avengers fanfiction peter bloated
"Since high school started." Even with Peter's powers all of Flash's hits really hurt. You lied to us, Mr. But what happened when the Avengers wake up to see a young man humming to himself as he cleaned up the mess of the floor, without Spider-Man anywhere in sight?What happens when they realise Spider-Man is a twink? A single beat, a single breath them for themselves. "Oh," the boy breathes, hands raised in a position of surrender. He could never defend himself though. Peter met Tony's gaze. "I am a natural-language user interface created by Mr. Stark. "Why don't you fight back?" Work Search: What he discovered shocks him to his core as Peter is now forced to look at his teammates and his life differently. Just a warning to anyone sensitive to gory descriptions and things like that. "Because I can't risk revealing Spiderman. Steve to carry peter to med bay. Except May Parker. Same goes for the rest of you; if they catch you doing anything, my ass will be handed to me.". Tony blinked, glancing between the suspicious looking Avengers and Peter. AKA Peter gets railed by his friends & teammates and absolutely loves it. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Surely they'll be more concerned with whoever attacked the tower than the fact that Peter is Spider-man, right? Read to find out. He's in trouble. 5 Times The Avengers Scared Peter unluckyolive Summary: .and one time Peter scared the Avengers. I'm sure you saw it." Peter wants Daddy's attention. Work Search: "Morning guys" I tried saying happily, but was accompained with a hiss. Peter's eye throbs painfully after webbing a mugger against the wall of a small store. ", Bucky pulled Peter into a hug. Right now, he was sitting in his last class of the day, waiting for the bell to ring. Its not like he was in trouble, but part of him didnt know if he could handle another civil war. (Continuation of "the list of things i'd do for you is never-ending." "What the hell is going on out here? ain't no sunshine by butmomilovemyboys "Spidey! If all he gets is a broken nose after a long night of patrol, Peter considers himself lucky.A lot of vigilante things were lost on Tony, such as bad PR. Peter ends up getting something else. Bucky said. I'm sorry I can't remember who requested this! From inside the car, he can only make out the bottom of the massive 'A' that's plastered against the top of the Tower. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). At SI, Peter Parker bows to no one, especially not to an entitled brat like Flash Thompson or this asshole from the military who came to stir up trouble. You don't have to hide the fact that you have a son from us, you know. Peter Parker/Pepper Potts - Works | Archive of Our Own The containment of half of the former Avengers team following what the media dubbed "The Civil War" shook the public. Bucky turned back around. "Did they treat you guys well over there? She wouldnt know. Six years later, on one of the final raids on the Hydra bases, they find an enhanced assassin, with super strength and the ability to climb walls. IM SORRY MARVEL UNIVERSE, I HAVE MISTREATED YOU LIKE I DO WITH EVRY FANDOM EVER. "Let me see your face." (A story to share my love of omega jewelry and the possibilities of vagina dentata / female alphas in an a/b/o world. At this tense moment, Thor and Loki, who was Peter's blood brother arrives from Asgard and tried to make things better for Peter. It'll grant you access to multiple floors, but I only want you on this one. ", Bucky nodded. "Never bully Peter again. "Don't". Steve turns back around to face the other. It was a sunny day, with the birds singing and the sun raising, and His Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman curled in his bed at the Avengers Compound, for a simple stomachache. L'un comme l'autre vont devoir s'adapter ce nouveau quotidien plac sous le signe de l'inconnu, entre surprises et dconvenues - et, peut-tre, dcouvrir la signification du mot "famille"(Mais pourquoi faut-il quun drle de machin extra-terrestre ait choisi cet instant pour dcider de faire des siennes en ville ?!). Peter Parker groaned. It's just like any other night, right? Stark. She whips around, an intenseness akin to fury blazing in her brown eyes. Tony is there as well, he's trying his best. He asked without looking up from the newspaper. "Pete, come to eat" Cap said signalling a bunch of pancakes. He, Bucky, Sam, Clint and Wanda gather loosely in the living room, with Steve and Bucky conversing quietly in one corner, Sam and Clint reading on the couches, and Wanda sitting alone at the counter, drawing scarlet shapes in the air absentmindedly with her fingers. ", "This floor can only be accessed by people with a high-status badge." Ein Kind, das keine andere Wahl besitzt. "You told us the child is only an intern. