown reasons, sometimes only one method will bring up a certain result. If you can't find a URL or asset using one method, try the other. There are also several old versions of games that are still being remade now, such as Prince of Persia. Hover over a circle and click a time code to access a capture. not in a magazine listing) then I will endevour to put it on the site. It's quite tedious. Publication date. Wayback Machine Downloader is a command line tool that can automatically download whole websites from the Wayback Machine. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. See what amazing masterpieces you can create using The Next Step, Danger Mouse, The Worst Witch, Horrible Histories and The Zoo stickers - what awesome CBBC show mash-ups can you make? From 4th Dimension to Zentrix, if it was released on the BBC Micro, there will be a mention of it on the site. Downloading from Wayback - Flashpoint Database The archive is still being developed and the BBC are looking for suggestions of missed games. r/gaming on Reddit: Old PC Games Archive Pilot), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. This page was last edited on 13 August 2022, at 06:15. Instructions have been added for many of the games from authentic sources, such as cassette inlays, and any major changes have been noted on the games page. An attempt of uploading a full-ish CBBC archive of continuity and shows from the 28th June 2007 to present. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. This page describes how to download web game/animation files from Wayback Machine. With the all new Meme Maker you can create hilarious, sharable memes featuring . This section goes over some basic examples of searches with Wayback's CDX API. web pages Its interesting to see that many games bear more than a passing resemblance to their originals and are still being produced. Playtime Island from CBeebies on the App Store BBC Micro Games - The Complete BBC Games Archive. CBBC - We Bare Bears Andy's Prehistoric Adventures: Make a Picture, The Numtums: Super Numtum and the Great Jelly Caper. Reply to this post | Go Back View Post [ edit ] could some one plz help me tp download most of the CBBC channle games plz http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/games mostly all the music and arts one becuase of the freefonix game Privacy Policy. https://web.archive.org/web/20150118221400if_/http://www.teagames.com/games/crazygolf2. Current CBBC Website Archives BBC Children's (April 1996) CBBC Tower version (July 1997) Febuary 1999 November 1999 November 2000 October 2001 August 2002 Jan 2006 See Also CBeebies Website Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. But mind-boggling graphics and sprawling open worlds . Discussions regarding the news arm of the BBC should be posted in /r/BBCNews. Its definitely worth having a look around the site, or a quick search for a childhood favourite, such as Grannys Garden, which was once all the rage at my school. Red Dwarf's future confirmed after legal dispute resolved. Nevaland (partially found CBBC flash games; 2009) Screenshots of game [PC][2000s] Stupid! Flash game for CBBC TV show https://web.archive.org/cdx/search?url=www.happyfeet-game.com/&matchType=domain&collapse=urlkey&filter=statuscode%3A200&fl=original&from=2006&to=2008, Finally, this search will list all captures of SWF, DCR, and CCT files from URLs starting with superdudes.net: In this case it is http://www.teagames.com/games/crazygolf2. 2005. It's time to have fun and get arty! on the Internet. r/CasualUK on Reddit: Help needed, old game on CBBC website Games - The best free games online for kids - CBBC - BBC CBBC Packed full of programmes for 6-12 year olds like The Dumpi. Topical news . Thanks for reading my post. The site, now found at "BBC.co.uk/CBBC" had "BBC/Children's" as its address. Good luck in your search! March 1, 2021 markmaking*. mark-making* is an award-winning creative agency specialising in branding, campaigns and communications, Harraden Court, For example, adding &from=2006&to=2008 to the previous search will return only captures from 2006 to 2008: screenshot. Despite the dated technology, there is a certain charm to the retro vibe these BBC micro games online capture. This subreddit is maintained by volunteers with no direct connection to the BBC and it should be considered an unofficial forum. You do this by going into different rooms, solving puzzles and playing games. OMG, I found it, thanks so much for you . CBBC Games | Danger Mouse Full Speed! | Level 1 Playthrough Use the suggested lines to come up with funny captions for each picture and then try out the funky new filters on your masterpiece! Wayback Download Mode is a new mode of Flashpoint Core that allows you to download files directly from Wayback Machine. This is a flash game that was originally available on the CBBC games webpage, extracted from an archive of the page from 19th June 2004. As before, use an asterisk instead of a date code in the capture URL. Topics. Flashpoint Core will now use Wayback Download Mode when you launch games or curations. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. I have a lot of nostalgia with those old cbbc games, and many of the best ones are on flashpoint, like Championsheeps, Deadly Planet: Mission Madagascar, but while some of the splatalot games are on flashpoint, Splatalot Kingdom Defence is nowhere to be seen. CBBC offers a variety of free children's games online. The game should load in the application you specified. Scan this QR code to download the app now, https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/games/splatalot-kingdom-defence-game, https://web.archive.org/web/20150111153704/http://marblemediakids.com:80/games/. The original URL (not the full capture URL!) How old is cbbc?. Welcome to the BBC Games Archive, a website dedicated to collecting information on EVERY BBC Micro Game EVER! The Cartoon Works (CBBC flash game, 2008), Super Why? The games have been enhanced for ease of use and checked for compatibility with various emulators and hardware. [1988] Red Dwarf - Holly is bored so he decides to play an April fool's trick on the crew! This indicates the date (2015-01-18) and the time (22:14:00) that the capture was taken. will always be your launch command in Flashpoint. CBBC - We Bare Bears Three bear brothers go on a series of misadventures in the modern human world. Language. Need Help To Download Some Old CBBC Games : r/bbc - Reddit Miami Heat guard Victor Oladipo (4) shoots as Milwaukee Bucks guard Pat Connaughton (24) defends during the first half of Game 3 in a first-round NBA basketball playoff series, Saturday, April 22 . Basically, what's with this game and why is it so obscure. Next is the date code: 20150118221400. There are two main methods of searching Wayback Machine for captures. | Level 1 Playthrough CBBC 554K subscribers Subscribe 33K views 5 years ago Check out level 1 'Greenback in Time' of the new Danger Mouse Full Speed. Tracy Beaker 2000's Flash Games. This is a flash game that was originally available on the CBBC Uploaded by Whether you like dress up games, drawing games or anything in between, you can browse our collection of creative games to find something for you. This search will list all captures of URLs starting with www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/games/: games webpage, extracted from an archive of the page from 11th April 2005. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. See its GitHub page for more information. It was produced in association with the Newsround programme. Now let's say you want to look at all the SWFs in TeaGames's swf directory. Be sure to take advantage of this option! But mind-boggling graphics and sprawling open worlds arent everything and apparently, no one knows this better than the BBC. This will show a calendar with colored circles for each capture. sound.and.vision 11 mins Available for over a year. Play BBC Micro Games - Complete Archive | mark-making For more information about using the Curate tab, see, Enter the title and platform of the game, and any other metadata you wish. Sorry, CBBC games and videos can only be played if you are in the UK. Youre seeing this page because it looks like youre outside the UK. 26A High Street, Nova can be hard to please, but with your flare for fashion shes sure to be amazed! Confession Cat. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. CBBC Website | CBBC | Fandom Norweb are coming for Lister to collect on his 3 million year old unpaid electricity bill. So, wherever you are, the fun is at your fingertips! ", Alternatively, you can switch to the Curate tab, then click New Curation instead of New Game. Contents 1 Understanding Wayback Machine Capture URLs 2 Searching Wayback Machine for Captures 2.1 Quick Search 2.2 CDX Search 3 Using Wayback Download Mode 3.1 Setting Up Wayback Download Mode CBBC Archive - YouTube There are over 30 free games to choose from and each one meets the specific needs of children and their parents or carers, with a focus on bonding, learning, discovery and self-expression. Need Help To Download Some Old CBBC Games : r/bbc by cupcakeman3080 Need Help To Download Some Old CBBC Games hi there can someone plz download these games somehow for me i want the freefonix one and the jakers one big thanks https://web.archive.org/web/20110304071038/http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/games/musicart/ 0 If the website is visited outside of the UK, the following message appears. (Partially Lost Early Unaired 1999 stop-motion Nick Jr. If you do not see a New Game button, switch to the Config tab and check "Enable Editing. Wayback Download Mode is compatible with Flashpoint Core 9 and 10. The BBC Games Archive - Welcome 09/05/2023. Old version of the site have been archived via the web archive and can be viewed by clicking the link at the bottom of the page. BBC Games - All Creative Games - Play cool online games for free with Colour Cannon Cutting Room . Old PC Games Archive Does anyone know sites with a large archive base of old pc games? https://web.archive.org/cdx/search/cdx?url=superdudes.net&matchType=prefix&filter=original:.*(\.swf|\.dcr|\.cct).*&fl=original&collapse=urlkey. The CBBC url is "www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc" but use to be "www.bbc.co.uk/childrens". This is everything that I can upload as of now. Be prepared for a lot of nostalgia. There doesn't seem to be like anything about them on the internet, like they've just been forgotten about. Not sure if anyone remembers some of the old CBBC games like Adventure Rock but found this game in particular and made a small video on it. and our Search the history of over 806 billion With 2000+ games available, you may be a little spoilt for choice, but members of the Stardot Forum have helped out by suggesting a list of the top 20 games, as voted by them. Draw, paint, create, colour in and try cool challenges in the ultimate art and design game, the CBBC Creative Lab. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, CBBC Barmy Aunt Boomerang Series 1 Episode 5.ia.mp4, CBBC Blue Peter Wednesday 11th October 2000.ia.mp4, CBBC Byker Grove Series 12 Episode 12.ia.mp4, CBBC Ethelbert the Tiger Series 1 Episode 5 Ethelbert and the Brown Bear.ia.mp4, CBBC Goosebumps Series 3 Episode 9 One Day at Horrorland Part 2.ia.mp4, CBBC One Continuity 24th December 2001.ia.mp4, Playdays The Roundabout Stop Animals Went in Two By Two.ia.mp4, 01 CBBC Breakfast Show opening (15th December 2000).mp4, Bodger and Badger - Series 4 Episode 3.mp4, Bodger and Badger - Series 5 Episode 5.mp4, Bodger and Badger - Series 5 Episode 6.mp4, CBBC Afternoon Continuity On One End Of Microscopic Milton Going Into Sheeep.mp4, CBBC Afternoon Continuity On One End Of Sheeep Going Into The Woddy Wood Pecker Show.mp4, CBBC Afternoon Continuity On One End Of Tweenies Going Into Microscopic Milton.mp4, CBBC Afternoon Continuity On One End Of the Woody Wood Pecker Show Going Into Theres A Viking In My.mp4, CBBC Afternoon Continuity On One Into Tweenies.mp4, CBBC Afternoon Continuity On One With Angelica Going Into William Wish Wellingtons.mp4, CBBC Afternoon Continuity On One With Liam End Of Pingu Going Into Tweenies.mp4, CBBC Another Afternoon Continuity Link On One With Angelica Going Into William Wish Wellingtons.mp4, CBBC Barmy Aunt Boomerang Series 1 Episode 5.mp4, CBBC Blue Peter Wednesday 11th October 2000.mp4, CBBC Brum Series 2 Episode Ice Skating.mp4, CBBC Byker Grove Series 12 Episode 12.mp4, CBBC Byker Grove Series 12 Episode 13.mp4, CBBC Chucklevision The Maltby Falcon Series 18 Episode 12.mp4, CBBC Dennis the Menace Menace Power.mp4, CBBC End of Blue Peter Into Alvin and the Chipmunks Full Episode.mp4, CBBC Ethelbert the Tiger Series 1 Episode 5 Ethelbert and the Brown Bear.mp4, CBBC Festive Morning Continuity On Two End Of Teletubbies Into Tweenies.mp4, CBBC Festive Morning Continuity On Two End Of Tweenies Into Pocket Dragons.mp4, CBBC Goosebumps Series 3 Episode 9 One Day at Horrorland Part 2.mp4, CBBC Insides Out Full Episode Presented By The Late Mark Speight.mp4, CBBC Lunchtime Continuity On Two End Of Bodger and Badger Into Secret Life Of Toys.mp4, CBBC Lunchtime Continuity On Two End Of