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). Reassuring," Peter says flatly. Bucky asked. Peter presses his face against the glass walls of the elevator, watching the streets beneath them as they begin their ascend. Now he's missing and nobody can find him to tell him that Tony survived. I can ask Ned if I can stay over at his. As Wanda is ready to leave, she pauses at the door, looking back over her shoulder. Just leave it. Thank you so much! Saba que estaba siendo dramtico, siempre lo era. "So you don't hate me? She pats his shoulder one more time, gives him a watery smile, and leaves without a word. Clint sighs. My stepdad will beat me if he ever sees this.READ TAGS PLEASE. I saw the clock and it was 6:30, I have school. Where you at?" It's Sam Wilson's voice calling for him. I'm going to be completely honest and say that i'm solely writing this because i came across this fic and felt so sad for peter and wanted some sort of comfort, so i made my own extra chapter. But while Peter believes that hes finally gotten a decent handle on his new powers, he quickly discovers that theres a lot more to being an unofficial Avenger than the ability to climb walls. ", Wanda tilts her head. Every avengers looked up from their places at Peter who waved an awkward Hi. "Mr. Stark! Why Would I Tell Him About The Churro? Happy gives him a look, and opens the door for him. But after a horrible accident, she begins to feel a rage growing inside her, a rage focused on the person responsible for tearing apart her family: Spider-Man. 2. "How come you avoid me? (i was 14 when i wrote this please look away..) Chapter 1: Father Figure Notes: Doch sein Leben ndert sich als die Avengers ihn finden, als sie ihn retten. Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, and Steve Rogers do everything in their power to help him. Almost all of the Avengers were in the room, one holding a gun and one with a knife. Flash scoffed. Peter interrupts quickly. "He's a special case. He vanished into thin air, no traces left behind, when he was eight years old. Sure, the Avengers get some bad PR, but never J. Jonah. They left into the elevator and Peter took Bucky to flash's house. My eyes were wide for a milisecond and returned to normal inmediately, but uncle Bucky and aunt Nat noticed, "I-I am gonna eat something on my way to school" I said trying to avoid Nat's and Bucky's gaze, "Oh" Steve said a little shocked, but let it slide, "Hey little brother, do you wanna watch a movie later, I want to watch The parent trap" Wanda said, I smiled, but turned to a grimace when my stomach lurched forward "S-sure, well I am late bye" I said trying to run to the door to meet Pepper there, "That is weakness, I am not weak" (Natasha Romanoff), "Who sprayed bug reppellant?" He raises his hand in a brief wave. Prompts are welcome. They were more than a team; in the rocky road of saving the universe, lives lost in the rubble and bullets leaving holes in what once was a whole soul they were a beating heart. Tony, there are so many rooms on the other floors, so why this one?". They'll be back in a few days." Unwilling to take one day patrol off. Penny Parker is the 'Spectacular Spider-Woman.' When he does, his eyes widen comically, one hand coming up to stifle a loud gasp. For Parkner Halloween Week Day Two: Spiders, Scary Stories, I feel like Im being watched.. You can be the boss, daddy, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Peter peers up at the slightly daunting building. "Nothing it's fine." If Wanda notices Tony following her to her room, she doesn't acknowledge it. Crushed, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Peter didn't like small spaces, and he definitely did not like being trapped under buildings. Happy swipes a badge over a scanner and presses the 30th floor. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). Does Tony actually see him as his kid? Peter tried to swallow the lump in his throat, not wanting to cry, although no one would hear him. Mister Stark. While Tony is being honoured with a medal at the White House, Peter and Pepper sneak away to the Oval Office for some fun. Peter has to manage his school life along with his vigilante life, while also figuring out his relationship with Tony (and Mj). He tried to protect his head as much as possible, but he knew that most of his ribs must have been broken. He glances down at his watch and stands up. Flash walked away laughing and Peter sat there panting. Suddenly Peter is irresistible to the women in his life and now must cope with his new situation. WIP (I'm writing this as I go and there is a possibility this won't ever get finished, just FYI), Peter Parker, orphelin plac dans une famille d'accueil depuis plusieurs annes, apprend que :1) Son pre est en vie ;2) Son pre a accept de l'accueillir chez lui ;3) Son pre est TONY STARK ;4) IL VA VIVRE AVEC TONY STARK.A partir de cet instant, sa vie prend un tournant inattendu.Tony Stark peut en dire autant : ce n'est pas non plus vident d'apprendre, du jour au lendemain, qu'un ado de quatorze ans partage son patrimoine gntique, ainsi qu'un got immodr pour le risque (comme l'en tmoigne cet trange pyjama bleu et rouge que Peter cache dans sa valise). Happy glances at Peter. And then Tony realizes what she's doing. Pepper attempts at the door, the tips of her manicured nails just clicking over it multiple times in a tipsy knock. Bruce tony worried. Spider-Man saved people's lives then, and he still does. The Avengers almost immediately snapped to attention as soon as the words left his mouth, and he saw his mentor grow visibly tense in front of him. How patriotic." ", Peter feels himself flare at the label, but doesn't do so much as stand there awkwardly, fiddling with the hem of his sleeves.
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