Just So Stories and End Of Lunchtime CBBC.mp4, CBBC Lunchtime Continuity On Two End Of Secret Life Of Toys and End Of Lunchtime CBBC.mp4, CBBC Lunchtime Continuity With Emlin And Andrian Into Secret Life Of Toys.mp4, CBBC Lunchtime Contiunity On Two Into Just So Stories.mp4, CBBC Microscopic Milton Milton and The Bumble Bee.mp4, CBBC Monday Afternoon Continuity On One Going Into Tweenies.mp4, CBBC Monday Morning Continuity On Two End Of Tweenies Going Into Playdays.mp4, CBBC Morning Breakfast Show Continuity On Two End Of Noddy In Toyland Into Little Bear.mp4, CBBC Morning Continuity On Two End Of Raccoons and End Of CBBC.mp4, CBBC Newsround Full Episode From 2000.mp4, CBBC Newsround Review of the Year 2000.mp4, CBBC Newsround Thursday 12th October 2000.mp4, CBBC Newsround Wednesday 11th October 2000.mp4, CBBC One Continuity 24th December 2001.mp4, CBBC One Continuity into Live and Kicking 21 October 2000.mp4, CBBC Playdays Whybird Stop Full Episode 2.mp4, CBBC Pocket Dragons Disguise In Love With You.mp4, CBBC Pocket Dragons Malice With The Chalice.mp4, CBBC Romuld The Reindeer Series 1 Episode 1 Knitted Patterns.mp4, CBBC Short Xmas Morning Continuity With Michael and Angelica .wmv.mp4, CBBC Short Continuity Link Then Into Lampies Flash by Name Episode and Birthday Cards.mp4, CBBC Teletubbies Full Episode Dog Kennel.mp4, CBBC Teletubbles Kittens Full Episode.mp4, CBBC The Really Wild Show Trailer (2000).mp4, CBBC Thursday Morning Breakfast Show Continuity End Of William Wish Wellingtons and End Of CBBC Breakfast Sho.mp4, CBBC Tuesday Morning Breakfast Show Continuity On Two End Of Rugrats Going Into Dastardly and Muttle.mp4, CBBC Tuesday Morning Continuity End Of Little Bear Going Into 64 Zoo Lane.mp4, CBBC Tuesday Morning Continuity On Two End Of Tweenies Going Into Teletubbies.mp4, CBBC Two Lunchtime continuity December 2000.mp4, CBBC Two continuity 10th January 2001.mp4, CBBC Wednesday Afternoon Continuity On One End Of Tweenies Going Into Chucklevision.mp4, CBBC Wednesday Afternoon Continuity On One End Of Tweenies Into Microscopic Milton.mp4, CBBC Wednesday Lunchtime Continuity On Two End Of 1st Brum going Into The 2nd Of A Double Bill.mp4, CBBC Wednesday Lunchtime Continuity On Two End Of Postman Pat Going Into Greenclaws.mp4, CBBC Wednesday Lunchtime Continuity On Two End Of Teddy Trucks Going Into Postman Pat.mp4, CBBC Wednesday Morning Breakfast Show Continuity On Two End Of Little Bear Into Birthday Cards and T.mp4, CBBC Wild Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of 64 Zoo Lane Going Into Just So Stories.mp4, CBBC Wild Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of Just So Stories Going Into Birthday Cards and Teletu.mp4, CBBC Wild Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of Teletubbies Going Into Tweenies.mp4, CBBC Wild Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of Tweenies Then Into Friday Afternoon Continuity On On.mp4, CBBC Wild Week Morning Continuity On Two Into 64 Zoo Lane.mp4, CBBC Wimbledon Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of Angelmouse and End Of CBBC.mp4, CBBC Wimbledon Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of Fireman Sam Going Into Angelmouse.mp4, CBBC Wimbledon Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of Fireman Sam and End Of CBBC.mp4, CBBC Wimbledon Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of Teletubbies Going Into Tweenies (1).mp4, CBBC Wimbledon Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of Teletubbies Going Into Tweenies.mp4, CBBC Wimbledon Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of Tweenies Going Into Fireman Sam.mp4, GYOB Gunge - Ian The Bank Manager - 2001 Year.mp4, GYOB Gunge - Paul The Policeman - 2001 Year.mp4, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 1 & 2 28-01-2001.mp4, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 11 & 12 04-03-2001.mp4, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 13 & 14 11-03-2001.mp4, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 15 & 16 18-03-2001.mp4, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 17 & 18 25-03-2001.mp4, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 19 & 20 01-04-2001.mp4, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 3 & 4 04-02-2001.mp4, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 5 6 11022001.mp4, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 7 & 8 18-02-2001.mp4, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 9 & 10 25-02-2001.mp4, Hububb - 5x13 - Old Friends (1 of 2) LAST EVER EPISODE.mp4, Hububb - 5x13 - Old Friends LAST EVER EPISODE (2 of 2).mp4, Hububb - 5x4 - To Cap It All (1 of 2).mp4, Hububb - 5x4 - To Cap It All (2 of 2).mp4, Hububb - 5x8 - Dr Woo and the Kelads (1 of 2).mp4, Hububb - 5x8 - Dr Woo and the Kelads (2 of 2).mp4, Live And Kicking Opening - 21 October 2000.mp4, Live and Kicking - 23rd December 2000.mp4, Live and Kicking - Opening (14.10.00).mp4, Live and Kicking 13th January 2001 (2).mp4, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S02E01(380P).mp4, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S02E02 (380P).mp4, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S02E03(380P).mp4, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S02E04(380P).mp4, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S02E05(380P).mp4, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S02E06(380P).mp4, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S03E01(380P).mp4, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S03E02(380P).mp4, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S03E03(380P).mp4, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S03E04(380P).mp4, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S03E05(380P).mp4, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S03E06(380P).mp4, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S03E07(380P).mp4, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S03E08(380P).mp4, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S04E01(380P).mp4, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S04E02(380P).mp4, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S04E03(380P).mp4, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S04E05(380P).mp4, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S04E06 The Nice Sumatran(380P).mp4, Newsround (end) - 12th September 2001.mp4, Playdays - Roundabout Stop - I Saw A Ship A Sailing.mp4, Playdays - Roundabout Stop - The Little Green Frog.mp4, Playdays The Roundabout Stop Animals Went in Two By Two.mp4, Star Special Edition 7th January 2001.mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 1).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 10).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 11).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 12).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 13).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 14).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 15).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 16).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 17).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 18).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 19).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 2).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 20).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 21).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 22).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 23).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 24).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 25).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 3).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 4).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 5).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 6).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 7).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 8).mp4, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 9).mp4, Bodger and Badger - Series 4 Episode 3.ogv, Bodger and Badger - Series 5 Episode 5.ogv, Bodger and Badger - Series 5 Episode 6.ogv, CBBC Afternoon Continuity On One End Of Microscopic Milton Going Into Sheeep.ogv, CBBC Afternoon Continuity On One End Of Sheeep Going Into The Woddy Wood Pecker Show.ogv, CBBC Afternoon Continuity On One End Of Tweenies Going Into Microscopic Milton.ogv, CBBC Afternoon Continuity On One End Of the Woody Wood Pecker Show Going Into Theres A Viking In My.ogv, CBBC Afternoon Continuity On One Into Tweenies.ogv, CBBC Afternoon Continuity On One With Angelica Going Into William Wish Wellingtons.ogv, CBBC Afternoon Continuity On One With Liam End Of Pingu Going Into Tweenies.ogv, CBBC Another Afternoon Continuity Link On One With Angelica Going Into William Wish Wellingtons.ogv, CBBC Barmy Aunt Boomerang Series 1 Episode 5.ogv, CBBC Blue Peter Wednesday 11th October 2000.ogv, CBBC Brum Series 2 Episode Ice Skating.ogv, CBBC Byker Grove Series 12 Episode 12.ogv, CBBC Byker Grove Series 12 Episode 13.ogv, CBBC Chucklevision The Maltby Falcon Series 18 Episode 12.ogv, CBBC Dennis the Menace Menace Power.ogv, CBBC End of Blue Peter Into Alvin and the Chipmunks Full Episode.ogv, CBBC Ethelbert the Tiger Series 1 Episode 5 Ethelbert and the Brown Bear.ogv, CBBC Festive Morning Continuity On Two End Of Teletubbies Into Tweenies.ogv, CBBC Festive Morning Continuity On Two End Of Tweenies Into Pocket Dragons.ogv, CBBC Goosebumps Series 3 Episode 9 One Day at Horrorland Part 2.ogv, CBBC Insides Out Full Episode Presented By The Late Mark Speight.ogv, CBBC Lunchtime Continuity On Two End Of Bodger and Badger Into Secret Life Of Toys.ogv, CBBC Lunchtime Continuity On Two End Of Just So Stories and End Of Lunchtime CBBC.ogv, CBBC Lunchtime Continuity On Two End Of Secret Life Of Toys and End Of Lunchtime CBBC.ogv, CBBC Lunchtime Continuity With Emlin And Andrian Into Secret Life Of Toys.ogv, CBBC Lunchtime Contiunity On Two Into Just So Stories.ogv, CBBC Microscopic Milton Milton and The Bumble Bee.ogv, CBBC Monday Afternoon Continuity On One Going Into Tweenies.ogv, CBBC Monday Morning Continuity On Two End Of Tweenies Going Into Playdays.ogv, CBBC Morning Breakfast Show Continuity On Two End Of Noddy In Toyland Into Little Bear.ogv, CBBC Morning Continuity On Two End Of Raccoons and End Of CBBC.ogv, CBBC Newsround Full Episode From 2000.ogv, CBBC Newsround Review of the Year 2000.ogv, CBBC Newsround Thursday 12th October 2000.ogv, CBBC One Continuity 24th December 2001.ogv, CBBC One Continuity into Live and Kicking 21 October 2000.ogv, CBBC Playdays Whybird Stop Full Episode 2.ogv, CBBC Pocket Dragons Disguise In Love With You.ogv, CBBC Pocket Dragons Malice With The Chalice.ogv, CBBC Romuld The Reindeer Series 1 Episode 1 Knitted Patterns.ogv, CBBC Short Xmas Morning Continuity With Michael and Angelica .wmv.ogv, CBBC Short Continuity Link Then Into Lampies Flash by Name Episode and Birthday Cards.ogv, CBBC Teletubbies Full Episode Dog Kennel.ogv, CBBC Teletubbles Kittens Full Episode.ogv, CBBC The Really Wild Show Trailer (2000).ogv, CBBC Thursday Morning Breakfast Show Continuity End Of William Wish Wellingtons and End Of CBBC Breakfast Sho.ogv, CBBC Tuesday Morning Breakfast Show Continuity On Two End Of Rugrats Going Into Dastardly and Muttle.ogv, CBBC Tuesday Morning Continuity End Of Little Bear Going Into 64 Zoo Lane.ogv, CBBC Tuesday Morning Continuity On Two End Of Tweenies Going Into Teletubbies.ogv, CBBC Two Lunchtime continuity December 2000.ogv, CBBC Two continuity 10th January 2001.ogv, CBBC Wednesday Afternoon Continuity On One End Of Tweenies Going Into Chucklevision.ogv, CBBC Wednesday Afternoon Continuity On One End Of Tweenies Into Microscopic Milton.ogv, CBBC Wednesday Lunchtime Continuity On Two End Of 1st Brum going Into The 2nd Of A Double Bill.ogv, CBBC Wednesday Lunchtime Continuity On Two End Of Postman Pat Going Into Greenclaws.ogv, CBBC Wednesday Lunchtime Continuity On Two End Of Teddy Trucks Going Into Postman Pat.ogv, CBBC Wednesday Morning Breakfast Show Continuity On Two End Of Little Bear Into Birthday Cards and T.ogv, CBBC Wild Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of 64 Zoo Lane Going Into Just So Stories.ogv, CBBC Wild Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of Just So Stories Going Into Birthday Cards and Teletu.ogv, CBBC Wild Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of Teletubbies Going Into Tweenies.ogv, CBBC Wild Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of Tweenies Then Into Friday Afternoon Continuity On On.ogv, CBBC Wild Week Morning Continuity On Two Into 64 Zoo Lane.ogv, CBBC Wimbledon Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of Angelmouse and End Of CBBC.ogv, CBBC Wimbledon Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of Fireman Sam Going Into Angelmouse.ogv, CBBC Wimbledon Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of Fireman Sam and End Of CBBC.ogv, CBBC Wimbledon Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of Teletubbies Going Into Tweenies (1).ogv, CBBC Wimbledon Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of Teletubbies Going Into Tweenies.ogv, CBBC Wimbledon Week Morning Continuity On Two End Of Tweenies Going Into Fireman Sam.ogv, GYOB Gunge - Ian The Bank Manager - 2001 Year.ogv, GYOB Gunge - Paul The Policeman - 2001 Year.ogv, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 1 & 2 28-01-2001.ogv, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 11 & 12 04-03-2001.ogv, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 13 & 14 11-03-2001.ogv, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 15 & 16 18-03-2001.ogv, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 17 & 18 25-03-2001.ogv, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 19 & 20 01-04-2001.ogv, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 3 & 4 04-02-2001.ogv, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 5 6 11022001.ogv, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 7 & 8 18-02-2001.ogv, Grange Hill Series 24 Episodes 9 & 10 25-02-2001.ogv, Hububb - 5x13 - Old Friends (1 of 2) LAST EVER EPISODE.ogv, Hububb - 5x13 - Old Friends LAST EVER EPISODE (2 of 2).ogv, Hububb - 5x4 - To Cap It All (1 of 2).ogv, Hububb - 5x4 - To Cap It All (2 of 2).ogv, Hububb - 5x8 - Dr Woo and the Kelads (1 of 2).ogv, Hububb - 5x8 - Dr Woo and the Kelads (2 of 2).ogv, Live And Kicking Opening - 21 October 2000.ogv, Live and Kicking - 23rd December 2000.ogv, Live and Kicking - Opening (14.10.00).ogv, Live and Kicking 13th January 2001 (2).ogv, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S02E01(380P).ogv, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S02E02 (380P).ogv, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S02E03(380P).ogv, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S02E04(380P).ogv, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S02E05(380P).ogv, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S02E06(380P).ogv, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S03E01(380P).ogv, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S03E02(380P).ogv, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S03E03(380P).ogv, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S03E04(380P).ogv, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S03E05(380P).ogv, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S03E06(380P).ogv, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S03E07(380P).ogv, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S03E08(380P).ogv, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S04E01(380P).ogv, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S04E02(380P).ogv, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S04E03(380P).ogv, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S04E05(380P).ogv, Maid Marian and her Merry Men S04E06 The Nice Sumatran(380P).ogv, Newsround (end) - 12th September 2001.ogv, Playdays - Roundabout Stop - I Saw A Ship A Sailing.ogv, Playdays - Roundabout Stop - The Little Green Frog.ogv, Playdays The Roundabout Stop Animals Went in Two By Two.ogv, Star Special Edition 7th January 2001.ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 1).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 10).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 11).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 12).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 13).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 14).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 15).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 16).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 17).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 18).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 19).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 2).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 20).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 21).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 22).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 23).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 24).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 25).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 3).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 4).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 5).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 6).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 7).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 8).ogv, Tweenies - Christmas Countdown (Number 9).ogv, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014).
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